江苏南亿迪纳数字科技发展有限公司 Apps

南京奔驰管家 2.0.6
南京奔驰管家 -- 您爱车的私车医生、保镖、救援队、4S助理和车友会!“南京奔驰管家”是针对奔驰车主开发的一款APP手机软件。通过将智能车载终端与自己的奔驰爱车绑定,就能实时获得爱车的各项信息(实时油耗、车辆轨迹、发动机报警等),享受保养提醒、安全保护、周边信息、车友娱乐等各种贴心服务,甚至是在遇到危险时第一时间获得主动援助和保险处理。安装最新版应用后,您可以在登陆界面点击“游客登录”体验全新奔驰管家。Nanjing Benz housekeeper- your car private car doctors, bodyguards, rescue teams, 4Sassistant and car lovers!"Nanjing Benz steward" is for the development of a Mercedes-Benzowners APP mobile software. Through the intelligent vehicleterminal with its own bindings Benz car, you can get all theinformation on the car's real-time (real-time fuel consumption,vehicle trajectory, engine alarm, etc.), and enjoy maintenancereminders, security protection, peripheral information,entertainment and other riders a variety of thoughtful services,and even the first time to obtain active assistance and insuranceprocessing in the face of danger. After installing the latest version of the application, thelogin screen you can click on the "Guest Login" experience a newMercedes-Benz housekeeper.
汽车360 1.3.3
您想了解更多的车况信息吗? 想随时知道您的车况吗?爱车超过保养维修期了吗?大灯不关就离开车辆,电池被耗光了吗?你的车耗油吗? ......驾乘者最大的需求是行车安全和对车况的透明性、知情权、以及用车无忧。“汽车360”, 是集车辆贴身医生、安全保卫、私车管理、汽车互联网为一体的综合服务体系。采用了DiNA科技独创的GIDV360智能车载终端, 它与车辆ECU、CAN等总线通过OBD相连,可提供对车辆的智慧感知,未来还将提供网络车牌、网络泛在通信等功能,目前可适配全球500多种车型。“汽车360” 功能:■油耗里程驾驶习惯打开手机就能掌握车辆的驾驶数据,通过对比百公里油耗、油费、平均速度、不良驾驶习惯等数据,帮助您逐渐改进驾驶习惯,减少油费开支。■车况检测360°的车辆体检,并详解异常问题的故障位置和原因,让您具备自我诊断车辆问题的能力。■安全信息实时监控您的车况,并发送相应的提醒消息到您的手机,车辆异常问题早发现才能解决。■违章查询闯红灯了?!超速了?!违章了?!…… 各类违章不用烦,吃了罚单早知道Condition you want toknow more information yet? Want to get to know your vehicle init?Car over maintenance of it?Do not leave the vehicle headlights off, the battery is swallowedit?Your car fuel it? ......Occupants biggest demand is for traffic safety and the conditionof transparency, right to information, as well as worry-freecar."Car 360", is a vehicle personal physician, security, private carmanagement, automotive Internet integrated service systemintegration. Technology uses a unique GID V360 DiNA intelligentvehicle terminal, it is with the vehicle ECU, CAN bus via OBD, etc.connected to the wisdom of the vehicle can provide the perceptionthat the future will provide a network license, ubiquitous networkcommunications and other functions, can be adapted to the currentGlobal 500 kinds of models."Car 360" feature:■ fuel mileage driving habitsOpen the phone will be able to master the driving data of thevehicle, by contrast hundred kilometers, fuel costs, average speed,bad driving habits and other data to help you gradually improvedriving habits to reduce fuel costs expenses.■ condition detection360 ° vehicle examination and explain the reason for the faultlocation and unusual problems, so you have the ability toself-diagnose vehicle problems.■ Safety InformationReal-time monitoring of your condition, and send the appropriatealert messages to your cell phone, vehicle early detection to solveunusual problems.■ illegal queryRan a red light? ! Speeding up? ! Violation of? ! ...... All kindsof illegal do not bother to eat the ticket Knew
车行者 3.9.5
您想了解您的车况真实信息吗?想随时查看您的爱车信息吗?您的爱车是否需要保养了呢?爱车在陌生环境下安全么?事故时,如何第一时间锁定您的车辆位置?您的车耗油吗?省电吗? ......驾乘者最需要的是行车安全和对车况的知情权,以及减少车辆损耗“车行者”,是集车辆贴身医生、安全保卫、4S助理、4S服务、私车管理、车友服务、汽车社区、汽车互联网为一体的综合服务体系。采用了DiNA科技独创的GID(Global,or GeneID)智能终端,可提供对车辆的智慧感知,未来还将提供网络车牌、网络泛在通信等功能,目前可适配全球500多种车型。“车行者”(部分)功能:■贴身医生,安全护航-行前自检:出行前,实时诊断车辆发动机等全方位参数状况,给安全出行提供参考-故障报警:行车途中,随时在线诊断,发现故障即刻报警■安全保卫,“高枕无忧”-碰撞与故障报警:当车辆发生故障或触碰,GID传感器会把能感受到的故障碰撞通过手机即刻通知车主-定位跟踪:当车辆被盗后,车行者会进行实时位置跟踪及显示行车历史,协助有关机构帮您及时锁定爱车■4S助理,乐享驾程-保养提醒:及时、准确地为您提供保养、维护到期提醒,保证爱车及时得到养护,保障行车安全-油耗计算:提供百公里油耗统计,并不断地告知客户每百公里油耗的分析结果,......-故障码提醒:当行车途中遇到车辆故障,或车辆出现疑似问题,首先可以检查是否存在故障码并督促车主尽快联系附近的4S店,以期及时得到服务■车友服务,娱乐无穷-轨迹分享:通过车辆轨迹共享,可以实现轨迹导航,告诉朋友们如何到达未曾去过的地方、或者没有明确地址的地方,让车友们“按图索骥”You want to know the realcondition of your information you? Want to keep track ofinformation about your car do?Whether your car needs maintenance of it? Car in an unfamiliarenvironment safe?Accident, how to lock your first time vehicle location?Fuel your car do? Saving you? ......Occupants need most is traffic safety and condition of the rightto information, and reduce vehicle wear and tear"Dealers who" is a set of personal vehicles doctors, security,4S assistant, 4S service, private car management, bikers, carcommunity, car internet for an integrated service system.Technology used DiNA