柏恩行銷有限公司 Apps

太陽花學運 轉守為攻 出關播種 4.5.4
因應許多反服貿遍地開花的活動,講座,文宣資訊分散網路各地(FB/PTT),而FB/PTT訊息又容易被洗版,許多希望參與的熱心人士可能會漏掉這些資訊。此APP希望能盡量集中這些訊息,讓這些活動成功及讓更多人參與!如有新的相關活動/講座/文宣,也歡迎email通知我們加入APP裡。**歡迎提供可分享的相關活動,講座,說明會,文宣,我們會盡快把資訊放進APP裡,感謝!請email資訊至[email protected]太陽花學運,初多稱318學運、佔領國會事件等,是指2014年3月18日起臺灣的大學學生和公民們共同發起佔領中華民國立法院所引起的社會運動事件。3月17日下午內政委員會中,中國國民黨立法委員張慶忠以30秒之速草率宣布完成《海峽兩岸服務貿易協議》的委員會審查,引發一群大學與研究所就讀學生的反對,並於18日18時在立法院外舉行「守護民主之夜」晚會,抗議輕率的審查程序;之後有400多名學生趁著警員不備,而進入立法院內靜坐抗議,接著於晚間21時突破警方的封鎖線佔領立法院議場。在26個小時內便有以學生為主的1萬多名民眾,聚集在立法院外表達支持。參與佔領立法院議場行動者,主要學生領導人為黑色島國青年陣線(簡稱黑島青)的成員,包括國立臺灣大學政治研究所研究生林飛帆,國立清華大學社會研究所研究生陳為廷、魏揚、世新大學社發所研究生陳廷豪等人。外圍的支持群眾則由反黑箱服貿民主陣線、公民1985行動聯盟與各個社會運動團體進行組織。功能介紹:- 連絡立委~所有立委聯絡電話及相關地址資訊。- 活動訊息~相關活動及講座時間地點。- 文宣下載~相關pdf文宣下載。- 法扶專線~直播法律協助專線。- 服貿新聞~最新新聞。- 關於服貿~相關服貿資訊。- 有好連結~相關反服貿友好FB及網站連結。- 建議留言~結合社群留言板。- 感動影像~上傳相片分享。In response to manyanti-trade clothes everywhere activities, lectures, propagandadecentralized network of information around (FB / PTT), and FB /PTT messages and easy to be washed version, many enthusiasts whowish to participate may miss this information.This APP hope to try to focus on these messages, so that thesuccess of these activities and allow more people to participate!If new activities / lectures / propaganda, we also welcome to jointhe APP in email notification.** Welcome to share related activities, lectures, seminars,propaganda, and we will get the information into the APP years,thanks!Please email information to [email protected] student movement, said more than 318 at the beginning ofthe student movement, the occupation of congress events means fromMarch 18th, 2014 University students and citizens who co-sponsoredsocial movements in Taiwan ROC Legislative Yuan event caused by theoccupation.March 17 afternoon Home Affairs Committee, the ChineseKuomintang legislator Ching-Chung Chang to 30 seconds of speedsloppy announced the completion of "Cross-Strait Agreement on Tradein Services," the Committee to review, triggering a group ofuniversity students studying with the Institute of objections, and18 o'clock on the 18th held outside the Legislative Yuan, "theguardian of democracy Night" party, protest rash review process;after more than 400 students took advantage of police officers arenot prepared to enter the sit-in protest inside the LegislativeYuan, followed by 21 o'clock in the evening to break the policecordon occupation legislature Conclave .Within 26 hours there will be student-centered, more than 10,000people gathered outside the Legislative Yuan to express support.Participation occupation legislature Conclave actors, as a memberof the main student leaders of the Young Front black island (theBlack Isle cyan), including National Taiwan University GraduateInstitute of Political Lin Fei-Fan, National Graduate Institute forSocial Research, Tsinghua University Chen Ting, Wei Yang, Shih HsinUniversity Club Hair graduate Chenting Hao et al. Supported by themasses of the periphery of the anti-black box MAST DemocraticFront, Citizen Action Coalition 1985 and organized various socialmovements.Features:- Contact legislators - all legislators contacted by phone andrelated address information.- Event Calendar - related activities and talks time andplace.- Propaganda propaganda download pdf download - related.- French Line ~ live legal assistance help line.- MAST news - latest news.- Relevant information on service trade and service trade ~.- Have a good link - related anti-trade-friendly service andwebsite links FB.- Recommendation message ~ binding community message boards.- Moving images - upload photos to share.
