sheepschafemoutons Apps

Apk Information_free_version 3.0
Retrieve android application info,and batchinguninstall process.application info saved Apkinfo derectory in sdcard.[this is free version][Retrieve application info from installed package]1.Package name2.Application label3.Version name4.Version code5.Use activity name6.uses-permission7.Use permissions8.Use Service9.Use Receiver10.Use Provider[uninstall]1.Perform the uninstall in bulk if the checkbox is checked[Caution]If you have a large application is installed, it will take longerto process.
RubyCheck 1.1
the pronunciation of a Chinese character[functional specification]1.The pronunciation of a Chinese character, when click rubybuttonclick.2.Zoomin when double tapped.3.Zoomout when single tapped.