冒秀祥 Apps

BT Notification 1.3.19
(1) first, install this apk in yoursmartPhone(2)second, if you first install this apk, Set up some conditionsaccording to the operation steps.(3)third, turn on the bluetooth in your smartphone and btdialer(4) finally, you can start the communication.
OXO Notification 1.3.19
(1) Installez l'application sur votretéléphone.(2) Activez les fonctions Bluetooth de la montre et du Smartphone,appairez les deux appareils entre eux.(3) Cliquez sur icone "OXO" sur votre téléphone, l'application varelier la montre au Smartphone par Bluetooth. Si l'applicationn'indique pas "connecté", veuillez couper le Bluetooth du téléphoneenviron 5 à 10 secondes, puis le réactiver.(1) Install theapplication on your phone.(2) Activate Bluetooth watch functions and Smartphone, Pair yourtwo devices together.(3) Click icon "OXO" on your phone, the application will connectthe watch to the smartphone via Bluetooth. If the application doesnot show "connected", please switch off the Bluetooth phone about 5to 10 seconds, then reactivate it.
Smartwatch PMK 1.3.19
(1) first, install this apk in yoursmartPhone(2)second, if you first install this apk, Set up some conditionsaccording to the operation steps.(3)third, turn on the bluetooth in your smartphone and btdialer(4) finally, you can start the communication.
Mediatek_SmartDevice_W1515MPV5 V1.2.1
(1) first, install this apk inyoursmartPhone(2)second, if you first install this apk, Set up someconditionsaccording to the operation steps.(3)third, turn on the bluetooth in your smartphone andbtdialer(4) finally, you can start the communication.
ChildsDefender.apk Ghero_JF_R0.24C
1. First of all, the APK installed onyoursmartphone.2, secondly, open the APK, enter the account number and passwordonyour smartphone, login.3, once again, by looking into the APK watchlocatingoperations.
BT Notification 792 1.3.19
(1) first, install this apk inyoursmartPhone(2)second, if you first install this apk, Set up someconditionsaccording to the operation steps.(3)third, turn on the bluetooth in your smartphone andbtdialer(4) finally, you can start the communication.