Gospel Preaching 福音傳講版 4.5.8
Gospel Preaching Material行動裝置的多種福音傳講版,內容絕大部分取材於李常受弟兄的著作,提供聖徒能用不同,靈活的方式像人陳明受侵真理,配以簡單,輕鬆的插畫方式呈現;此外,思路清晰是此產品一大特點,人人接可在最短時間內上手。適用於馬路福音,家聚會,福音小排等各式傳福音場合。Gospel Preaching MaterialVarious materials for gospel-preaching are now available onmobile devices. Most of the content is taken from the directwritings of Witness Lee. Presented with clear illustrations andstories, these materials help saints to understand and clarifyvarious aspects of the truth e.g. baptism. The stories allow easyreading for all and include relevant Scripture. This product isapplicable to gospel-preaching on the street, in the home meeting,and in all occasions alike.1. 關於我們- 詳細介紹本app的創立來源與使用方式。2. 福音傳講版- 介紹福音內容,以圖文方式簡單易讀。3. 聯絡我們- 如有各類問題,歡迎填寫email表單詢問。4. 推播- 最新消息公布。5. 語音傳講版- 詳細語音傳講版。6. 記名單- 記錄對福音有興趣者的名單。Gospel Preaching MaterialA variety of gospel preaching Edition mobile devices, based onthe contents of most of the writings of Brother Lee, the saints canprovide different flexible way as a man Chen involvement truth,together with the simple and easy way to present illustration;furthermore clear thinking is a major feature of this product,everyone can take to get started in the shortest possible time.Suitable for street gospel family gatherings, and other kinds ofsmall row Gospel evangelism occasions.Gospel Preaching MaterialVarious materials for gospel-preaching are now available onmobile devices. Most of the content is taken from the directwritings of Witness Lee. Presented with clear illustrations andstories, these materials help saints to understand and clarifyvarious aspects of the truth eg baptism. The stories allow easyreading for all and include relevant Scripture. This product isapplicable to gospel-preaching on the street, in the home meeting,and in all occasions alike.1. About Us - detailed description of the sources and uses ofapp creation mode.2. gospel preaching Version - Introduction gospel content tographic way easier to read.3. Contact us - if all kinds of questions, please fill out theemail form to ask.4. Push - News announced.5. voice preaching edition - Details voice preaching edition.6. Note List - A list of record for the gospel interestedpersons.
創意市集 4.5.10
集合台灣北中南區特色的多元創意市集,主要販售二手古著、台灣設計師的手工創作、台灣老雜貨與童玩、國內外老年代的收藏品、手作點心並結合展覽、音樂、Live表演、行動藝術、關懷公益、社區合作等等......本APP以地圖連結讓您可以快速搜尋到最新的活動資訊和市集地點,結合社群概念立即上傳現場有趣的照片分享給大家,並有優惠集點卡設計,讓您享受店家優惠!1.市集介紹:各大市集介紹與特色。2.市集地圖:詳細介紹北中南區的市集的地點位置,方便搜尋。3.市集活動:詳細介紹所有市集最新月份的活動時間與地點並結合社群概念立即上傳現場有趣的照片分享給大家!4.粉絲塗鴉牆:登入社群帳號,即可留言,上傳照片進行互動!5.我的集點卡:內有各間店家的優惠集點活動,讓您享受獨家優惠!Taiwan's northern,central area featuring a collection of diverse creative market,mainly sell used vintage, handmade creative designers in Taiwan,Taiwan's old grocery collectibles and toys, old era and abroad,hand-made dessert and combine exhibitions, music, Liveperformances, action art, charity care, community partnerships andso on ......The APP to map link so that you can quickly find information onthe latest events and bazaars place, combined with community siteinteresting concept instantly upload photos for everyone to share,and a discount card set design, allowing you to enjoy the storedeals!1 Market description:Market introduction and major characteristics.(2) Market Map:Details northern, central district bazaar site location, easysearch.3 Markets Activities:Last month detailing all activities bazaar time and place and theconcept of combining community site immediately upload photos foreveryone to share interesting!4 Fans Wall:Login community account, you can leave a message, upload photos tointeract!5 My collection card:Set point in the discount stores in the activities of the room,allowing you to enjoy exclusive offers!
