pwiatrowski Apps

CGminer Mobile Monitor beta
CGminer Mobile Monitor is a tool whichallowsyou to monitor your (cg)miners and other API compatible appslikesgminer etc.It's very easy to use - add IP and Port of a miner and that'sit!***The application will show you current hashrate, numberofaccepted and rejected shares, temperature of GPU, intensityandhardware errors. It also works with many GPUs in onemachine.*** just make sure that you have enabled API inCGminer(--api-listen, --api-port, --api-allow) - more about how todo thatyou can find on CGminer website.
Internet Toggle Widget beta
Internet Toggle Widget allows you totakecontrol of your Internet connection with just one click!It works with both WiFi and 3g / 2g mobile data connections!Ever wanted to take a nap but just after you've fallen asleepanemail woke you up?!Now you can disable just the network connection to avoid those1000sof unwanted notifications and still be able to make orreceive phonecalls.The Install Internet On/Off widget, put it on your homescreenandyou're ready to go!Whenever you want to disconnect from the Internet just click onthewidget and it'll take care on the rest.And when you want to reconnect - yes - just click the widgetagainand your connections are back.It's as simple as that.Now treat yourself and install this very useful andnap-savingwidget right now!