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新华欧洲 2.0
新华欧洲新闻客户端与您共睹欧洲最新实时动态!新华社“新华欧洲”客户端25日在欧盟总部所在地布鲁塞尔上线,这一基于移动互联网的新闻客户端旨在向欧洲讲述中国故事,向中国推介欧洲,目前开设中文、英文和法文3个版本,被业界誉为随身携带的“中国通”和“欧洲通”。中国驻欧盟使团团长杨燕怡在“新华欧洲”客户端发布会书面致辞中强调,“新华欧洲”的问世是推动中欧关系发展的一项新举措,有利于欧洲进一步了解中国,中国进一步了解欧洲。中国驻比利时大使廖力强在致辞中表示,新华社推出“新华欧洲”,“形象地讲,是为中欧关系发展桥梁开通了双向了解的快车道,为全方位展现中国新闻信息和对欧交流搭建了新平台,打开了新窗口”。国际新闻工作者联合会秘书长贝丝·科斯塔在致辞中指出,欧洲和中国都是人类文明的重要发源地,利用先进传播手段加深欧中人民相互了解,必将推动欧中关系可持续发展,意义深远。Xinhua European newsclient with you see the latest real-time dynamic Europe! XinhuaNews Agency "Xinhua Europe" client in the EU headquarters inBrussels on the line, the mobile Internet-based news clientdesigned to tell China to Europe on the 25th story of the ChineseAvailable in Europe, currently offers Chinese, English and French 3version, the industry as carry-on "China" and "European pass."Chinese Mission to the EU heads of Yang Yanyi in "Xinhua Europe"conference client in writing his speech stressed that "XinhuaEurope" is to promote China-EU relations advent of a new initiativein favor of Europe to learn more about China, and China to learnmore about Europe .Chinese Ambassador to Belgium 廖力强 said in his speech, XinhuaNews Agency launched the "Xinhua Europe", "Figuratively speaking,the development of China-EU relations for the opening of a two-waybridge understanding of the fast lane, all-round display for theChinese news information and to set up a European exchange The newplatform, opens a new window. "International Federation of Journalists Secretary-General BethCosta, in his speech that Europe and China are important cradles ofhuman civilization, the use of advanced means of communication todeepen mutual understanding between the people of the EU willpromote the sustainable development of EU-China relationsfar-reaching significance.
Xinhua Europe 2.0
Xinhua news Europe client see Europelatestreal-time dynamic with you together!"Xinhua news agencyxinhuaEurope" client 25 in the European Union headquarters inBrussels,this news based on mobile Internet client to Europe aboutChina'sstory, to the introduction of Europe, China is currentlyopenChinese, English and French version 3, was the industry knownascarry-on "China hands" and "European".The Chinese mission to the European Union delegation YangYanyiwritten address in the "new Europe" client conference stressedthatthe "new Europe" is the advent of a new move to promotethedevelopment of china-eu relations, conducive tofurtherunderstanding of China, Europe China to learn moreaboutEurope.China's ambassador to Belgium Liao Lijiang said in his speech,thexinhua news agency launched "new Europe", "image, forthedevelopment of china-eu relations bridge opened a fastlane,two-way understanding for all-round display Chinesenewsinformation and set up a new platform for the communication,openeda new window".International federation of journalists, secretary general ofbethcosta said in his speech, Europe and China are the importantcradleof human civilization, people in use of advancedcommunicationmeans to deepen the mutual understanding, will promotethesustainable development of eu-china relations andfar-reachingsignificance.