original GID (Global, or Gene ID) intelligentterminal, the vehicle can provide IntelliSense, the future willprovide network license plates, ubiquitous communications networkand other functions, is currently the world can fit more than 500kinds of models."Dealers who" (part) function:■ personal doctors, security escort- Before self: Before travel, real-time diagnostic parameters suchas full vehicle engine conditions, to provide a reference to travelsafely- Fault Alarm: traffic on the way, at any time online diagnostics,found fault alarm instantly■ security, "peace of mind"- Collision with failure alarm: When a vehicle malfunction ortouch, GID sensor fault collision will feel immediately notify theowner via cell phone- Locating and tracking: When a vehicle is stolen, the car dealerswho will carry out real-time location tracking and display drivinghistory, to assist the relevant authorities in a timely manner tohelp you lock your car■ 4S assistant fun in driving range- Maintenance reminder: timely and accurate manner to provide youwith service, maintenance expiration reminder, to ensure timely carmaintenance, to ensure road safety- Fuel consumption is calculated as follows: to provide one hundredkilometers fuel consumption statistics, and continue to advisecustomers fuel consumption per hundred kilometers analysis results......- Fault code reminder: When driving on the way encountered avehicle breakdown, or vehicle the suspected problem, first checkwhether there is a fault code can and urge owners to contact assoon as possible near the 4S shop, in order to receive timelyservice■ bikers services, entertainment infinite- Track Share: vehicle trajectory through sharing can be achievedtrajectory navigation, telling friends how to reach never been tothe place, or where there is no clear address, so that the faithfulcar "what you want"
车掌柜 3.9.1
“车掌柜”专注于企业车队管理,可帮助企业解决车辆管理难、司机管理难、运营成本高等诸多难题。“车掌柜”采用最先进的物联网技术,其核心功能:车辆智慧感知(实时仪表盘、车辆跟踪、行车轨迹分段、车辆档案管理)、车辆及时关怀(碰撞、低电压、拖吊、电子栅栏、断电或离线、故障、年检保险及保养等到期提醒)、司机隐形管理(实现司机考勤、及时关怀、快速追溯责任人)、组织机构分级管理(车队分级管理、统计报表纵览)等让企业管理人员随时随地、快速直观、无忧管理车队,节约大量成本。“车掌柜”主要功能■车辆管理,高效省心-档案管理:车辆基本档案、购车档案、保险档案、运营档案一览无余-轨迹分段:可查看车辆的行车记录,根据车辆的点火熄火时间分段显示。-运营监控:在地图上实时查询车辆所在位置,设置电子栅栏“违规”自动报警。■司机管理,精准人性-人车匹配:司机出行前进行车辆映射匹配,何人何时驾驶何车,一目了然,杜绝公车私用。■全盘管理,应用广泛-适用于企业车队管理、外包车队、政府车辆管理等多种形式的车队管理需求-提供统计报表:可随时查阅子部门月度车辆使用情况及对应车辆的油耗、里程与百公里耗油分析等。车掌柜,让企业免建设、免维护地拥有高效全能的车队管理体系,降本增效。"Car treasurer" focus oncorporate fleet management, vehicle management can help companiessolve difficult, driver management difficult, higher operatingcosts and many other problems. "Vehicle manager" using the mostadvanced networking technology, its core functions: perceptionwisdom vehicle (real-time dashboards, vehicle tracking, sub-lanetrack, vehicle records management), vehicle timely care (collision,low voltage, towing, electronic fences, power or offline, fault,insurance and maintenance inspection expiration reminder), thedriver invisible management (realization driver attendance, timelycare, quick retrospective responsible), the organizationhierarchical management (team classification management,statistical reports overview), etc. let business executivesanywhere, fast and intuitive, hassle-free fleet management,significant cost savings."Car treasurer" The main function■ vehicle management, efficient and worry- File management: basic file vehicle, car archives, insurancefiles, file operations glance- Track segments: You can view the driving record of the vehicle,according to the ignition flame time vehicle segment display.- Operational monitoring: real-time queries on a map the locationof the vehicle, set the electronic fence "illegal" automaticalarm.■ driver management, accurate humanity- People and vehicles to match: the vehicle before the drivertravel map matching, who when driving what car, at a glance, toeliminate Gongjusiyong.■ overall management, widely used- Applicable to various forms of fleet management needs ofenterprise fleet management, outsourcing fleet management and othergovernment vehicles- Providing statistical reports: ready access to the sub-sectormonthly vehicle usage and the corresponding vehicle fuelconsumption, mileage and 100 km fuel consumption analysis.Car treasurer, allow enterprises to free construction,maintenance Almighty to have efficient fleet management systems,cost efficiency.
