伊午久傳媒 Apps

BuguBugu 2.2
BuguBugu手機螢幕內容分享平台是台灣行動行銷市場首見的創新應用模式。透過蒐集、整理生活各面向優質內容,提供用戶高質感圖文內容,傳遞豐富、具創意的資訊,讓使用者能隨時隨地隨心參與、體驗、收藏、分享的行動平台。應用程式特色:✔多樣螢幕畫面 獨享專屬時光每整點自動更新高質感螢幕畫面,從早到晚適時出現純粹美好的畫面,24小時陪伴您享受溫暖時光。✔分享豐富內容 增添生活趣味使用者一開啓手機螢幕即能獲得感興趣的內容及活動,包含影視、音樂、展覽、網路…等最新資訊,左滑執行可進一步瞭解並參與活動。透過社群分享,把歡樂傳遞給親朋好友。✔展演、百貨優惠 驚喜好禮大方送BuguBugu不定期提供各項藝文展覽、表演、活動的免費票券,以及百貨、商城的購物優惠訊息,透過執行活動獲得多樣好禮,累積的點數還可線上兌換多種超商、百貨等禮券。BuguBugu phone screencontent sharing platform is the first to see the Taiwan marketaction marketing innovative application mode. Through collecting,sorting each facing life quality content, providing users with hightexture graphic content, delivery rich, innovative information, sothat users can participate anytime blossoms, experience,collection, sharing platform for action.Applications Features:✔ Exclusive exclusive screen shots and diverse timeThe whole point is automatically updated every high texture screenshots, from morning to night timely appear purely beautifulpicture, 24 hours accompany you to enjoy the warm days.✔ share rich content to add life interestingA user is able to turn on the phone screen to get the content ofinterest and activities, including film, music, exhibitions,internet ... the latest information on the left slip furtherunderstand and participate in the implementation of activities.Through the community share the joy passed to friends andfamily.✔ performances, merchandise promotions Dafang Song SurpriseGiftsBuguBugu occasional provision of arts exhibitions, performances,activities, free tickets, as well as department stores, mallshopping deals messages to get through the enforcement activitiesof diverse manners, accumulated points can also exchange a varietyof online supermarket, department store gift certificates, etc..
童話三缺一(免費版) 1.2.1
『童話三缺一』結合最有代表性的童話角色,配上可愛逗趣的動作,並且加入了人物配音,絕對給你意想不到的娛樂效果!還有詳盡的麻將教學說明與介紹,淺顯易懂的圖片說明,讓你超快上手,一夜變成至尊麻將王!!"Fairy San Queyi" fairytale combined with the most representative role, coupled with cuteand funny action, and joined the People dubbing, definitely giveyou unexpected entertainment!There are detailed instructions and presentations mahjongteaching, easy to understand captions let you get started fast,overnight became supreme Mahjong King!!
神鬼傳奇(免費版) 1.0.2
『神鬼傳奇』-保留傳統寶石方塊的玩法外,還加入了不規則遊戲板塊的設計,讓單純的玩法更加有趣;面對不同的板塊,消去的策略隨之改變,同時,隨著關卡的增加,難度與板塊的變化越多,困難度也跟著提升;當你完成全部關卡還能自由的切換板塊喔!『神鬼傳奇』-提供了『十字火焰』、『炸彈』、『卷軸』三種不同功能的特殊道具,並加入了相互連鎖的特殊設計,只要小心安排道具位置,好好利用道具的連鎖反應,便可以一次轟光全部板塊,絕對讓你大呼過癮。『神鬼傳奇』-只有這樣的設計嗎?當然不止,遊戲中暗藏了二十個隱藏條件,只要你能滿足條件,你就可以獲得最珍貴的法老王寶藏,想要知道下一個寶藏的秘密嗎?只有等你一探究竟囉!"The Mummy" - retainingthe traditional jewel box of play, but also joined the irregulargame plate design allows simple gameplay more interesting; facedwith different plates, eliminating the strategy changed, same time,with the level of increase, the more difficult and plate changes,difficulty also followed upgrade; When you complete all levels canfreely switch plates Oh!"Legends of ghost" - provides a "Cross Fire", "bomb", "reel"special props three different functions, and joined the chain ofmutual specially designed, as long as careful arrangement of propsposition, take advantage of the props of a chain reaction, it Hplate light all at once, never let you hooked."The Mummy" - only this design? Of course, more than the game oftwenty hide hidden conditions, as long as you meet the conditions,you can get the most precious treasures of the Pharaohs, you wantto know the next treasure secret? Just waiting for you to check itout Hello!