NY21紐約花園 4.0.4
專屬APP提供位於台北市南港區優值的NY21紐約花園社區住戶。因應智慧型手機普及化,運用APP把資訊e化,讓整個社區(住戶,管委會,物業管理公司)達到即時,便利,省錢,互動。以利提高社區的生活品質及服務。NY21紐約花園住戶下載專屬APP可立即知曉社區大小事!- 即時收到提醒或緊急訊息- 隨時電話聯絡物管秘書經理保全- 便利傳送問題和建議給管委會和物管公司- 瀏覽最新公告,活動,會議報告,等等- 附近商店聯絡電話及營業時間APP is located in theexclusive offers excellent value, Nankang, Taipei NY21 New Yorkgarden community residents. In response to the popularity of smartphones, the use of e-APP of the information, so that the wholecommunity (residents, CMC, property management companies) toachieve immediate, convenient, save money, interaction. Eli improvethe quality of life in communities and services.NY21 New York Garden Household exclusive APP can immediatelydownload its community the size of things!- Immediately receive an alert or emergency messages- Any phone preservation of property management secretarymanager- Send questions and suggestions to facilitate the managementcommittee and the property management company- Read the latest announcements, events, conference reports,etc.- Neighborhood store contact telephone number and businesshours
歐雅米 4.0.1
當我們吃到令人驚嘆的美食時,不由自主地發出讚嘆聲”Oh! Yummy!”而這就是歐雅米企業成立的精神。
歐雅米希望提供給大眾各種優質驚嘆美食,因此集合了眾多美食品牌,透過各個品牌在每個月的團購日時,提供好吃到不行的美食,卻又人人負擔的起的價格。歐雅米企業有限公司▪ 訂購電話:+886-2-8531-3708▪ 網站:www.oyummy.tw▪ 地址:新北市泰山區楓樹街33巷11號歐雅米APP提供以下功能:1. 關於歐雅米關於本公司理念,成立精神,logo介紹,公司基本介紹。
2. 尋找我們含電話直播,google地圖路線導覽,Email信箱連結。
3. 最新介紹新聞,最新促銷與活動公佈。
4. 產品介紹各系列產品的細節介紹與價格,特色,口味,營養成分,注意事項,訂購事項等等。5. 
線上訂購單可直接線上填寫需訂購的產品項目。6. 集點卡優惠購物集點即可享受商品優惠。7. 網站連結連結到其他歐雅米的網站。8. 推播隨時發佈最新消息與優惠訊息給客戶。When we eat amazing food,involuntarily issued humming "Oh! Yummy!" And this is the spirit ofenterprise established Ou Yami.
Ou Yami want to provide to the public a variety of quality foodamazing, so many gourmet brand collections through various brandsin the day of each month to buy, to not provide delicious food, buteveryone from affordable prices.Ou Yami Enterprises Ltd.▪ Order Tel: +886-2-8531-3708▪ Website: www.oyummy.tw▪ Address: Taishan District, New Taipei City, No. 11, Lane 33 MapleStreetOu Yami APP provides the following features:1 About Ou YamiAbout the company philosophy, the establishment of the spirit, logointroduced a basic introduction to the company.
