
Wikicomposer (free version) 1.02
Wikicomposer has the standard features ofmusic composition software, but also allows collaboration over theinternet. Features include:* Multi- and Single-Staff playback and looping.* Familiar editing controls including copy, cut, paste, delete,undo, redo.* Saving and loading using the midi file format.* Customizable controls.* Multiple window support.* Local and remote persistence.* Support for external keyboards and mice.* Basic staff notation.* Piano roll interface designed for touch-based musiccomposing.* Full instructions at note that this is the free version, which differs fromthe premium version in having a maximum file size for locally-savedfiles.
Dynamic Game of Life 1.11
Dynamic Life is a variant of Conway's GameofLife that allows the user to alter the game's standardalgorithminto millions of possible variations by interacting withthescreen.Instructions:Continuously swiping the screen changes the current algorithminan incremental fashion.Double-clicking the right side of the screen creates acompletelynew algorithm.Double-clicking the left side of the screen adds randomdata.Pressing and holding brings up advanced options, including:1. Changing the effect of motioning, including drawingdata,erasing data, reversing data, etc.2. Switching to the traditional Game of Life algorithm.3. Changing brightness, screen dimensions, speed, etc.4. Saving and loading algorithms.5. Saving images as wallpaper.
Extra Keyboard 1.2
Extra Keyboard allows the remote control ofaPC (Windows or Unix-style systems) using scripts. These scriptscanbe designed to perform simple tasks, or complex processestoautomate tests, replace repetitive manual operations, etc. Aquicksummary of the app's features follows:Basic macros comprising all of the keys on atypicalkeyboard.Mouse controls.Running executables and other commands.Simple programming-like features (loops, variables, etc), aswellas integration of Java into scripts for morecomplicatedautomation.Generating screenshots while scripts run, as well astheautomatic creation of websites to easily view theprocess'sscreenshots on completion.The documentation and complete list of features can befoundhere: that the app requires the installation of thefreeconfiguration manager that can be downloaded here:
Extra Keyboard (premium) 1.2
Extra Keyboard allows the remote control ofaPC (Windows or Unix-style systems) using scripts. These scriptscanbe designed to perform simple tasks, or complex processestoautomate tests, replace repetitive manual operations, etc.Thepremium version has no limits on the size of the scripts. Aquicksummary of the app's features follows:Basic macros comprising all of the keys on atypicalkeyboard.Mouse controls.Running executables and other commands.Simple programming-like features (loops, variables, etc), aswellas integration of Java into scripts for morecomplicatedautomation.Generating screenshots while scripts run, as well astheautomatic creation of websites to easily view theprocess'sscreenshots on completion.The documentation and complete list of features can befoundhere: that the app requires the installation of thefreeconfiguration manager that can be downloaded here:
Wikicomposer (premium) 1.02
Wikicomposer has the standard features ofmusiccomposition software, but also allows collaboration overtheinternet. This is the premium version which allows scores ofanysize to be saved locally.Features include:* Multi- and Single-Staff playback and looping.* Familiar editing controls including copy, cut, paste,delete,undo, redo.* Saving and loading using the midi file format.* Customizable controls.* Multiple window support.* Local and remote persistence.* Support for external keyboards and mice.* Basic staff notation.* Piano roll interface designed for touch-basedmusiccomposing.* Full instructions at note that this is the free version, which differs fromthepremium version in having a maximum file size forlocally-savedfiles.
Automation and Remote Control 1.33
This app allows the remote control of a PC (Windows or Linuxsystems) using scripts. These scripts can be designed to performsimple tasks, or complex processes to automate tests, replacerepetitive manual operations, etc. A quick summary of the app'sfeatures follows: Basic macros comprising all of the keys on atypical keyboard. Mouse controls. Running executables and othercommands. Simple programming-like features (loops, variables, etc),as well as integration of Java into scripts for more complicatedautomation. Generating screenshots while scripts run, as well asthe automatic creation of websites to easily view the process'sscreenshots on completion. The documentation and complete list offeatures can be found here: that the app requires the installation of the freeconfiguration manager that can be downloaded here: Installation
SF Music Composition 1.32
Music Composition for tablets.
Dynamic Game of Life 1.34
A version of Conway's Game of Life with millions of algorithmicvariations.