驾驶伙伴 1.0
出行前,您的车况正常吗?爱车超过保养维修期您担心吗?将车停放在陌生环境害怕被盗吗?遇到事故时,如何让救援方第一时间找到你?遇到碰擦,想让保险公司即刻为您解决事故吗?家人在路上安全吗?车出发到哪里了还需要不断电话询问吗?您的车辆耗油还正常么?。。。。。。驾乘者最大的需求是行车安全和对车况的透明性、知情权、以及用车无忧。“驾驶伙伴”,是集车辆贴身医生、安全保卫、行车助理、私车管理、车友服务、汽车社区、汽车互联网为一体的综合服务体系。采用了GID(Global,orGene ID)智能终端,它与车辆ECU、CAN等总线通过OBD相连,可提供对车辆的智慧感知,未来还将提供网络车牌、网络泛在通信等功能。“驾驶伙伴”(部分)功能:■贴身医生,安全护航-行前自检:出行前,实时诊断车辆发动机等全方位参数状况,给安全出行提供参考-故障报警:行车途中,随时在线诊断,发现故障即刻报警-常规报告:可随时查看行车状态的常规诊断报告和故障码,获得自动的车况参考与提醒■安全保卫,“高枕无忧”-碰撞与故障报警:当车辆发生故障或触碰,GID传感器会把能感受到的故障和碰撞通过手机即刻通知到车主-定位跟踪:当车辆被盗后,会进行实时位置跟踪及显示行车历史,协助有关机构帮您及时找回爱车■行车助理,乐享驾程-保养提醒:及时、准确地为您提供保养、维护到期提醒,保证爱车及时得到养护,保障行车安全-油耗计算:提供百公里油耗统计,并不断地告知客户每百公里油耗的分析结果-故障码提醒:当行车途中遇到车辆故障,或车辆出现疑似问题,首先可以检查是否存在故障码并督促车主尽快联系附近的4S店,以期及时得到服务-轨迹分段:帮助车主随时了解、记忆、查找某时某刻车辆的轨迹、停留时间、经停点等信息■车友服务,娱乐无穷-轨迹分享:通过车辆轨迹共享,可以实现轨迹导航,告诉朋友们如何到达未曾去过的地方、或者没有明确地址的地方,让车友们“按图索骥”-车友定位:输入车牌号码或车辆别名,就可以找到任何您想要找的“朋友”的位置-便捷生活:使用者可以根据爱车惠提供的一定互联服务,再次创造出更多的玩法和车友互联的服务Before traveling,yourcondition normal?Maintenance of your car over worry?Park your car in an unfamiliar environment afraid stolen it?Case of emergency, how to make the rescue party to find youthefirst time?Encounter grazing, want to solve your insurance companyimmediatelyaccident it?Family on the road safe?Starting the car where you still need to keep the phone toaskit?Your vehicle fuel also normal?. . . . . .Occupants biggest demand is driving safety and conditionoftransparency, right to information, as well asworry-freecar."Driving partner", is set vehicle personal doctor, security,trafficassistant, private car management, bikers, car community,AutomotiveInternet for a comprehensive service system integration.With a GID(Global, or Gene ID) intelligent terminal, which thevehicle ECU,CAN bus, etc. are connected via OBD, can provide thevehicleperceived wisdom, the future will provide network licenseplate,ubiquitous network communications and other functions.       "Driving partner" (part) function:■ personal doctors, security escort- Front-line self-test: Before travel, real-timediagnosticparameters such as full vehicle engine condition, areference tosafe travel- Failure alarm: Traffic on the way, at any time onlinediagnosis,immediately find fault alarm- General Report: You can always see the routine diagnostictroublecodes and driving status reports, access to automatedreference andreminder condition■ security, "peace of mind"- Collision and fault alarm: When a vehicle malfunction ortouch,fault and collision sensors GID will feel instantly notifiedbyphone to the owner- Location Tracking: When the vehicle is stolen, it willdisplayreal-time location tracking and driving history, to assisttheagency in a timely manner to help you retrieve your car■ lane assistant, fun in driving away- Maintenance Reminder: timely and accurate manner to provideyouwith maintenance, maintenance expiration reminder, to ensuretheconservation of the car in a timely manner to ensuretrafficsafety- Fuel consumption is calculated as follows: to providestatisticshundred kilometers, and continue to advise customers ofeveryhundred kilometers of the analysis results- Fault code reminder: When driving on the way encountered avehiclebreakdown, or suspected problems arise vehicles can firstcheckwhether there is a fault code and urge owners to contact thenearest4S shop as soon as possible, in order to receivetimelyservice- Track segments: help owners keep abreast of memory, a momenttofind the trajectory of a vehicle, the residence time,stoppingpoints and other information■ bikers service, endless entertainment- Track Share: share by vehicle trajectory, the trajectorycannavigate to tell my friends how to get to places never visited,orwhere there is no clear address, so that the faithful car,"whatyou want"- Riders orientation: Enter the vehicle license plate number oranalias, you can find whatever you're looking for a"friend"position- Convenient Life: Users can benefit certaininterconnectionservices provided by the car again to create moregames are playedand riders Internet service
尊荣亿方 1.1
