rik194 Apps

United World 1.24
+++ APP BETA +++Foreword:The application is still under development, so any adviceorcriticism (constructive) are welcome.Description:The United World app is designed to allow anyone to call forhelpor to offer it.If you find yourself in a dangerous situation or in any caseoftrouble, you can just press one of three buttons to reports ofaid(as a SOS). Through the GPS location you will be sent asignalaround the world and all the users who have installed UnitedWorldcan help you decide whether or not, they will be shown on themapincluded in the app a new placeholder with the priority levelofyour choice, so you can make your position identifiable and abletoreach.The concept upon which the United World is to be able to createanetwork of people who can, help each other without takingparticularrisks or spending unnecessary money, but relying onothers.For security the first time you open the app you will be askedtoregister. Every time you send a message, it will be recordedvariousdata (location, user and time) on a central database. Thisway ifthey cause an accident due to this app, we will be abletoimmediately detect the location, the time and the user.The initial idea of ​​the United World came whenreadingcontinuously news of aggression and violence, I asked myself"butonly if there was a link between the population, so as not tobealone in times of need?" And from there I decided to developthisapp, believing in a project that I hope one day can becomeviraland can help those who need it.
Parrocchia Olginate 0.9
Applicazione dedicata alla ParrocchiadiOlginate.Potrete leggere tutti gli articoli presenti sul blog, iscrivervialservizio Newsletter, visionare il sito, gestire i vostri feedepreferiti ecc..Application isdedicatedto the Parish of Olginate.You can read all the articles on the blog, subscribe toournewsletter service, visit the website, manage your feedsandbookmarks, etc. ..
United World Premium 1.22
+++ VERSIONE PREMIUM DI UNITED WORLD +++Nella versione premium:- Nessuna pubblicità- Pulsante per aggiungere una descrizione alle vostresegnalazioni(SEGNALAZIONE SPECIFICA)+++ APP BETA +++Premessa:L'applicazione è ancora in fase di sviluppo, quindiqualsiasiconsiglio o critica (costruttiva) sono ben accetti.Descrizione:L'app United World è stata pensata per poter permettereaqualsiasi persona di richiedere aiuto o di offrirlo.Se vi trovate in una situazione di pericolo o comunquedidifficoltà, vi basterà premere uno dei 3 pulsanti perlesegnalazioni di aiuto (come un SOS). Tramite la localizzazioneGPSverrà inviato un segnale in tutto il mondo e tutti gli utenticheavranno installato United World potranno decidere se aiutarviomeno, li verrà mostrata sulla mappa inserita nell'app unnuovosegnaposto con il livello di priorità da voi scelto, così dapoterrendere identificabile la vostra posizione epoterviraggiungere.Il concetto su cui si basa United World è quello di potercreareuna rete di utenti che possano, vicendevolmente aiutarsisenzacorrere particolari rischi o spendendo inutile denaro, mabasandosisugli altri.Per questioni di sicurezza la prima volta che aprirete l'appviverrà chiesto di registrarvi. Ogni volta che inviereteunasegnalazione, ne verranno registrati i vari dati (posizione,utenzae orario) su un database centrale. In questo modo sedovesseroverificarsi incidenti dovuti a quest'app, saremo in gradosubito dirilevare la posizione, l'orario e l'utenza.L'idea iniziale di United World è arrivata, quandoleggendocontinuamente notizie di aggressioni e violenze, mi sonochiesto"ma se ci fosse un collegamento unico fra la popolazione, inmododa evitare di rimanere soli nel momento del bisogno?" E da lìhodeciso di sviluppare questa app, credendo in un progetto chesperoun giorno possa diventare virale e che possa aiutare chi nehabisogno.+++ +++ PREMIUM VERSIONOFUNITED WORLDIn the premium version:- No advertising- Button to add a description to your reports (SPECIAL REPORT)+++ +++ APP BETAForeword:The application is still under development, so any adviceorcriticism (constructive) are welcome.Description:The United World app is designed to allow anyone to call forhelpor to offer it.If you find yourself in a dangerous situation or in any caseoftrouble, you can just press one of three buttons to reports ofaid(as a SOS). Through the GPS tracking you will be sent asignalaround the world and all the users who have installed UnitedWorldcan help you decide whether or not, they will be shown on themapincluded in the app a new placeholder with the priority levelofyour choice, so you can make your position identifiable and abletoreach.The concept on which United World is to be able to createanetwork of people who can, help each other withouttakingparticular risks or spending unnecessary money, but relyingonothers.For security the first time you open the app you will be askedtoregister. Every time you send a message, it will be recordedvariousdata (location, user and time) on a central database. Thisway ifthey cause an accident due to this app, we will be abletoimmediately detect the location, the time and the user.The initial idea of ​​the United World came whenreadingcontinuously news of aggression and violence, I askedmyself, "butif there is a unique connection between the population,so as notto be alone in times of need?" And from there I decided todevelopthis app, believing in a project that I hope one day canbecomeviral and can help those who need it.
Funny Film 0.2
Funny Film è una raccolta delle battute edellecitazioni più belle e divertenti dei film.Funny Film is acollectionof jokes and quotes of the most beautiful and enjoyablefilm.
Wait 1.02
Enter in the world of Wait (What Am IToday?),the magic egg and comes to discover what lies inside.Every day the magic egg returns to its original shape,insidewhich hide a multitude of objects and golden eggs.To discover what is hidden inside just shake the magic egg forabout2 seconds (holding down), after which, thanks to a magicformula, itwill show what is hidden and you can find out what isthe secretphrase of the mysterious object.Within Wait we have the opportunity to buy new packages,stealsecret items to your Facebook friends and unlock manynewcharacters.Once logged in with Facebook, we can steal the secret itemstoour friends, answering the trick questions and return the eggtotheir original form.The unlockable packages, as well as the purchase of newlives,can be purchased through the golden eggs.Others packages coming soon...To suggest the creation of a new package, send an email tothedeveloper.