yejeka Apps

Alle Bijbelverhalen 2.0.0
Deze applicatie bevat alle bijbelse verhalen die bestaan ​​in deoude en de nieuwe tastemant tastemant. Het bijbelse verhaal isverdeeld in 8 delen. Voorbeelden van Bijbelverhalen: - Creation -Adam & Eve - De geboorte van Jezus - enz Kenmerken: - Voeg toeaan favoriete Bijbelverhaal - Deel het bijbelverhaal - Zoek hetbijbelverhaal Veel leesplezier, God zegene :)
Tutte le Storie della Bibbia 3.0.0
Questa applicazione contiene tutte le storie bibliche che esistononella vecchia tastemant e il nuovo tastemant. La storia biblica èsuddiviso in 8 parti. Esempi di storie della Bibbia: - Creazione -Adam & Eve - La nascita di Gesù - eccetera Caratteristiche: -Aggiungi a preferiti Bibbia storia - Condividere la storia dellaBibbia - Cerca la storia della Bibbia Buona lettura, Dio benedica:)
Bible Quiz 1.0
This application is a quiz question andtheanswer is in the Bible .There is some relief that you can use to answer the questions youdonot understand .Hone your skills and good play :)God bless o :)
Tebak Tokoh Alkitab 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi tentang kuis tebak160tokoh yang ada di Alkitab.Ada beberapa bantuan yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk menjawab soalyangtidak kamu mengerti.Bantuan tersebut adalah:- Menampilkan huruf yang benar ( 10 koin )- Menghapus beberapa shuruf yang bukan bagian dari solusi ( 15koin)- Melewatkan satu level ( 5 koin )- Menunjukkan ayat alkitab yang menjadi dasar pertanyaan ( 10koinper hint )Asah kemampuan anda tentang tokoh-tokoh yang adadiAlkitab.Selamat bermain :)Tuhan memberkati o:)This applicationcontainsa quiz to figure out that there are 160 characters intheBible.There is some relief that you can use to answer the questions youdonot understand.Such assistance is:- Displays the correct letter (10 coins)- Delete multiple shuruf are not part of the solution(15coins)- Skipping one level (5 coins)- Shows the biblical verse that became the basis of thequestions(10 coins per hint)Hone your skills on the figures in the Bible.Have a nice play :)God bless o :)
Daily Bible Verses Pictures 2.4
Daily Bible Verses Pictures : - A collection of gold biblicalpassages that are presented in the form of picture square ( box ) .- Bible verses grouped by categories to facilitate the search forthe desired paragraph . - You can store and share images bibleverse gold . - You can use this image to display picture socialmedia ( BBM , WA , etc. ) - A simple display and communicative .God bless :) * This app does not require internet connection (offline )
Sejarah Indonesia 3.0.0
Aplikasi ini berisi tentang sejarah Indonesia. Misalnya: - SejarahKemerdekaan - Sejarah Bangunan - Sejarah Kota - Cerita Humor - dllFitur: - Kisah/Cerita dikelompokan sesuai tema. - Anda dapatberbagi cerita ke media sosial. - Anda dapat menambahkan ceritafavorit. - Ada fitur pencarian cerita. Selamat membaca!
Cerita Rakyat Indonesia 3.3.3
Aplikasi ini berisi tentang kumpulan cerita cerita rakyat diIndonesia. Dengan aplikasi ini anda akan dengan mudah membacatentang cerita cerita rakyat di Indonesia. Misalnya saja ceritaSangkuriang, Malin Kundang, dan lain sebagainya. Fitur: - Ceritadikelompokan sesuai provinsi yang ada di Indonesia. - Anda dapatberbagi cerita ke media sosial. - Anda dapat menambahkan ceritafavorit. - Ada fitur pencarian cerita. Selamat membaca!
Daily Bible Verse Quotes 3.4
Gold Verse Bible app contains a collection of gold verses in theBible. The golden verses grouped in the Old Testament and NewTestament. God Bless! -Notify for gold verse of the day
All Bible Stories for Kids 2.0.0
This application contains the biblical story of the child with alanguage that is easily understandable and understood. Examples ofBible stories: - Creation - Adam & Eve - The Birth of Jesus -Child of God - etc features: - Add to favorite Bible story - Sharethe Bible story - Search the Bible story Happy reading kids, Godbless :)
Kidung Rohani (KJ, PKJ, NKB) O 1.1
Kidung Offline Christian Spiritual Praise (KJ, PKJ, NKB) Offline
Kidung Jemaat (KJ) Offline 1.2
Song Church (KJ) Offline
Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru (NKB) 1.2
Sing a New Song (NKB) offline.
Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat (PKJ) 1.2
Complementary Song Church (PKI) Offline
Todas las historias bíblicas 3.2.0
Read Bible Stories, anywhere and anytime.
Ayat Emas Alkitab Harian 3.5
Gold set of Bible verses