出行前,您的车况正常吗?爱车超过保养维修期您担心吗?将车停放在陌生环境害怕被盗吗?遇到事故时,如何让你的家人第一时间找到你的车辆位置?大灯不关就离开车辆,担心电池被耗光吗?下大雨还有电吗?;你的车耗油吗?驾乘者最大的需求是行车安全和对车况的透明性、知情权、和用车无忧。“尊荣亿方”,是集车辆贴身医生、安全保卫、4S助理、私车管理、车友服务、汽车社区、汽车互联网为一体专门为尊荣亿方集团的客户提供的的综合服务体系。采用了GID(Global,or;Gene;ID)智能终端,并与车辆ECU通过CAN等总线相连,提供了车辆的智慧感知、网络车牌、网络泛在通信三大功能,使得汽车具备了上网并与周边交互的能力。可适用于全球500多种车型的OBD感知和大多数车型的深度感知。,“尊荣亿方”功能■贴身医生,安全护航行前自检:出行前,实时诊断车辆发动机等全方位参数状况,防患未然,保障出行安全故障报警:行车途中,随时在线诊断,发现故障即刻报警,告知故障并提供就近维修点的POI常规报告:可随时查看行车状态的常规诊断报告和故障码■安全保卫,安枕无忧定位跟踪;当车辆被盗后,车行者会进行实时位置跟踪及行车历史轨迹回放,协助公安机关帮您及时找回爱车■4S助理,乐享驾程保养提醒:及时、准确地为您提供保养、维护到期提醒,保证爱车及时得到养护,保障行车安全油耗计算:提供百公里油耗统计,并不断地告知客户每百公里油耗的分析结果故障援助:当行车途中遇到车辆故障,通过POI查勘附近的4S店,并与其联系,及时得到援助服务■车友服务,娱乐无穷轨迹分享:通过车辆轨迹共享,可以告诉朋友们到达未曾去过的地方、或者没有明确地址的地方,让同伴们“按图索骥”便捷生活:为您的有车生活提供实时路况、餐饮美食、娱乐、维修点等更多周边服务尊荣亿方,让驾乘更加方便,轻松畅享无忧旅程Before the trip,yourvehicle in normal right?Maintenance and repair of your car than worry about it?Park your car in an unfamiliar environment afraid stolen it?Case of emergency, how to make your family the first time tofindthe location of your vehicle?Do not leave the vehicle headlights off, worried that the batteryisexhausted you?Heavy rain there electricity?; Fuel your car do?Occupants largest demand is driving safety and conditionoftransparency, the right to know, and car worry-free."Honor billion square", is the personal physician of CIMCVehicle,security, 4S assistant, private car management, bikers,carcommunity, car specifically for the Internet as one billioncubichonor to provide our customers a comprehensiveservicesystem.Using the GID (Global, or; Gene; ID) intelligent terminals, andwiththe vehicle ECU via CAN bus is connected to thevehicle'sIntelliSense provides network license plates,ubiquitouscommunications network three functions, making the carequippedwith Internet access ability to interact with thesurrounding.Suitable for a variety of models of the Global 500 Mostmodels OBDperception and depth perception. ,"Honor billion square" function■ personal doctors, security escortBefore self-test: Before travel, real-time diagnosticparameterssuch as full vehicle engine conditions, precautionarymeasure toensure travel safetyFault Alarm: traffic on the way, at any time onlinediagnostics,found fault alarm instantly inform the nearest servicepointfailures and provide a POIGeneral Report: the state can always see the traffic reportsandroutine diagnostic trouble codes■ security, peace of mindLocating and tracking; when the vehicle is stolen, the cardealerswho will carry out real-time location tracking andvehiclehistorical track playback, assist the public security organstohelp your car back in time■ 4S assistant fun in driving rangeMaintenance reminder: timely and accurate manner to provide youwithservice, maintenance expiration reminder, to ensure timelycarmaintenance, ensure traffic safety fuel consumption calculation:toprovide one hundred kilometers fuel consumption statistics,andcontinue to advise customers of fuel per hundredkilometersanalysis resultsFailure Assistance: When driving vehicle breakdowns encounteredonthe way, via POI survey 4S shop nearby, and contact them togettimely assistance services■ bikers services, entertainment infiniteTrack Share: vehicle trajectory through sharing can tell myfriendshave not been to reach the place, or where there is noclearaddress, so that his companions "what you want"Convenience of life: for the life of your car and providereal-timetraffic, catering, entertainment, maintenance services andothermore peripheral honor billion square, let driving moreconvenient,easy to enjoy worry-free journey
维辰汇 1.2
维辰汇”,是集车辆贴身医生、安全保卫、4S助理、4S服务的CRM终端、私车管理、车友服务、汽车社区、汽车互联网为一体的综合服务体系。采用了DiNA科技独创的GID(Global,orGene ID)智能终端,它与车辆ECU、CAN等总线通过OBD相连,可提供对车辆的智慧感知,未来还将提供网络车牌、网络泛在通信等功能,目前的GID可适配全球500多种车型。■贴身医生,安全护航-行前自检:出行前,实时诊断车辆发动机等全方位参数状况,给安全出行提供参考-故障报警:行车途中,随时在线诊断,发现故障即刻报警-常规报告:可随时查看行车状态的常规诊断报告和故障码,获得自动的车况参考与提醒■安全保卫,“高枕无忧”-碰撞与故障报警:当车辆发生故障或触碰,GID传感器会把能感受到的故障和碰撞通过手机即刻通知到车主-定位跟踪:当车辆被盗后,车行者会进行实时位置跟踪及显示行车历史,协助有关机构帮您及时找回爱车■4S助理,乐享驾程-保养提醒:及时、准确地为您提供保养、维护到期提醒,保证爱车及时得到养护,保障行车安全-油耗计算:提供百公里油耗统计,并不断地告知客户每百公里油耗的分析结果,......-故障码提醒:当行车途中遇到车辆故障,或车辆出现疑似问题,首先可以检查是否存在故障码并督促车主尽快联系附近的4S店,以期及时得到服务-轨迹分段:帮助车主随时了解、记忆、查找某时某刻车辆的轨迹、停留时间、经停点等信息■车友服务,娱乐无穷-轨迹分享:通过车辆轨迹共享,可以实现轨迹导航,告诉朋友们如何到达未曾去过的地方、或者没有明确地址的地方,让车友们“按图索骥”-车友定位:输入车牌号码或车辆别名,就可以找到任何您想要找的“朋友”的位置-便捷生活:使用者可以根据车行者提供的一定互联服务,再次创造出更多的玩法和车友互联的服务
爱车惠 1.0
您想了解更多的车况信息吗? 想随时知道您的车况吗?爱车超过保养维修期了吗? 上次是什么时间保养的?车辆停放在陌生环境下担心被侵害吗?事故时,如何让其它人第一时间找到你的车辆位置?大灯不关就离开车辆,电池被耗光了吗?你想买十分便宜又靠谱的二手车么?你想参加团购零配件么?你的车耗油吗? ......驾乘者最大的需求是行车安全和对车况的透明性、知情权、以及用车无忧。“爱车惠”,是集车辆贴身医生、安全保卫、行车助理、私车管理、车友服务、汽车社区、汽车互联网为一体的综合服务体系。采用了GID(Global,orGene ID)智能终端,它与车辆ECU、CAN等总线通过OBD相连,可提供对车辆的智慧感知,未来还将提供网络车牌、网络泛在通信等功能。“爱车惠”(部分)功能:■贴身医生,安全护航-行前自检:出行前,实时诊断车辆发动机等全方位参数状况,给安全出行提供参考-故障报警:行车途中,随时在线诊断,发现故障即刻报警-常规报告:可随时查看行车状态的常规诊断报告和故障码,获得自动的车况参考与提醒■安全保卫,“高枕无忧”-碰撞与故障报警:当车辆发生故障或触碰,GID传感器会把能感受到的故障和碰撞通过手机即刻通知到车主-定位跟踪:当车辆被盗后,车行者会进行实时位置跟踪及显示行车历史,协助有关机构帮您及时找回爱车■行车助理,乐享驾程-保养提醒:及时、准确地为您提供保养、维护到期提醒,保证爱车及时得到养护,保障行车安全-油耗计算:提供百公里油耗统计,并不断地告知客户每百公里油耗的分析结果,......