2 Find UsIncluding live telephone, google maps navigation route, Email maillink.
3 The latest introductionNews, latest promotions and events announced.
4 ProductsDetails of the series introduction and price, features, taste,nutrients, precautions, order matters, and so on.5. 
 Online OrdersCan be ordered directly online to fill product items.6 Set card dealsSet points can enjoy shopping merchandise deals.7 LinksOu Yami links to other websites.8 PushReady-to-date news and special offers to customers.
公民1985行動聯盟 4.0.1
這是一個非正式公民1985行動聯盟的APP.此APP提供使用者了解公民1985行動聯盟:- 最新活動訊息(也可在活動頁面相簿上傳照片分享)- 提供留言交流- 快速連結至公民1985臉書及其他資訊- 觀看公民1985特製影片- 瀏覽最新有關公民1985的新聞- 傳訊息與建議給公民1985公民1985行動聯盟,是2013年7月初洪仲丘受虐死亡事件發生後,由39位互不相識、各行各業的網友發起的民間組織,希望藉由訴求讓事件真相出爐,並且要求國軍改革,屏除以往的陋習及潛規則,「要真相!要人權!」。短短兩個星期,兩度上街頭,就成功號召數十萬人參與,打破臺灣過去國內社會運動組織動員模式,這場由鄉民網路串聯發起的新型態參與充分表現出公民的力量,而被媒體譽為臺版「茉莉花革命」。聯盟於8月3日下午18時在臺北市總統府前的凱達格蘭大道前舉辦「萬人送仲丘」活動,呼籲公民站出來送洪仲丘最後一程。媒體宣稱已突破二十五萬人以上參加。參加人數聚集於凱達格蘭大道,人龍長約400公尺,末端在景福門。晚會過程平和理性,群眾離去時甚至沒有留下垃圾,展現公民的力量。行政院長江宜樺提出回應,包括成立軍事冤案申訴委員會,推動修正《軍事審判法》、在非戰爭時期,軍法部分回歸司法等。This is an informalcitizen APP 1985 Action Alliance.This APP provides users understand civic 1985 ActionAlliance:- News and Events (also available on the event page to share thealbum to upload photos)- Provide a message exchange- Quick links to citizens face book and other information1985- Watch a special movie Citizen 1985- Read the latest news about the 1985 Citizen- Pass messages and advice to citizens 1985Citizens Action Coalition 1985, after the early July 2013 HungChung Yau abuse deaths, civil society organizations from the 39strangers, friends initiated trades, hoping to let the truth cameout by the demands and requirements of the national army reform,dismiss the bad habits of the past and the unspoken rules, "wantthe truth! want human rights!." Just two weeks, on two occasionsthe streets, hundreds of people took part on the success of thecall, breaking Taiwan's past pattern of domestic social movementmobilization, this web series initiated by the villagers toparticipate fully demonstrate new types of citizen power , and wasdubbed the Taiwan version of "Jasmine Revolution."Union on 18 August 3 pm organized "people send Zhong Qiu"activity Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office inTaipei before calling for citizens to stand up to send Hung ChungYau final journey. Media claims has exceeded 250,000 persons ormore to attend. Number of participants gathered at KetagalanBoulevard, about 400 yards long queues, the end of theGyeongbokgung door. Evening calm and rational process, the peopledid not even leave the garbage left behind, to show the power ofcitizens. Premier Jiang Yi Hua proposed responses, including theestablishment of military injustice Appeals Board, to promotecorrection "Military Justice", in non-war period, the military partof the return of justice.
