yunusual Apps

Flickr Earth 1.2
Flickr Earth is an application whichspecializes on the "geotagged" photos of Flickr users.You are NOT required to login to your Flickr account to use thisapplication. All of the current features are available to publicusers.Some of the current features:- Browse through photos taken near your current location- Explore photos taken anywhere in the world by navigating throughthe map or searching for a target location- Specify a geographical region (a country/continent) and searchfor a tag among the photos taken there- Find exactly what you are looking for by making advanced searchqueries on Flickr (specify tags, date range, interestingness,etc.)- View highly detailed information about any photo you stumble upon(e.g. tags, date taken, location on map, camera model, other photosby the same user)- Save photos in your device or share it with your friends throughe-mail, instant messengers or social networking sitesThis is my first released application on Android and I wouldreally appreciate if you can give me feedback with your ideas,comments or problems encountered while using Flickr Earth. And ifyou enjoyed using this application, don't forget to rate it. Thankyou.Kind regards.Yunus Evren