-故障码提醒:当行车途中遇到车辆故障,或车辆出现疑似问题,首先可以检查是否存在故障码并督促车主尽快联系附近的4S店,以期及时得到服务-轨迹分段:帮助车主随时了解、记忆、查找某时某刻车辆的轨迹、停留时间、经停点等信息■二手车市,团购精品-团购用品,各式各样丰富的汽车内饰用品团购,不在为心宜的用品太贵而苦恼-二手车市,全方位的二手车认证、评估、销售体系,专业的二手车平台■车友服务,娱乐无穷-轨迹分享:通过车辆轨迹共享,可以实现轨迹导航,告诉朋友们如何到达未曾去过的地方、或者没有明确地址的地方,让车友们“按图索骥”-车友定位:输入车牌号码或车辆别名,就可以找到任何您想要找的“朋友”的位置-便捷生活:使用者可以根据爱车惠提供的一定互联服务,再次创造出更多的玩法和车友互联的服务Condition you want toknowmore information about it? Want to get to know your vehicleinit?Car over maintenance of it? What time is the lastmaintenance?Vehicles parked in an unfamiliar environment to worry aboutbeingagainst it?When the accident, how to make other people the first time tofindthe location of your vehicle?Do not leave the vehicle headlights off, the battery is run outofit?You want to buy a very cheap and reliable second-hand car?You want to take it to buy spare parts?Your car fuel it? ......         Occupants biggest demand is driving safety and conditionoftransparency, right to information, as well asworry-freecar."Car benefits", is set vehicle personal doctor, security,trafficassistant, private car management, bikers, carcommunity,Automotive Internet for a comprehensive service systemintegration.With a GID (Global, or Gene ID) intelligent terminal,which thevehicle ECU, CAN bus, etc. are connected via OBD, canprovide thevehicle perceived wisdom, the future will providenetwork licenseplate, ubiquitous network communications and otherfunctions.        "Car benefits" (section) function:■ personal doctors, security escort- Front-line self-test: Before travel, real-timediagnosticparameters such as full vehicle engine condition, areference tosafe travel- Failure alarm: Traffic on the way, at any time onlinediagnosis,immediately find fault alarm- General Report: You can always see the routine diagnostictroublecodes and driving status reports, access to automatedreference andreminder condition■ security, "peace of mind"- Collision and fault alarm: When a vehicle malfunction ortouch,fault and collision sensors GID will feel instantly notifiedbyphone to the owner- Location Tracking: When the vehicle is stolen, car dealerswhowill display real-time location tracking and driving history,toassist the agency in a timely manner to help you retrieveyourcar■ lane assistant, fun in driving away- Maintenance Reminder: timely and accurate manner to provideyouwith maintenance, maintenance expiration reminder, to ensuretheconservation of the car in a timely manner to ensuretrafficsafety- Fuel consumption is calculated as follows: to providestatisticshundred kilometers, and continue to inform the analysisofcustomers per hundred kilometers, and ......- Fault code reminder: When driving on the way encountered avehiclebreakdown, or suspected problems arise vehicles can firstcheckwhether there is a fault code and urge owners to contact thenearest4S shop as soon as possible, in order to receivetimelyservice- Track segments: help owners keep abreast of memory, a momenttofind the trajectory of a vehicle, the residence time,stoppingpoints and other information■ used car, buy boutique- Buy supplies, all kinds of rich automotive interior productstobuy, and not too expensive for the heart and supplies shouldbeworried- Second-hand car, a full range of used carcertification,evaluation, marketing systems, professional used carplatform■ bikers service, endless entertainment- Track Share: share by vehicle trajectory, the trajectorycannavigate to tell my friends how to get to places never visited,orwhere there is no clear address, so that the faithful car,"whatyou want"- Riders orientation: Enter the vehicle license plate number oranalias, you can find whatever you're looking for a"friend"position- Convenient Life: Users can benefit certaininterconnectionservices provided by the car again to create moregames are playedand riders Internet service
车猫 4.0.1
您想了解更多的车况信息吗?想随时知道爱车的实时车况吗?您想知道有多久没进行车辆保养了吗?上次保养又是什么时候进行的?车辆停放在陌生环境下担心被侵害吗?发生事故, 如何在第一时间找到你的车辆位置?离开太匆忙, 大灯未关, 电池被耗光了吗?你的车耗油吗? ......驾乘者最大的需求是行车安全,车况的透明性、知情权、以及用车无忧。“4S OnCare”,是集车辆贴身医生、安全保卫、4S助理、4S服务的CRM终端、私车管理、车友服务、汽车社区、汽车互联网为一体的综合服务体系。采用了GID(Global,orGene ID)智能终端, 它与车辆的ECU、CAN等总线通过OBD相连,可提供对车辆的智慧感知,未来还将提供网络车牌、网络泛在通信等功能, 目前的GID可适配全球500多种车型。“4S On Care”(部分)功能:■贴身医生,安全护航-行前自检:实时诊断车辆全方位状况,给安全出行提供参考-故障报警:在线诊断,发现故障即刻报警-常规报告:实时查看行车状态报告,获得车况参考■安全保卫,高枕无忧-碰撞报警:当车辆发生触碰事故,GID传感器会将碰撞信息通知到车主-定位跟踪:当车辆被盗后,可进行位置跟踪及显示行车历史,协助有关机构帮您找回爱车■4S助理,乐享驾程-保养提醒:及时提供保养、维护的到期提醒,助您及时维护爱车-油耗分析:提供百公里油耗统计,及油耗分析-故障码提醒:行车途中遇到车辆故障,可检测出故障码提示车主-活动资讯:4S店的活动资讯能及时通知车主-轨迹分段:帮助车主查找某时间段的行车轨迹、停留时间、经停点等信息Condition you want toknowmore information about it? Want to always know the car'srealcondition do?How long did you want to know the vehicle maintenance yet? Lasttimewhen maintenance is carried out?Vehicles parked in an unfamiliar environment, fear of beingagainstit?Accident, how to find you in the first time vehicle location?Leave too hasty, headlight is not closed, the battery isexhaustedyet?Fuel your car do? ......Occupants greatest need is traffic safety,condition,transparency, right to information, as well asworry-freecar."4S On Care", is a vehicle personal