古明山 Apps

Go!菜市場 1.3
  在萬物皆漲但薪水未漲的現代社會中,如何降低家庭中的支出開銷,似乎已成了家家戶戶所關注的話題。  雖然現在大多數的上班族或是學生仍然以外食為主,但也有不少人選擇自備餐盒,一來較為經濟,二來也較為衛生,食材的來源不外乎傳統市場或者是超市,那麼該如何選擇才能夠符合經濟效應,而且又獲得最大的營養價值?  在此APP中我們提供了全省的果菜批發價格查詢,透過農產品交易行情的資訊,讓大家能夠清楚了解目前所想購買的蔬果的價格落在多少的價格區間,另外也提供了部分蔬果的盛產資訊,讓大家上菜市場採購的時候可以參考,達到積少成多、積沙成塔而能省下一筆費用。Everything butthesalaries did not rise up in modern society, how to reduce thecostof family expenditure, seems to have become a topic of concerntoevery household.Although the majority of office workers or students arestilloutside the food-based, but there are a lot of people choosetobring their own lunch boxes, one to be more economical,andsecondly, more health, sources of ingredients is nothing morethanthe traditional markets or supermarkets, So how to choose tobeable to meet the economic effects, but also get themostnutritional value?In this APP, we offer the province's fruit andvegetablewholesale price inquiry, through agricultural trademarketinformation, so that we can clearly understand the currentthinkingof buying fruits and vegetables prices fell much of thepricerange, while also providing some of the fruits andvegetablesabound information on the markets so that we can refer towhenpurchasing, to add up, sand into the tower but can save afee.