株式会社ソルクシーズ Apps

Cloud Shared Office Face 3.0
Cloud Shared Office Face (CSO Face) is anapplication that designed for smart devices of enterprise use tocollaborating files with your colleagues and your bussinesspartner.Cloud Shared Office Face offers file collaboration "Anytime,Anywhere, More Securely".*Users need to Signing up for "Cloud Shared Office ECM" in orderto use this application.*Please read Application License Agreement before install thisapplication.http://ed.solxyzcloud.com/face/EULA/en/EULA.html
Cloud Shared Office Face SFDC 3.0
Cloud Shared Office Face (CSO Face) is anapplication that designed for smart devices of enterprise use tocollaborating files with your colleagues and your bussinesspartner.Cloud Shared Office Face offers file collaboration "Anytime,Anywhere, More Securely".*Users need to Signing up for "Cloud Shared Office ECM forSalesforce" in order to use this application.*Please read Application License Agreement before install thisapplication.http://ed.solxyzcloud.com/face/EULA/EULA.html