veniware Apps

distrib - Wifi file transfer 1.21
With distrib you can transfer data fromyourphone or your tablet, without the need for cables.You are able to see photos, play music and watch full-HDvideosfrom your phone or tablet, to any other device (computer,smart-tv,game console, etc.). You can download files fast and easywith asingle click.Also, you can read or send messages, No more mistype onthetouch-screen. Use your full size keyboard instead.You only need a wireless network and a browse. No cable,softwareor drivers needed.Any wireless network, with link speed 54 Mbps or faster, isperfectfor transferring your data. And any web browser thatsupports HTML5 will do the job.
Wifi Wasteland 1.4
Wasteland can scan all access points onyourarea and recommend which channel is optimal for your accesspoint,for better performance and less interference.Also, Wasteland is able to triangulate the location ofnearbyaccess points, and create a map with that information. So youhavean extra tool to setup and optimize your wifi network.Finally you can download any information gathered toyourcomputer, using the Broadcast function.You can sync your phone and computer without any specialequipmentor cable. All you need is both devices to be connected tothe samenetwork and a web browse.You can use your computer, instead of your phone, totroubleshootany issues, and download data as CSV, XML or JSONfile.