北京意得捷优科技有限公司 Apps

China Nuclear 1.8.1
Get the latest information about Chinese NPPas well as the updated list of all the overseas and localsuppliers.Get the application once and the information will be updatedregularly.·Find our useful nuclear dictionary in English/Chinese/Pinyin·Follow real-time all the events related to the nuclearindustry.Contact us for more information:[email protected]
清华科技园 1.1.0
清华科技园APP是清华科技园为更便捷的推动区域自主创新、搭建产学研合作平台、促进科技成果转化和加强孵化创业企业综合竞争力而推出的APP。用户可通过该APP了解最新园区动态信息和园区活动信息、科技成果和投资信息,随时与入驻园区企业和园区管理者进行互动沟通。Tsinghua Science Park ofTsinghua Science Park APP is more convenient to promote regionalinnovation, build a research cooperation platform to promotescientific and technological achievements and strengthen thecompetitiveness of enterprises entrepreneurship incubator launchedby APP. APP by which users can learn about the latest informationon the park and the park dynamic event information, scientific andtechnological achievements and investment information, feel freeenterprise into the park and park managers interactivecommunication.
Mydou卖兜 - 代购必备工具 1.0.3
卖兜是第一款专门为海外代购研发的工具APPta能帮你减轻大量的工作量,提高效率,减少客服工作,还有很多其它好处就让您自己发掘吧!卖兜包括了产品上传,卖单生成,库存管理,以及客户管理功能。使用过的卖兜之后,您一定会离不开ta。快点下载吧!这个版本包含了免费试用!Sell ​​pocket is thefirst developed specifically for overseas purchasing toolsAPPta help you lose a lot of workload, improve efficiency,Reduce customer service work, there are many other benefits thatyou let yourself discover it!Sell ​​pocket including uploading products, selling a singlegeneration, inventory management, and customer managementfunctions.After selling used pocket, you will not be separated ta.Come download it! This version includes a free trial!