
السيدة الأولى 1.0.1
يرصد المسلسل قصة حياة مريم (السيدة الأولى)زوجة رئيس الجمهورية، والتي تتزوجه بعد أن ينفصل عن زوجته الأولىووالدة أبنائه، طموح مريم كبير فهي تسعى للسيطرة على الحكم خاصة بعدتعرض الرئيس لمحاولة إغتيال، وتكالب جميع رجال السلطة على كرسي الحكم،فهل ستنجح مريم في مبتغاها أم سيفشل مخططها.Monitors the serial storyof the life of Mary (First Lady) wife of the President of theRepublic, which marry him after he separated from his first wifeand the mother of his children, ambitious Mary large it seeks tocontrol the rule, especially after exposure president of anassassination attempt, and piled all the men in power at the seatof government, will succeed Mary Or what it wants in the schemewill fail.
صاحب السعادة 1.0.1
تدور أحداث المسلسل في إطار كوميدي حول حياةبهجت (عادل إمام) بعد تقاعده من عمله، مع زوجته وأبناءه وأحفاده، ومايلاقيه من مشاكل بسبب غيرة زوجته الشديدة عليه، ومشاكل مع أبناءهوأزواجهم، وأحفاده بسبب اختلاف الأجيال بينهم.The serial revolvesevents in the context of comedy about the life of Bhagat (AdelImam) after retiring from his work, with his wife and his childrenand grandchildren, and the fortune of problems because of hiswife's intense jealousy it, and problems with his children andtheir spouses, and grandchildren because of the differentgenerations between them.
فؤش فى المعسكر 1.0.1
برنامج مقالب رمضاني يقدمه المطرب محمدفؤاد،تقوم فكرته على اصطياد الضيف في يخت داخل البحر ليقوم بإجرء حوارمعالمذيعة (سالي شاهين) لبرنامج بعنوان "اليخت"، إلا أن الضيف فجأةيجدنفسه حول مجموعة من اللانشات معلق عليها علم إسرائيل، ثم يتمالقبضعلى الفنان بحجة أنهم دخلوا أماكن عسكرية إسرائيلية من دونإذن.Program dumpsRamadaniprovided by singer Mohamed Fouad, based on the idea of​​catchingthe visitors in the Yacht Offshore for the Bageredialogue with thepresenter (Sally Shaheen) for a program entitled"yacht", but thatthe guest suddenly finds himself on a range ofAllanchat hangingthem aware of Israel, then is arrested Artist onthe grounds thatthey entered the premises of the Israeli militarywithoutpermission.
Mahjongg 1.0.2
Time to showcase your matching skills,mahjongglovers! Your goal in this game is to remove all tiles bypairingthem up. Before the game starts, you can choose to playwith theclassic mahjongg set or a simple combination of numbersand letters.Simply click to select the set you like to begin. Thenthe chosenset will be piled up. When you find a matching piece ofa tile, youcan click the two pieces so that they can be removed.Note that onlythe topmost piece on a pile which is not blockedfrom the left orthe right can be taken. The tiles that can beremoved will behighlighted in red when you click them. A timer atthe top leftcorner will count the time you have spent, while yourscore will becounting down from 10000 according to the time. Ifyou are not ableto make any moves, you may click the Restartbutton on the left tostart over. You may also click the Hintbutton to receive a hint,but note that each time you do so 600points will be deducted. Playthe interesting mahjongg solitaireand feel the oriental ambiance!3e75a275f3