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鬥趣三國 2.7.0
***官方粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/douqusanguo/***客服信箱:[email protected]回合制RPG手遊《鬥趣三國》,以三國演義為主線,搭配萌系人物畫風,擁有3D全视觉场景,超過千員三國名將將會陸續登場。最具人氣的回合制手遊,最酣暢的三國對戰!《鬥趣三國》集結了策略,回合,收集等多種玩法於一體,既能召喚三國將領為你所用,又能體驗到排兵佈陣的戰陣謀略。簡單的操作和大量新手引導,各項功能玩法迅速上手,化身三國萌將,即刻怒破山河,闖蕩魍魎沙場,稱雄三國霸主!【巍峨城池 立體展現】——裸眼3D,身臨其境的戰鬥體驗,多維立體的操作體驗,三國世界觸手可得。【經典回合 戰鬥策略】——保留熟悉的戰鬥節奏,強化戰鬥表現,開放式多場景挑戰,boss直擊新玩法。經典畫面,豐富體驗。【三國名將 卡片收集】——階梯式等級分佈結合多樣遊戲設置,卡牌收集大升級,人物養成全新玩法。【萌系三國 群英演義】——萌版三國人物的清新演繹融入三國的深厚曆史,超時代混搭演義三國群英戰鬥。【睿智策略PK極致體驗】——三國名將配備獨特戰鬥技能,PK模式解鎖升級,策略戰鬥再現機智三国战场。【三國歷史 由你打造】——顛覆性的戰鬥模式打造全新歷史經典,協三國名將打造獨特屬性,歷史由你主宰。*** Official fan group:https: //www.facebook.com/douqusanguo/*** Customer Service: [email protected] RPG hand tour "fighting fun Three Kingdoms", the mainline to the Three Kingdoms, with Meng Department figures style,with full 3D visual scene, more than one thousand three star willbe center stage. The most popular turn-based hand travel, the threemost Hearty battle!"Fun fight three" build strategy, round, collecting a variety ofgames are played in one, both to summon three generals work foryou, but also to experience the formations of the war strategy.Simple operation and a lot of beginners guide, play variousfunctions and running quickly, three adorable avatar will instantlyanger broken mountains and rivers, battles monsters in battle,dominating the Three overlord![Show] towering city perspective - the naked eye 3D, immersivecombat experience, multidimensional operating experience, the threeworld fingertips.[Strategy] classic round battle - the battle to retain the familiarrhythm, enhanced combat performance, open multi-scene challenge,boss Watch new ways. Classic picture, rich experience.[] Three famous card collection - Stepped grade distributioncombined with diverse gameplay, card collecting big upgrade, thecharacters develop new games are played.[Meng Department of the Three Kingdoms Heroes] - freshinterpretation Meng version of the three characters deep into thehistory of the Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms mash ultra-era heroesfighting.[Experience] the ultimate PK wise strategy - three star with uniquefighting skills, PK mode to unlock upgrades, battle tacticsreproduction witty three battlefield.[Create] to you the history of the Three Kingdoms - subversiveclassic battle mode to create a new history, co-create a uniquethree star property, by the master of your own history.