physician, security,4Sassistant, 4S CRM service terminals, private carmanagement,bikers, car community, car internet for an integratedservicesystem. Using the GID (Global, or Gene ID) intelligentterminal,which the vehicle ECU, CAN bus, etc. are connected viaOBD, canprovide the vehicle IntelliSense, the future will providenetworklicense plates, ubiquitous communications network andotherfunctions, the current GID can be adapted to the world morethan500 kinds of models."4S On Care" (partial) function:■ personal doctors, security escort- Before Self: real-time diagnostic vehicle full status to provideareference to safe travel- Failure alarm: online diagnostics, found faultalarminstantly- General Report: real-time view driving status reports, accesstothe reference condition■ security, peace of mind- Collision warning: When the vehicle is involved in anaccidenttouch, GID collision sensor will notify the owners oftheinformation- Locating and tracking: When a vehicle is stolen, you can tracktheposition and display driving history, to assist the relevantbodiesto help you retrieve your car■ 4S assistant fun in driving range- Maintenance reminders: Timely provision ofmaintenance,maintenance expiration reminder to help you maintainyour car in atimely manner- Fuel consumption analysis: one hundred kilometers fuelconsumptionstatistics, and fuel consumption analysis- Fault code reminder: Driving vehicle breakdowns encountered ontheway, you can detect the fault codes prompted the owners- Events: 4S store event information can notify the owners- Track subparagraph: help owners find driving track certainperiodof time, residence time, and other information of stops
找Ta 3.1.3
〖需求描述〗已经购买了GPS追踪定位设备,却不能在手机上查看?平台功能太简单,不能满足需求?想随时用手机查看爱车、老人、小孩、宠物的位置?〖系统描述〗“找Ta”为使用GPS定位设备的用户提供接入迪纳云平台功能。用户在迪纳或第三方购买GPS定位产品后,通过该APP进行注册。无论是把设备放在汽车、老人、小孩或宠物身上,目标当前位置或历史轨迹等信息即可轻松查看,尽在掌握中!特别提示:用户在购买设备时,应向店家询问,是否可以自己设置服务平台,防止店家锁定平台,只能使用店家的服务。〖产品特点〗1. 支持多种GPS定位追踪设备,用户可以通过网络或实体店自由购买,只需在”找Ta“上注册即可;2. 可爱的自定义头像功能,为爱车、老人、小孩、宠物,选择一个你喜欢的头像吧;3. 地图和卫星图自由切换,身在何处,一目了然;4. 当前位置、历史轨迹,在哪、去过哪?尽在掌握中;〗〖RequirementsdescribeHas purchased a GPS tracking positioning equipment, but can notbeviewed on the phone?Platform functionality is too simple and can not meetthedemand?Want to view the car at any time using a mobile phone, theelderly,children, pets location?〗 〖System Description"Find Ta" for the use of GPS positioning devices provide userswithaccess Rudi Na cloud platform capabilities. Users or thirdpartiesin Pasadena buy a GPS positioning products, through the APPtoregister. Whether the equipment on the car, the elderly,childrenor pets, the target current location or historicaltrajectoryinformation can be easily viewed under control!Special Note: Users in the purchase of equipment, the storeshouldbe asked whether you can set up their own service platform,toprevent the store locked platform, only use thestore'sservice.〗 〖Features1 supports a variety of GPS tracking device, the user canfreelythrough the network or store purchase, simply "looking Ta"isregistered to;2 cute custom avatar feature for the car, the elderly,children,pets, choose the one you like Avatar it;3 maps and satellite images free switch, where you are, ataglance;4 current position, history trajectory, where, been what?Undercontrol;
润东行 1.0
您想随时知道爱车的实时车况吗?您想知道多久没进行车辆保养吗?车辆停放在陌生环境下担心被侵害吗?发生事故, 如何在第一时间定位你的车辆位置?......驾乘者最大的需求是行车安全,车况的透明性、知情权。“润东行”,是集车辆贴身医生、安全保卫、4S助理、、车友服务、汽车互联网为一体的综合服务体系。采用了智能终端,可提供对车辆的智慧感知,目前可适配全球500多种车型。“润东行”(部分)功能:■贴身医生,安全护航-行前自检: 出行前, 发动车辆, 实时诊断车辆发动机等全方位车辆参数状况, 给安全出行提供参考■安全保卫,“高枕无忧”-碰撞与故障报警: 当车辆发生故障或触碰, 车猫传感器会把能感受到的故障和碰撞通过手机即刻通知到车主■4S助理, 乐享驾程-保养提醒: 及时、准确地为您提供保养、维护到期提醒, 保证爱车及时得到养护, 保障用车安全■车友服务,娱乐无穷-轨迹分享: 通过车辆轨迹共享, 可以实现轨迹导航, 令车友能“按图索骥”“润东行”,掌控汽车生活,轻松畅享无忧旅程You want to alwaysknowthe car's real condition do?You want to know how long did you carry outvehiclemaintenance?Vehicles parked in an unfamiliar environment, fear of beingagainstit?Accident, to locate in the first position of your vehicle?......Occupants greatest need is traffic safety, conditionoftransparency, the right to know."Rundong line" is the personal physician of CIMC Vehicle,security,4S assistant, bikers, car Internet as an integratedservice system.Using a smart terminal, the vehicle can provideIntelliSense,currently the world can fit more than 500 kinds ofmodels."Rundong Lines" (Part) function:■ personal doctors, security escort- Before self: Before travel, launch vehicles, real-timediagnosticvehicle engine parameters, such as full vehiclecondition, toprovide a reference to travel safely■ security, "peace of mind"- Collision with failure alarm: when the vehicle malfunctionortouch, the car will be able to feel the cat sensor faultandcollision notification to the owner via cell phoneinstantly■ 4S assistant fun in driving range- Maintenance reminder: timely and accurate manner to provideyouwith service, maintenance expiration reminder, to ensure timelycarmaintenance, car safety protection■ bikers services, entertainment infinite- Track Share: vehicle trajectory through sharedtrajectorynavigation can be achieved, so that riders can "what youwant""Rundong line" control car life, easy to enjoyworry-freejourney
