wellingtoncitycouncilnz Apps

FIXiT app is used to report issues to the New Zealand WellingtonCity Council.
Staff Evacuation Checklist 1.0
In the event of an emergency the StaffEvacuation Checklist application will help managers check whichstaff are at the evacuation point, and which ones aren’t – with anoption to text or call those not at the designated meeting point.You can also add comments to allow for staff with specialrequirements like wheelchair assistance or take note of those onholiday. The app also has an export functionality so you can sendreports to the police, or whoever else may need it in an emergencysituation.Key Features:- Allows for import of staff list from a CSV file, and you have theoption to replace the current list or add to the list.Note: The CSV file has to be attached in the main iPhone emailclient. Press hold the CSV file until pop up shows the options toopen the file - choose ‘Open in Evacuation’- Allows for export of staff list as a CSV file and to be sent viaemail.- Allows for export of staff list and to be sent as a textmessage.- Allows for adding a comment on the staff record about a staffmembers whereabouts or any special assistance requirements.- Allows for adding, updating, and deleting staff records.
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