syncster31 Apps

Geo Stamp 1.0.2
Aside from the geo tag embeded in the exifinfo of an image (e.g. Longitude & Latitude),this app displays the coordinates on the image itself so that youcan view the locationimmediately without going to properties of the image.Useful for reporting.
Advanced Hydraulics Calculator 1.0.2
Hydraulics calculator Pro is asimplecalculator app with a collection of various hydraulicsproblems.Features: (The problems that this app can solve)1. Rectangular Channel - this calculates the hydraulic elementsofan open rectangular channel using Manning's equation.2. Trapezoidal Channel - this calculates also the hydraulicelementsof an open channel but with the shape of atrapezoid.3. Cipolletti Weir - this calculates the discharge throughacipolletti weir.4. V-notch Weir - this calculates the discharge through a V-notchorv-shaped weir.5. Normal Flow on Pipes - this calculates the discharge onacircular pipe by providing the flow height, pipe diameter andtheroughness coefficient. The maximum flow height is the equal tothediameter of the pipe. if it exceeds it, the results would beallzeros.6. Ogee Weir - this calculates the afflux elevation through anogeediversion weir or dam. Afflux is the new level of flood waterifyou put an obstruction in a river such as diversion dam.Thiscalculator for ogee weir does not currently supportenglishunit.Please feel free to contact me regarding the [email protected]
Channel Hydraulics 2.1.0
This tool can be used to compute forhydraulicelements of an open channel flow.This uses manning's equation in solving the elements.
Basic Interpolator
This app implements interpolation forbothlinear interpolation for basic calculationsand two-way interpolation for more complex problems.