正通慧 1.4
一、新车资讯,一网打尽品牌咨询:帮助车主了解汽车经销集团经营品牌最新最前沿的资讯信息市场活动:随时随地供车主了解查看经销集团旗下4S店即将举办的市场优惠活动信息在售车型:展示各车辆品牌车型,方便车主即时查询车辆参数,并通过图片直观了解车辆外观二、车友服务,方便迅捷维保预约:方便车主立即与4S店进行维修和保养预约,预先为车主的车辆保养准备维修配件,节省保养等待时间维修历史:车主随时查看自己车辆的维修历史记录,对自己车辆了如指掌一键救援:车主需要救援时,通过一键救援立即联系救援机构,并让救援机构立即知晓自己车辆所处位置,节省救援等待时间。三、贴身医生,安全护航驾驶前自检:驾驶前,实时诊断车辆发动机等全方位参数状况,给安全出行提供参考故障报警:行车途中,实时在线诊断,发现故障即刻报警,通过手机即刻通知到车主常规报告:可随时查看行车状态的常规诊断报告和故障实时车况:车辆状况(发动机转速、油耗、行驶里程、车速等)显示于智能手机端。可分析特定时间段或特定路线的油耗峰值数据,并进行爱车油耗比较四、安全保卫,高枕无忧碰撞与故障报警:车辆发生故障或者触碰,硬件传感器会把能感受到的故障和碰撞通过手机即刻通知到车主定位跟踪:车辆被盗后,进行实时位置跟踪及显示行车历史,协助有关机构帮车主及时找回爱车五、4S助理,乐享驾程保养提醒:及时、准确地为您提供保养到期提醒,保证爱车及时得到最优质的养护,保障行车安全油耗计算:提供百公里油耗统计,并不断地告知客户每百公里油耗的分析结果.根据分析的结果,给出驾驶行为提醒,展示优越的速度、经济的驾驶方法,为您的出行精打细算,故障提醒:当行车途中遇到车辆故障,或车辆出现疑似问题,首先可以检查是否存在故障,督促车主尽快联系4S店,并得到4S店全方位的服务轨迹分段:帮助车主随时了解、记录、查找某时某刻车辆的轨迹、停留时间、经停点等信息轨迹分享:通过车辆轨迹共享,实现轨迹导航分享,告诉朋友们如何到达未曾去过的地方、或者没有明确地址的地方,让车友们“按图索骥”UI全新改版,同时增加违章查询、路线导航、保险计算、购车计算、正通商城、礼品兑换等功能,赶快下载吧!A, new car information,aclean sweepBrand Consulting: Helping owners understand the car dealershipgroupin the forefront of the latest brand news andinformationMarkets Activities: anytime, anywhere for the owners tounderstandView Group 4S dealership store promotions upcomingmarketinformationSales models: display each vehicle brand models tofacilitatevehicle owners to immediately query parameters and anintuitiveunderstanding of the appearance of vehicles throughpicturesSecond, bikers services to facilitate the quickMaintenance appointment: convenience 4S shop owners toimmediatelyrepair and maintenance appointments in advance toprepare for theowners of the vehicle maintenance repair parts,saving maintenancewaiting timeMaintenance history: the owners to view their ownvehiclemaintenance history, well known for their vehiclesA key to the rescue: the owner in need of rescue, therescueimmediately contact through a key aid agencies and allowreliefagencies immediately know the location of their vehicles,savingrescue waiting time.Third, the personal physician, security escortSelf-test before driving: Driving ago, real-timediagnosticparameters such as full vehicle engine conditions, toprovide areference to travel safelyFault Alarm: traffic on the way, real-time online diagnostics,foundfault alarm instantly, immediately notify the owner viacellphoneGeneral Report: Driving can always view the general status andfaultdiagnostic reportsReal-time condition: vehicle condition (engine speed,fuelconsumption, mileage, speed, etc.) displayed on thesmartphoneside. Can analyze a specific time period or a specificroute fuelconsumption peak data and make car fuel consumptioncomparedFour, security, peace of mindCollision and fault alarm: vehicle malfunction or touch,hardwaresensors will be able to feel the impact of failures andimmediatelynotified to the owner via cell phoneLocation Tracking: Vehicle stolen, real-time location trackinganddisplay driving history, to assist the relevant agencies tohelpcar owners back in timeFive, 4S assistant fun in driving rangeMaintenance reminders: Timely and accurate maintenanceexpirationreminder for you to ensure that your car get the bestquality andtimely maintenance, to ensure road safetyFuel consumption calculation: Provides statisticshundredkilometers, and continue to advise customers per hundredkilometersanalysis results. According to results of the analysisare given toremind the driving behavior, showing superior speed,economicaldriving method for your travel budget,Failure to remind: When driving on the way encounteredvehiclebreakdown, or vehicle the suspected problem, first you cancheckwhether there is a fault as soon as possible to urge theowners tocontact the 4S shop, 4S shop and get a full range ofservicesTrack subparagraph: help owners keep abreast of, records, findagiven moment in the trajectory of the vehicle, residence time,andother information of stopsTrack Share: vehicle trajectory through sharing, sharingtracknavigation, telling friends how to reach never been to theplace,or where there is no clear address, so that the faithful car"whatyou want"UI new revision, while increasing illegal queries,routenavigation, insurance calculations, car computing, ZhengTongmall,gift exchange and other functions, to download it!