HeGII恒潔衛浴 總代理名品衛材 4.5.8
HeGII恒潔衛浴秉承“讓每一位客戶滿意”的現代行銷理念;恒潔具備完善的售後服務,隨時諮詢恒潔衛浴區域經銷或售後服務熱線02-29009933,便可得到滿意答覆和優質服務,讓您買得放心、用得舒心。創立於1998年,是專業從事陶瓷衛生潔具及其相關配套產品的研發、生產、銷售、服務等綜合性的大型企業。恒潔生產基地由陶瓷廠、木櫃廠、浴缸、淋浴房和五金龍頭工廠、進出口貿易公司及物流中心等7家企業組合而成,恒潔擁有領先世界水準的義大利SITI全自動隧道窯1座(112米)及全亞洲最長隧道窯全澳洲自動隧道窯爐2條(149米)產能最大品質最好、通用自動梭式窯、電腦梭式窯等一系列生產設備,建築面積達56萬多平方米,員工4500多人。恒潔衛浴以追求領先行業的研發技術,精益求精的製造工藝,打造出精湛設計和卓越完美的組合產品為企業的理念。恒潔產品擁有幾十項自主專利產品技術含量、附加值高,憑藉卓越的品質及服務優勢,隨著市場鋪設延伸和品牌成熟,恒潔將擁有更廣闊的市場前景。以成就家庭品質生活為企業理念,達到國際衛浴品牌而努力奮鬥!「世界衛浴恒潔品質」引領恒潔衛浴產品走向國際化,並以專注的態度,創造出具有世界品質的產品;以這種源自內心的信念,恒潔不斷付諸行動,堅持對高品質的追求;在不斷超越的過程中,每一個進步成果,都將鼓舞信心,每一個高品質產品,都將與所有家庭共同分享。1. 公司簡介 - 介紹恒潔創辦歷史與技術。2. 產品介紹 - 全系列產品線的詳細介紹。3. 銷售據點 - 全台銷售據點的聯絡方式與地圖導航。4. 最新消息 - 提供最新新聞&促銷訊息。5. 網站連結 - 官網&臉書粉絲團連結。6. 聯絡我們- 可寫下您對我們的建議與問題,產品諮詢等的表單。
宏醫藥妝國際集團 4.5.7
歡迎光臨宏醫生技銀行 營養科學應用研究中心宏醫生技股份有限公司成立於2002年,率領專業醫學團隊,2013年更成立營養科學應用研究中心,致力於生物科技及天然健康領域,專研抗過敏、減重、瘦身、增強免疫力、醫學美容、關節保養、雷射除斑、降低環境抗菌病毒、免疫療法、感染醫學、關節保樣…等及其應用項目。台灣三人中就有一位過敏兒,過敏的症狀為:腹瀉、脹氣、便秘、咳嗽、喉嚨癢、黑眼圈、眼睛紅癢、結膜炎、鼻癢、鼻塞、打噴嚏、鼻竇炎,皮膚濕疹、乾癬、異位性皮膚炎、呼吸急促、氣喘、腦膜炎、頭痛、憂鬱…等症狀。宏醫秉持著增進國人身體健康的理念,經多年研究,耗資數千萬,產品獲得國家衛生署核可雙健字號「免疫調節」及「輔助調整過敏體質」能幫助(1)調節促進IgG抗體生成(2)有助於調節T細胞激素分泌(3)有助減少過敏反應抗體IgE(4)有助促進肺中免疫細胞IFN-γ分泌自2004年自上市抗過敏熱銷產品以來,宏醫生技已與5000多家藥局診所合作並服務數萬名病患,獲得中華民國抗過敏協會推薦為過敏醫學適用品牌。每項商品上市前皆通過SGS及中國醫藥大學檢驗,免於食品造假或不實的困擾,確保消費者健康成效及保健安心!目前致力於醫療級保健食品研究為:(1)益生菌研究(2)綜合維他命研究(3)天然B群研究(4)膠原蛋白研究(5)酵素激酶研究(6)膳食纖維纖體研究(7)養生黑木耳纖清研究(8)葡萄糖胺維骨研究(9)舒敏保養品研究(10)美胸胸墊美體研究APP功能:1. 尋找宏醫- 詳細的營業分店地址、營業時間、地圖導航。2. 聯絡我們- 歡迎各位朋友留下意見,本公司將儘快回覆您。3. 產品介紹- 詳細的產品內容、功效、價格與服務訂購電話。4. 最新消息- 最新的優惠方案都在這裡喔!5. 證書- 本公司經由嚴格安全檢驗的各項證明。6. 粉絲留言板- 歡迎各位朋友留下建議與問題、一起討論~
欣姿娜 1.399
1975年,創辦人許英桂老師(現任欣姿娜繡眉繡唇學苑執行總監、台灣美容協會理事長、中華民國紋眉技藝研究會評審及中區會長),將傳統的紋繡技術,導入獨家具美感的創新與流行,並且率先將此技術引進至大陸、日本、美國、加拿大、新加坡、馬來西亞、韓國、菲律賓等各國,成為各國紋繡技術的原始啟蒙者,在各國的精彩教學更是獲得空前的熱烈迴響,三十多年來造就的紋繡界精英早已不勝枚舉。僅2001年至今在台灣教授、指導、輔導創業的美容師及美容店家個案就有超過2000人以上,更以技術為本,不斷的創新、開發新的技術,從國外引進高科技的美容產品、材料,優惠廣大的消費者與美容店家,帶領紋繡界邁向更完美的境界,一直是許英桂老師及欣姿娜全體同仁服務大眾的宗旨。APP提供以下功能1.欣姿娜:關於欣姿娜的創立介紹,中華民國台灣美容協會介紹2.電話與導航:提供詳細各分店的電話直播與地圖導航3.產品目錄:詳細介紹各項產品資訊4.購物車:可直接網路下單購買各項器材與美容用品5.遠距教學:連結youtube頻道,直接收看各項美容器材的使用教學影片6.常見美容問題:美容器材使用問題,技術問題等Q&AIn 1975, founder许英桂teacher (currently an executive director of Yan Zi Naeyebrowembroidery embroidered lips Academy, Taiwan BeautyAssociation, ROCtattoo artistry and President of the ResearchAssessment District),the traditional munsu technology, import aloneInnovation andpopular furniture aesthetic, and the first tointroduce thistechnology to