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Guide For Old WhatsApp 1.1
Not everyone is a fan of the newWhatsAppStatus tab. This quick guide will help you revert back tothe old(text based) style of WhatsApp Status. Enjoy it while it isstillpossible.Have you updated to the latest version of WhatsApp that brings anewfeature called Status? Facebook has been stealing featureideasdirectly from Snapchat for months. The new Status is justanotherstolen feature. If you don’t like the new version anddesperatelywant to get back to the older version, this guide is foryou.Rollback to Old WhatsApp Status EasilyFortunately, you can download and install an older version withthehelp of a third-party source. Here’s the step-by-step guide togoback to the older version of the messaging app onyourdevice.What is Status?The Status feature in the latest version allows users tosharephotos and videos that disappear after 24 hours.Facebook’s other app Instagram already offers this feature.Onwhatsapp, you can control who can see your status update.Disclaimer:The whatsapp company does not allow users to downgrade to anolderversion of the app once they have upgraded to the latestone.