熊熊醉不醉 1.21
狂賀【熊熊醉不醉】Android上架四週,就突破20萬次下載!歡慶新年的連續假期,團圓酒酣耳熱之際,掃興的永遠都是警察杯杯的臨檢…。我們沒有愛因斯坦偉大,讓手機變成探測酒測值的儀器。但是我們可以讓你的手機搖身一變,成為(把妹)檢測協調平衡的小工具!歡迎大家加入酒測行列: http://www.facebook.com/events/319224761434882/三種測試方式:❶ 單人測驗 - 讓你開車之前透過小測驗,知道自己的能耐在哪裡,上路前千萬要三思!❷ Party模式 - 讓你在朋友聚會當中,成為眾人注目焦點!把妹自用兩相宜!❸ 單人挑戰 - 單人測驗不過癮嗎?來單挑吧!0極限玩法,讓你沒天沒夜、玩到手機沒電!歡迎大家揪大家,抱著參與酒趴的愉悅心情,以遊戲的方式來進行測驗,既不掃興,又能平平安安的回家哦!➽熊熊貼心提醒:開車不喝酒,喝酒不開車,但是喝完酒一定要來熊熊醉不醉一下!關鍵字:熊貓、熊熊醉、醉酒、酒醉、酒測、醉拳、Drunk Test、Drunken PandaCongratulations ragingdrunk drunk] [Android shelves around, it exceeded 20 milliondownloads!Celebrate New Year's continuous holiday, reunion latter isdrunk, always disappointing rummage ... Police Bei Bei. We did notEinstein's great, your mobile phone into wine measured valuedetection instruments. But we can make your phone turns into (thesister) coordination and balance testing gadget!Welcome to join the ranks of wine measured: http://www.facebook.com/events/319224761434882/Three test methods:❶ single quiz - let you drive through the quiz before and knowwhere their ability, be sure to think twice before on theroad!❷ Party mode - which allows you to meet up with friends, has becomethe focus of attention! The sister tilapia!❸ single challenge - single test is not fun you? Singled to right!0 limit play, so you do not have days without night, playing to runout of battery!We welcome everyone pulling, holding wine lying in a joyful mood,the way to play a quiz, and neither disappointed, but also to gohome in peace, oh!➽ raging intimate reminder: never drink and drive, do not drinkdriving, but drinking wine must come roaring drunk drunk it!Keywords: panda, raging drunk, drunk, drunk, alcohol testing,Drunken Master, Drunk Test, Drunken Panda
元素小惡魔(免費版) 1.0.3
遊戲中玩家要控制小惡魔左右平移,發射元素球消除畫面上方的元素,上方的元素會隨著時間慢慢的向下降,如果降到最下方就算輸了喔。遊戲方式簡單就能上手,但是只要運用組合、連鎖、消除,想拿高分要靠你的眼力、手力與腦力囉。遊戲中還可以召喚出火、土、雷、冰四大元素精靈輪番上陣,每個精靈都有不同的強大元素魔法,絕對可以助您一臂之力。Game players to controlthe little devil pan around, firing the ball to eliminate elementsof the element top of the screen, above the elements over time toslowly decline,Even down to the bottom if you lose Oh. The game is simple toget started, but if used in combination, chain, eliminate, went toget a high score depends on your eye, the hand and the brainHello.The game can also call out the fire, earth, thunder, ice turnsinto the four elements of the wizard, each sprite has a differentpowerful elemental magic, can definitely help.
富邦人壽103年業務表揚大會 1.2
富邦人壽103年業務表揚大會拍照圖框Fubon Life Assembly inrecognition of 103 years of business pictures frame
寵物相機 1.0.2
讓[寵物相機]為你我共同來記錄屬於寵物的美好時光!不管你喜好飼養的是那種寵物?我們準備了各種不同的拍照連動組合功能,來盡力達成你的需求。* 多達50種的預設音效,輕鬆吸引寵物的注意。* 錄製聲音功能,自行創造吸引寵物的最佳對策。* 強光發射,為奇怪表情及特殊需求提供良方。* 貼紙製作,創造屬於你和寵物之間的獨特風格照片。Let [pet camera] as therecord belongs to you and I work together to pet a good time!No matter what your preference is the kind of pet keeping? Wehave prepared a variety of different combinations of camerafunctions linked to endeavor to reach your needs.* Up to 50 kinds of preset sound, easy to attract the attentionof pet.* Record sound capabilities to create their own pet attract thebest countermeasures.* Light emission, as strange facial expressions and specialneeds recipe.* Sticker production, between you and your pet to create theirunique style photos.