China, Japan, the United States,Canada, Singapore,Malaysia, South Korea, the Philippines and othercountries, thosecountries become enlightened munsu originaltechnology, wonderfulteaching in all countries is to obtainunprecedented enthusiasticresponse, thirty years has created eliteWenxiu already abound.Only in Taiwan since 2001, Professor, guidance,counselingentrepreneurs Case beauticians and beauty shops alone,more than2,000 people, more technology-based, constant innovation,thedevelopment of new technology, the introduction of high-techbeautyproducts from abroad , materials, offer the majority ofconsumersand beauty stores, leading munsu sector towards a moreperfectstate, has been a teacher Xinzi Na 许英桂 all my colleaguesandpurpose of public service.APP provides the following features1 Yan Zi Na:About Xinzi Na founded introduction describes Taiwan,ROCCosmetology Association(2) Telephone and Navigation:Each store offers a detailed map navigation with live phone3 Product Catalog:Detailed descriptions of all the product info4 Shopping Cart:Be under the direct orders to buy the network equipment andbeautysupplies5 Distance Learning:Youtube Channel link directly watch the instructional videosusebeauty equipment6 common cosmetic problem:Use beauty equipment problems, technical problems, etc. Q&A
薇閣雙語高級中學國際班 4.5.8
由陳愷文同學協助建置~幫助薇閣雙語高級中學國際班家長及同學們分享國外考試資訊和學校學期重要日曆表下載使用薇閣國際班APP- 手機直播連絡班上家長- 查看全台SAT考試地點資料- 查看 2013-2014 SAT考試日期- 薇閣雙語高級中學國際班大考日期- 瀏覽班上活動相片集Chen Kai Wen bythestudents to help build - help Vega High School InternationalClassbilingual students and their parents to share informationandschool semester abroad important exam calendarDownload Vega International Class APP- Phone Contact class parents live- View Full Taiwan SAT test site information- View 2013-2014 SAT test dates- Vega High School International Class bilingual exams date- Browse class Events Photo Gallery
賽亞基因科技股份有限公司 4.5.11
賽亞基因科技公司以人類基因組為研發重點, 致力疾病與單一核甘酸多型性(Single NucleotidePolymorphism,SNP)的關聯研究,從事藥物基因組學(Pharmacogenomics)研究與臨床應用開發,目前已完成多項藥物療效與基因關聯性分析檢測產品及疾病基因功能研究成果,是國際間矚目的個體化醫療研發基因科技公司。賽亞擁有亞洲唯一最具規模華人專屬基因資料庫。 賽亞擁有亞洲唯一人類全基因譜晶片分析。 賽亞擁有亞洲唯一遺傳性乳癌/卵巢癌基因晶片分析。各種癌症/疾病罹患風險分析、肥胖體質、減重體質、肌膚淨白抗衰老基因分析等。賽亞基因擁有兩座國際標準認證實驗室,與亞洲各大研究中心與醫療單位建立了密切的合作網絡,累積豐富的亞洲基因體研發資源。不僅整合尖端的基因體研究核心技術平台,建立了藥物開發不同階段的完整藥物基因組臨床研究服務經驗,目前亦是歐美生技公司與跨國大藥廠亞洲區藥物基因體研發合作首選夥伴。除此之外賽亞基因取得的完整基因科技相關實驗室認證,技術質量與品質在大中華區亦相當具有權威及肯定。功能介紹: - 觀看最新活動訊息 - 透過影片了解產品與公司技術 - 客服留言與電話直播 - 閱讀相關產品細節 - 接收最新消息與優惠