车伴侣 1.1
该软件主界面包含SOS、天气指数、洗车指数、车况指数、最新资讯功能,以及五大模块:我的车、4S服务、消息提醒、车友互动、车友服务。SOS一键救援为用户提供一键救援功能,直接联系救援机构,节省救援时间;一键报险为用户提供一键报险功能,网上报险,让报险更及时准确;车况指数车况指数依据车辆各大系统的故障情况,以及水温电压等车辆实时参数,计算车辆的综合健康指数,让用户第一时间清晰了解和判断车辆健康状况;我的车我的爱车模块可查询车辆所在位置,查看车辆行车记录,停留情况,以及车辆在不同行驶记录的耗油量、里程、油费;油耗主要统计车辆本月的平均油耗、平均车速、累计里程、行车时间、耗油量,并按照平均油耗、总里程、耗油总量、总油费三个方面,按日进行统计分析;仪表盘实时反映用户车辆的各项动态数据,包括电池电压、百公里油耗、行驶里程、当前车速、发动机转速等;车辆历史让用户方便查询在4S店有记录的各项车辆保养、故障维修、救援保险等时间、费用和内容,并支持用户自己新增车辆费用记录;车辆档案管理车辆的档案数据,让用户无论何时都有车辆档案的记事本;4S服务4S店介绍让用户准确了解4S店信息以及顾问情况;在售车型展示各车辆品牌车型,方便用户即时查询车辆参数,并通过图片直观了解车辆外观;网上预约方便用户与4S店进行网上预约,让4S店预先为用户车辆保养准备维修配件,节省保养等待时间;汽车租赁方便用户查看集团所有的租车信息,并能直接联系租车人员进行详细咨询;二手车供用户查询集团所有在线销售的二手车信息,当用户想买二手车时,可直接联系到二手车销售人员;品牌资讯和市场活动帮助用户了解集团和4S店最新最前沿的资讯信息以及即将举办的市场优惠活动信息;车辆保养供用户查询车辆保养里程、保养天数和保养机构以及下次保养项目;投诉建议让用户通过手机直接在线针对各项服务进行投诉和建议;车友服务续保计算让用户直接通过App计算续保费用;违章查询让用户在线查询车辆的违章情况;车辆代驾让用户实时查询所在城市的代驾机构;消息提醒当车辆发生故障时、点火启动时、车辆发生严重碰撞时、车辆即将需要保养时、车辆超速时、车辆被拖吊时、电瓶低电压时、车机被拔出时、车辆保险到期时、车辆年审到期时、都会自动向用户手机发送PUSH消息,提醒用户及时关注;车友互动车友互动方便用户查找附近车友,基于车友位置的聊天、交友、美食美景分享,行车轨迹分享,语音聊天等,让车友一路出行不再孤单。The maininterfaceincludes SOS, weather index, washing index, conditionindex, thelatest information on features, as well as five modules:my car, 4Sservice, message alerts, interactive riders, bikersservices.SOSA key to the rescue to provide users with a key rescue function,aidagencies directly, saving rescue time;A key report to provide users with a key insurance riskreportingcapabilities, online newspaper insurance, make insurancemoretimely and accurate reporting;Condition indexCondition index based on the vehicle's major systems failure,aswell as real-time vehicle temperature and voltageparameters,calculate the comprehensive health index of the vehicle,allowingusers to clearly understand and judge the first time avehiclehealth status;My carMy car module can check the location of the vehicle, checkthevehicle driving record, residence, as well as the vehicleindifferent driving records of fuel consumption, mileage,fuelcosts;The main vehicle fuel consumption statistics this month'saveragefuel consumption, average speed, mileage, travel time,fuelconsumption, and in accordance with average fuel consumption,totalmileage, total fuel consumption and total fuel costs threeaspectsof daily statistical analysis;Real-time dashboards to reflect the dynamic data user ofthevehicle, including battery voltage, one hundred kilometersfuelconsumption, mileage, current speed, engine speed, etc.;Vehicle History allows users to easily check the 4S shophasrecorded the vehicle maintenance, breakdown maintenance,insuranceand other rescue time, cost and content, and allows usersto addtheir own vehicle expense records;File data file management vehicle vehicle, allowing users tohavethe vehicle whenever Notepad file;4S Service4S shop introduced allowing users to accurately understand the4Sstore information and consultants;Sales models show each vehicle brand models, user-friendlyinstantcheck vehicle parameters, and look through the picturesandintuitive understanding of the vehicle;User-friendly online booking and online booking 4S shop, 4S shopinadvance to allow for the user to prepare the vehiclemaintenancerepair parts, maintenance saves waiting time;Car rental facilitate the user to view all of the Group'srentalinformation, and can directly contact car hire personnelconduct adetailed consultation;Used cars for all user queries Group online used carsalesinformation when users want to buy a second-hand car, canbedirectly linked to the used car sales staff;Brand and market information to help users understand theGroup'sactivities and the 4S shop the latest news and informationas wellas the most cutting-edge market information onupcomingpromotions;Vehicle maintenance vehicle mileage and maintenance for theuser'squery, maintenance and care institutions as well as thenumber ofdays the next maintenance projects;Complaints proposals to allow mobile phone users to makecomplaintsand suggestions directly online for variousservices;Riders ServiceRenewal computing allows users to calculate the renewal feedirectlythrough the App;Query allows users to check illegal online illegal situation ofthevehicle;Vehicles drive allows users real-time queries on behalf of thecitywhere driving on behalf of institutions;News alertWhen the vehicle fails, the ignition starts, seriousvehiclecollision, when the vehicle is about to need maintenance,vehiclespeed, the vehicle was towed, when the low battery voltage,whenthe car engine is pulled out, the vehicle insuranceexpires,examined the vehicle expires, PUSH will automatically sendamessage to the user's mobile phone to alert the userimmediateattention;Interactive ridersBikers interactive user find nearby riders, share-basedchat,friends, food beauty riders position, lane track sharing,voicechat, so that riders all the way to travel is nolongeralone.
正通车管家 1.0
■控制用车成本-车辆调度信息化,保证车辆使用有迹可查,有效控制车辆使用非合理化。-监测车辆维修、保养、油耗费用;减少车辆违规使用Positiveopeninghousekeeper, is a cloud-based platform Tong Groupvehiclemanagement platformPositive opening housekeeper for positive corporate usersthroughGroup fleet management, vehicle management solutions withinthegroup, vehicle operating costs, vehicle repair andmaintenanceinformation, and many other management challenges. Theuse ofadvanced mobile Internet and cloud computing technologies.Achievecontrol conglomerates vehicle operating costs and fuelcosts,improve efficiency out of the bus, an accurate grasp ofthewhereabouts of the vehicle, the Group's corporate managementcanuse the phone at any time and place, very well informed onthevehicle belongs. Positive opening housekeeper functional value 
■enhance the depth of vehicle information- Improve the management system vehicles- Create a corporate vehicle rational use ofbusinessprocesses- Get personalized traffic security services■ monitor vehicle usage- Keep abreast of all vehicle parts currently usedcondition,driving habits to reduce errors, improve vehiclescientific.- Providing vehicle alarm abnormal working conditions, protectionofdriver and attendant.
 ■ control car costs- Vehicle scheduling information, and to ensure that vehiclesusinga trace to be investigated, the effective control of thevehicleusing a non-rationalized.- Monitoring of vehicle repair, maintenance, fuel costs;reduceillegal use of vehicles