pixelbit Apps

Anarchist Flag Live Wallpaper 1.0
Anarchist flag live wallpaper, with customizable background colors.Anarcho-capitalist/voluntaryist, anarcho-communist/syndicalism,green anarchism, anarcho-pacifism, anarcho-feminism
Colonial Battle Simulator 1.0
The Colonial Battle Simulator allows you tobattle up to 400 units of over 30 types and commanders from GreatBritain, France, Prussia and the United States.You can create you armies manually in groups or allow them to becreated automaticallyYou can save armies you create and edit them afterwards.This is a re-skin of the Fantasy Battle Simulator 3, downloadthe Fantasy Battle Simulator 2 for free for a small demo of whatthis app provides.
Ancient Battle Simulator 1.1
The Ancient Battle Simulator allows you tobattle up to 400 units of over 20 types and commanders from AncientGreece and Rome on scrollable maps.You can create you armies manually in groups or allow them to becreated automaticallyYou can save armies you create, while still being able to editthem.This is a reskin of the Fantasy Battle Simulator 3, download theFantasy Battle Simulator 2 for free to get a taste of what this appprovides.
Fantasy Battle Simulator 3 1.1
With the arrival of the Fantasy BattleSimulator 3, you can now have battles of up to 400 units on ascrollable map.There are 7 different races with over 50 different unit types,including commanders, totally new sprites, new maps and newspells.As requested, you can now create your armies manually, creatingeach soldier individually, or creating groups at a time.You can save armies you create, while still being able to editthem.
Forces Of Light 1.0
Forces Of Light is a simple rpg/rts for your phone or tablet.An expansion on the Fantasy Battle Simulator, wander theworldmap fighting in 8 different battles(now scrollable) whereyoucontrol where your soldiers can go.Forces Of Light allows you to order individual sections inbattleto predefined points on the map, to their nearest enemy, ortosimply halt.Conquer the orcs with overwhelming force, or usesubtlestrategy.Features:Each section consists of 7 soldiers, plus a sergeant. There are5soldier classes, each can be upgraded twice:Soldier -> Knight -> PaladinMilitia -> Pikeman -> PhalanxCavalry -> Heavy Cavalry -> DragoonsMagician -> Mage -> Arch MageArcher -> Long Bow -> RangerThere are also 4 sergeant classes:DwarfKnight ErrantHussarWizard-Name your army and character-Save and load your progress-Basic enemy AI
Java Class Browser 1.0
The Java Class Browser is a convenient utilitythat allows you to browse Java Classes within the installedpackages on your Android device by entering their name. Find outwhat members a particular Class contains, and also it's inheritancehierarchy.Features include:- Convenient list of all packages installed on the Androiddevice- Ability to browse any class in any installed package, includingClasses from the Java API- A list of all members within a selected Class, each selectable tosee the entire declaration- Filters allow you to find particular members fast- Inheritance view allows you to view the inheritance hierarchy ofthe selected Class- Package list updates with browsed packages (can be turnedoff)- Text field updates with browsed classes (can be turned off)- Change text size of the declaration textPerfect for programmers, developers and anyone who wants to knowmore about what is on their machine!(Note: Browsing is done by fully qualified Class name, that is, thepackage name preceding the Class. Example: java.util.ArrayList)
Fantasy Battle Simulator 1.2.5
Fantasy Battle Simulator 2 is now free!Fantasy Battle Simulator lets you battle with up to 160soldierson the screen.Each soldier has their own stats and individualbehaviorsreminiscent of an RPG/RTS, so with 12 classes, you can beassuredthat no two battles will ever be the same.After creating, displaying and battling your armies, yourcombatstatistics are recorded and can be accessed at any time.Continued support for the game: more classes, battlefieldsandfactions.Classes:Forces of LightSoldierElfDwarfHalflingRangerWizardForces of DarknessOrcGoblinTrollBlack RiderDark ElfDark WizardAlso be sure to check out the Forces Of Light, a simplerpg/rtsspin off to the battle simulators
Fantasy Battle Simulator 2 1.2.0
The Fantasy Battle Simulator 2 allowsforcustomizable soldiers and comes with new sprites.As requested, you can now edit individual soldiers, RPG style.Thereare 4 factions, each with 6 classes and all customizable.Createyour army and throw it into the simulator with battles of upto 160soldiers on screen.After creating, displaying and battling your armies, yourcombatstatistics are recorded and can be accessed at any time.
Ultimate Prepper 2.1
Ultimate Prepper is the best solution for managing your disasterreadiness. Track detailed information about your preps, weapons,bug out bags, vehicles, radio frequencies, and specializedlocations. Manage customized locations of interest includingsalvage targets, caches, safe houses and fertile land, whiletracking specific location information like threat level, value andsize. Attach preps to locations and bug out bags for easiertracking. Schedule notifications for prep expiry, vehiclemaintenance or weapon cleaning. Ultimate Prepper doesn't stop atsingle word categorization - use custom tags to search your prepsby any number of phrases you want. *Note: This application requireslocation permissions in order to set your location within our mapview. We require camera permissions in order to enable you to takepictures as well as storage permissions for the photos to be saved.All data is saved LOCALLY on your own device. Ultimate Prepper wasmade by a prepper for preppers, kindly send suggestions forimprovements to [email protected] so we can all be betterprepared together.
Fantasy Battles 1.9.4
Battle Fantasy armies in battle simulator with over 2000 soldiers
Crusader Battles 1.9.4
Retake the holy land - Battle with over 2000 crusaders on screen