qkzoo1978 Apps

Placemark Manager 1.18
Update estimated for April, 2019! Placemark Manager is an easy touse application to save, and recall places that you've been to, andplaces that you want to go. All of this accomplished using anintuitive interface similar to a file manager. Whether you're atruck driver navigating to and from new or familiar customerlocations, a geocaching wizard, or a salesman trying to keep trackof their customers, Placemark Manager has your back! Think of it asa GPS address book. Plug in the location that you want to reach viaits GPS coordinates, or just type in it's address, and be on yourway! All saved locations are saved as placemarks, commonly known aspoints of interest or waypoints in other software. They can easilybe exported as KML files. Conversely, you can import KML or KMZfiles to import placemarks from other sources, or your own backups.Features: * NO ADS (not even in free version)! * NO accounts tocreate. * NO subscription fees. * Store hundreds of locationsneatly organized in folders the way you like. (LICENSED ONLY) *Import Placemarks from KML (Google Earth browser files) files fromother applications or web sites and save them to your device, allwhile preserving folder structure. * Import Placemarks from KMZ(Google Earth Compressed Earth browser files) from otherapplications or web sites and save them to your device, all whilepreserving folder structure. * Export some, or all of yourlocations as KML, also preserving your folder structures. (LICENSEDONLY) * Paste raw KML for a placemark into other applications. *Backup your locations as KML to your SD card, or cloud storage,such as Google Drive, and never lose them again. * Get travel timesand distance to saved locations quickly and easily! * Click vcardinformation from a contact to save it right into Placemark Manager.* View single locations on a map. * View selected places on a mapto make routing a breeze. * Compute nautical/air miles between youand your destination (really useful for truckers). * Get drivingdirections to saved places. * Turn coordinates into something morereadable, like "Chicago, Illinois," instead of "41.8781136,-87.6297982." * Share them if you like! Quickly launches yourplacemarks (saved places) for navigation in Google Earth, Maps andNavigator, Waze, and many others! About the applicationspermissions: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COURSE_LOCATION: Getyour devices GPS coordinates when adding new placemarks. INTERNET:To reverse geocode your location from coordinates to something morereadable, like "Chicago, Illinois". WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Toexport KML files to your sd card. ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Make surenetwork is available before using Internet. WAKE_LOCK: For supporton devices without Google Play Services.
My Ten-Twenty Offline 1.08p
If your drive frequently, you most definitely want this tool inyourpocket. Best of all, it's ad free, and free to use! MyTen-TwentyOffline! is an offline reverse geocoder. It takes thecoordinatesthat your device gives it and returns a textualrepresentation ofwhere you are at, such as "Chicago, Illinois."The application givesreal time updates on your coordinates,bearing, altitude and a timebased update of your currentcity/state[province, etc.], street,etc. Almost all of thesecomponents can be enabled or disabled basedon your preferences.Because it's offline, you can use thisapplication without a dataconnection, as long as the device yourusing has GPS or networklocation enabled. If you need moreaccuracy, you can enable Networkmode, where it uses our database inconjunction with Google'sreverse geocoding service to moreaccurately describe yourlocation. If you're device has Android 4.3or greater, you can takeadvantage of the included DayDream. Thismakes a great screen saverfor your device while it's mounted in acar dock. Tip: If you don'thave a menu button to pull up thesettings, just tap the screen.Permissions: APPROXIMATE and PRECISELOCATION - for obviousreasons. MODIFY OR DELETE CONTENTS OF YOURUSB STORAGE - tomaintain the location database. TEST ACCESS TOPROTECTED STORAGE -Check whether or not storage is writable fordatabase. INTERNET -Necessary for reverse geocoding with Google.