萬用卡卡DIY 1.0
有多久沒有跟好久不見的朋友聯絡了??讓【萬用卡卡DIY】有多達15款以上的創意卡片,可依照功能自行挑選,並且放置自己的人頭,寫下你心中滿溢的思念,讓親朋好友們收到專屬於你的卡片!➽小撇步:完成卡片後,可以透過手機裡免費簡訊社群工具(如WhatsApp、Line、SMS)發給親朋好友就可以囉,過年不要又只發簡訊和表情符號啦!!《功能特色》● 製作賀卡快速方便,3步驟傳送祝福嫌一般拍貼修圖軟體太麻煩嗎?只要有了這一款App就可以讓你輕鬆編輯並把滿滿的祝福送到你朋友手上!三個步驟:(1)選卡片、(2)拍照、(3)寫文字,就完成囉。如果拍照現場不夠漂亮,也可以讀取手機中的相片,微調位置,快速完成!● 客製化多人大頭賀卡,搞怪創意通通來卡片只能放上一個大頭,不夠用怎麼辦?【萬用卡卡DIY】早就幫你設想好啦,提供多人大頭功能,讓你的卡片充滿更多人的祝福。不論是兄弟姐妹要送給長輩、同學送給教師、同事要送給主管,通通都可以派上用場!如果想搞怪的話,不妨給你家的狗狗、貓貓、娃娃拍張照,收到的人一定都會驚喜無比!關鍵字:萬用卡、生日卡、卡片、賀卡、祝福、E卡、卡卡、Greetind Card、DIY
nac寶寶影像誌 1.4
記錄寶寶每個精彩鏡頭分享爸媽每個感動時刻nac nac寶寶影像誌,讓新手爸媽們記錄寶寶成長的點點滴滴,捕捉寶寶每一個精彩瞬間!可以隨時隨地分享給您的親朋好友。1、獨特的照片管理※照片可顯示寶寶的年齡,清楚記錄重要時刻。※可自行建立照片主題,例如:寶寶的第一次、寶寶生日趴…。2、專為寶寶設計的照片裝飾各種造型有趣的相框、貼圖、對話框、背景,留下最純真逗趣的影像。3、多種圖文拼貼的背景設計依心情節慶選擇不同的素材背景,用文字和圖片記錄與寶寶的生活點滴,還可作為卡片信箋使用。4、隨時隨地分享可隨時將寶寶的可愛照片或圖文記錄分享至社群平台。Each baby is awonderfulshot recordEach time my parents moved to sharenac nac baby video blog, so novice parents who recorded thebabygrow up bit by bit, to capture every wonderful momentbaby!You can share to your friends and family anytime, anywhere.A unique photo management※ The photograph can show the baby's age, a clear recordimportantmoments.※ can create your own photo themes, such as: baby's first babylying... birthday.2, designed specifically for baby photo decorationFrame interesting variety of shapes, textures, dialogs,background,leaving the most innocent and funny images.3, a variety of graphic design collage backgroundBy selecting different mood festive background material, inwordsand pictures recorded with the baby life bit by bit, the cardcanalso be used as a letterhead.4, anywhere sharingMay at any time cute baby photo or graphic to recordsharingcommunity platform.
香港麻將(免費版) 1.0.2
本遊戲使用最正宗的香港麻將規則,完整收錄香港番型!智慧的NPC出牌設計,casino風格的美術設計與音樂,讓您擁有身臨其境般的遊戲體驗。四種起胡番值的選擇,滿足你不同級別的牌技考量,你敢來挑戰嗎?The game uses themostauthentic Hong Kong mahjong rules, a complete collection oftheHong Kong Fan-type! Wisdom NPC cards design, casino-styleartdesign and music,So you have an immersive gaming experience. Choose from fourHuFan values ​​to meet your different levels of licensingtechnologyconsiderations, you dare to challenge?
國標十三張麻將(免費版) 1.0.2
來來來!傳承數千年國粹精華的十三張麻將,正式登台啦!採用國際規則標準玩法,多達八十一種的牌型,讓你連吃帶碰加槓,輕鬆湊牌,連莊胡牌胡不完!Come! Heritagethousandsof years quintessence essence thirteen mahjong, formalstage it!Use standard international rules of play,Up to eighty-one kinds of card type, so you ate with a touchplusbars, easily scrape card, even the village first playerHuendless!
泡泡蟲免費版 1.0.5
可愛的蟲蟲們掉到水裡去了!怎麼辦呢?幸好中間有個大泡泡可以讓蟲蟲們呼吸。但是大泡泡裡的氧氣是會用完的,快點把旁邊的泡泡拖到中間的大泡泡裡補充氧氣,讓蟲蟲們開心的跳舞!如果旁邊的泡泡都沒了,只要搖搖你的手機,就會有新的泡泡跑進來喔!但是要小心!討厭的葉子也會跟著飄進來,葉子會弄破泡泡,快點點擊葉子,讓葉子飛出去吧!遊戲中會有各種可愛的蟲蟲出現,蟲蟲聚集越多,氧氣會用的越快喔。加油!大家快點成為蟲蟲們的救星吧!Cute Bugs have fellintothe water! How to do it? Fortunately the middle of a big bubblecanmake Bugs are breathing. But the big bubble in the oxygen willrunout,Come onto the bubble next to the big bubble in the middleofsupplemental oxygen, so Bugs's happy dance! If the bubble nexttogone, just shake your phone,There will be a new bubble ran in Oh! But be careful! Hatewillfollow the floating leaves come in, the leaves will breakthebubble, quickly click on the leaves, so went flying outofhere!The game will have a variety of cute worms appear, Bugs gathermoreoxygen will use the faster Oh. Come on! Everyone quicklybecomeworm their savior it!