techstilus Apps

Fashion Memo 3.6
Having decision disabilities when shoppingfashion items? Then try to compare fashion items on Fashion Memo bytaking screenshots of 2 - 3 fashion products. Purchase decisionwill be much easier.Please open the app before you take screenshots. Once you openthe app in the beginning of usage, Fashion Memo starts to work. Youdon't need to open the app every time when you take thescreenshots.How to use1. Enjoy your fashion shopping on a mobile web browser.2. Shooting screenshots when you see the clothing items you areinterested.3. The screenshots with the URL will be saved on the FashionMemo.4. While comparing the saved images and click a photo, you will goto the site.Characteristics- Fashion Memo is simple. After installed the app, you have nothingto do. Just enjoy your usual shopping, take a screenshot.Easy in comparison. It is convenient to compare photos as thescreenshots are listed.Features to be added in the future- Also on your PC. Fashion Memo can be compared more accuratelywhen you see fashion items on a big screen.- Creating a category. For example, created a folder called floralskirt, you can compare skirts in a folder.- You can ask your friends when distressed. When you do not knowwhich one to buy among clothes saved, you can ask a friend with amessage.- Automatic classification. It will automatically save the savedfashion items to the appropriate category.- If you have any information you would like to add, please emailto [email protected]~~FAQQ. Do I need to run Fashion Memo in order to save fashionphotos?A. No. Once installed, photos can be saved without turning on yourFashion Memo.Q. Can I save only fashion screenshots?A. No. For interesting items we saw in a web browser, you can savethe screenshots regardless of fashion goods.Q. Are other photos I saw on the App saved byscreenshots,either?A. No. Now only the photos saved in a web browser are saved in theFashion Memo. However, the photos seen on the App will be saved inthe future.Q. Will this work on any Web browser?A. A photo, taken by the web browser installed in Android bydefault or Chrome will be saved in the Fashion Memo.Q. Should I create an account to use it?A. No. Screenshots can be saved even though you do not make anaccount. If you want to see the photos saved by your smart phonethrough your PC, you should create an account.Q. What if I happen to have any questions or improvements for theFashion Memo?A. Contact is in the menu of the Fashion Memo app. Just touch theContact.