十八味涼茶 1.399
十八味涼茶過度老化不是病,卻是百病之源養生非延壽,我們談的是生命的品質生命是上帝決定,但品質您可以掌握(世界第一的台灣涼茶)世界第一的台灣茶,在大陸股票上市的幾間涼茶公司,若是是喝我們的茶,不久的將來也都不用混。這不是借來的廣告詞,而是一句正式的承諾,希望你能愛喝,秀出你的美,那逝去的二十五年,可能是誤會。但是若能在年輕十八歲,世界將有更多人有機會欣賞到妳的聰慧。我們有理由可以證明,茶的完美。【全球暖化】全球暖化,有一天地球溫度將達攝氏50度妳不能穿短袖,因為會脫水。你不能化妝,因為妝會脫,皮膚會爛,你不能吃冰,因為肚子內和外界溫差太大 ,你不能游泳,因為水已經變燙了。你不能喝飲料,因為愈喝愈渴,身體不飽水,不管你喜不喜歡,只有十八味涼茶不會敗腎,只有我們獨家秘方可以救地球。我們相信,當大家的體溫下降一度,地球暖化也會下降一度。APP提供以下功能:1.商品介紹:關於十八味涼茶的詳細介紹與商品價格2.尋找我們:可直接手機通話聯絡我們,並連結地圖資訊與官方網站3.購物車:可直接網路下單購買商品4.聯絡我們:填寫表單,有任何意見與問題將立即為您轉信傳達!5.集點卡優惠:內有店家的優惠集點活動,讓您享受獨家優惠!18 mei herbal teaExcessive aging is not a disease, but it is the sourceofsicknessHealth non-life extension, we are talking about qualityoflifeLife is God's decision, but the quality that you can master(Taiwan the world's first herbal tea)The world's first Taiwanese tea, herbal tea a few listedcompaniesin the mainland stock, if it is to drink our tea in thenear futurealso do not mix.This ad is not borrowed, but a formal commitment, hope youcandrink, show off your beauty,That lost twenty-five years, may be mistaken.But if the young age of eighteen in the world there will bemorepeople have the opportunity to enjoy your intelligence.We have reason to be able to prove that the perfect tea.[Global warming]Global warming, one day the earth will reach 50 degreesCelsiustemperature you can not wear short sleeves, because itwilldehydrated.You can not make-up, because the makeup will be off, theskinwill be bad, you can not eat ice because of the stomach andtheoutside temperature too much, you can not swim because thewaterhas become hot.You can not drink the more thirsty to drink more because thebodyis not enough water, whether you like it or not, onlyeighteenflavored herbal tea will not lose the kidney, only ourexclusiverecipe can save the planet.We believe that when everyone's temperature drops one degreeofglobal warming will fall once.APP provides the following features:1 Introduction:About 18 mei detailed description of herbal tea andcommodityprices(2) Find us:Direct phone calls to contact us and map information andtheofficial website link3 Shopping Cart:Network under a single purchase goods directly4 Contact us:Fill out the form with any comments and questions willimmediatelyturn to your letter to convey!5 Set card deals:The discount store's point programs, allowing you to enjoyexclusiveoffers!
