needs Apps

Kg_tool (重量計算) 1.0
-- (Kg_tool 2) of the version for English hasbeen released.--本アプリは重量を計算するプログラムです。スティール(鉄):アルミ(Al):ステンレス(sus):ガラス:銅(Cu):チタン(Ti):の項目から材質を選んで 厚みx 幅 x 縦 を入力する事で 各、質量より 重さを計算します。シンプル版なので特に設定などはありません。- (Kg_tool 2) of theversion for English has been released .-- This application is a program to calculate the weight.Each, weight than the mass by entering the thickness x width xheight to select the material from the items of: steel (iron):Aluminum (Al): stainless steel (sus): Glass: Copper (Cu): titanium(Ti) I will calculate. There is no such setting thereforeespecially simple version.
曲げ加工支援システム 2.0
金属板金加工のベンダー(ブレーキ)作業での支援ツールです(専門職業用)。多工程の曲げ加工時に曲げのポイントを計算するのに時間を取られていませんか?現場作業において電卓での計算はミスも多く2~3度の確認計算はとても面倒で時間も掛かります。本ソフトはそんな時に威力を発揮します。また、曲げ初心者がとまどう ダイレクト曲げ入力値もすぐに計算できます.多工程曲げの板幅の展開ツールとしても重宝します。---------------------------------☆ 画面はスクロールします。スクロールした画面下の方に仮想板厚計算機があります。① 20工程まで入力できます。板厚と伸値を工程ごとに必ず<外寸法>で入力してください② 鋭角、鈍角曲げ時の仮想板厚を計算できます。伸値は任意で入れてください③ 各、曲げ工程の機械入力値がリストされるのでそれにそってプレスベンダー(ブレーキ)に入力値を入れてください(ダイレクト・入力モードで威力を発揮します)④ 本アプリは SDカード に移動可能ですので 本体のメモリを圧迫しません。Is a support tool vendorof metal sheet metal processing in the (brake) work (professionaluse).Do not have taken the time to calculate the point of bendingduring bending of multi-step? Calculations in the calculator willtake time also a very cumbersome confirmation calculation of 2-3degrees many mistakes in the field work. This software is quiteuseful in such a case. In addition, you can quickly calculate theinput value also bending direct beginners confused bending. I amuseful as a developing tool in the plate width of bendingmulti-step.---------------------------------☆ I will scroll the screen. There is a virtual computer thicknesstowards the bottom of the screen that you scroll.I can enter up to 20 process ①. Please enter at sure every stepa cinch and plate thicknessI can calculate the vertical thickness at the time of bending ②acute angle, obtuse angle. Please put in any scintigraphy(This is quite useful in direct input mode) Please put the inputvalue to the press vendor (brake) along the machine that the inputvalue of the process because the list ③ each, bendingIt does not put pressure on the memory of the body ④ thisapplication because it is movable in the SD card.
Brakesystem 1.8
曲げ加工(ブレーキ・ベンダー)の上金型の干渉を簡易的に即確認できるアプリです。--(専門職業用)--☆_曲げの加工現場において、次の作業の金型を選択する時どうしていますか?試し曲げ?や方眼紙に書いて確認?事務所のパソコンでベンダー・シュミレーション?をしていませんか?プロの方でもきわどい曲がりは確認したいものです。職人さんが超簡単に現場で即確認ができる便利ツールです。新人さんの育成にも最適です。☆_現場に指示書投入前にタブレットなどを使いあらかじめ事務所での確認が容易になり、女性事務員さんなどでも簡単に利用でき、毎回ベテラン職人さんに確認しなくても曲げ形状が把握でき、事務作業が向上し素早い現場投入が出来ます。--試用版(無料)を別途、用意しております。まずはお試しください--It is an applicationthatcan be immediately confirmed in a simplified mannertheinterference of the upper mold (brake vendors) bending.-(Professional use) -☆ _ in the processing site of bending, did you do when you wanttoselect a mold of the following tasks:? Bending test?Confirmationto write the graph paper and? Vendor simulation on a PCin theoffice? Do not have a? It is a thing you want to see turnrisqueeven the professional. It is a useful tool craftsmancanimmediately check the site super easy. It is most suitable forthedevelopment of the rookie's.☆ _ it is possible to grasp the shape bending confirmation intheoffice can be easily pre-use and tablet instructions beforeturningon the scene, and are readily available, such as femaleclerk who,without even checking to veteran craftsman every time ,I can bequick-on-site office work can be improved.- Separately, we offer trial version (free). Please try -
Kg_tool_rescission 1.0
This app is only [kg_tool_2] key unlocked.\nItdoes not work by itself.Extension of [kg_tool_2] will operate in that you install this appkg_tool_2 [ v_4.8] _ extended functionality is available inlaterversions.A [Ad display] will be lost if an option is purchased.
Safety_Drive 2.2
It is an application which calculatesthebraking distance of a car.- Isn't there any time of being surprised to always drivethecar? Slack of a momentary mind leads to an accident.If the instant is transposed to a number? Let's reconfirm anumberby an application.- By inputting speed and choosing conditions from a list,theresult of four items of [speed per second], [freerunningdistance], [braking distance], and [stopping distance]isobtained.