伊吉邦網路行銷團隊 4.0.2
一群有著共同興趣與理想的專業人士(網路行銷)、因緣際會、共同參加了青創總會辦理的“網路行銷講師培訓班"並共同組成一網路行銷團隊,並命名為"伊吉邦網路行銷團隊"團隊特性以市場面分析,網路行銷的方法與專業技能正是現在所有產業的迫切需求但企業主或個人卻沒有太多管道可以做專業學習。伊吉邦(EGB)的成立,正是符合市場需求!!伊吉邦有各領域之網路行銷講師,成員並分布全省各地、講師能力專精於…實務行銷操作、社群行銷、網站SEO、GoogleAdWord 、Yahoo!KeywordAD、行銷企劃、行銷文案、媒體行銷…等,課程組合可做單項專業教學、或多項組合訓練教學、亦可進駐企業做內訓精準企劃、實務操演及後續分析,將為企業或個人帶來實務受益!功能介紹:- 講座活動訊息- 連絡預約講師- 講師團隊簡介- 瀏覽最新廣告行銷資訊- 留言建議A group ofprofessionalswho share common interests and ideals of (Internetmarketing), achance encounter, participated together in the greeninnovationalways handled "Internet marketing instructor training"andcollectively form a network marketing team, and was named"YiJibang Internet Marketing Team "Team surface analysis features to the market, Internetmarketingmethods and expertise is now urgent needs of allindustries butbusiness owners or individuals, but there is not muchyou can doprofessional learning pipeline.Founded Yi Jibang (EGB), it is in line with market demand!!伊吉邦there lecturer in various fields of Internet marketing,anddistribution of members across the province, alecturerspecializing in ... the ability to practice marketingoperations,community marketing, website SEO, Google AdWord, Yahoo!Keyword AD,marketing planning, marketing, copywriting, mediamarketing ... andso on, do a combination of individual teachingcurriculum, teachingor training in a number of combinations, butalso stationed Houseprecise planning to do business, practicedrills and subsequentanalysis, corporate or individual practicewill bring benefit!Features:- Seminar Events- Contact an appointment lecturer- Instructor Team Profile- New advertising and marketing information- Comments proposal
高雄開頂雙層巴士 kaohsiungsightseeing 1.0.1
恩雨靈糧堂 1.0.2
認識神的家─恩雨靈糧堂 恩雨靈糧堂隸屬台北靈糧堂分堂,於主後2008年7月間,經台北靈糧堂─宣教植堂處同意差派邱川隆牧師、齊毓芬師母在大台北地區設立分堂,於主後2009年1月30日正式 成立台北原民靈糧堂。主後2013年下半年度禱告尋求神又歷經本堂核心同工幾次會議達成共識,教會需擴張而不受限制,因此需要改名。並經與台北靈糧堂─宣教植堂處協商後同意核准改名。於主後2014年1月1日正式更名為恩雨靈糧堂。 異象: 列國為基業、地極為田產 使命:a.贏得靈魂 b.門訓萬民 c.實踐真理d.權能轉化 目標: a.領受恩賜 b.結出果子 c.得地為業 d.土地轉化 核心價值:a.聖潔生活 b.聽命順福 c.合一團隊d.彼此相愛 e.敬拜生活 f.賙濟貧窮 g.誠實正直 h.修復關係 i.禱告呼求