n3infinity Apps

Stack Mobile 1.1.0
== We have one day refund policy ==No advertisements and in-app purchases.Stack Mobile is an Android app for managing your OpenStack cloudon the go. The app gives you a control of your OpenStack cloudinfrastructure from anywhere at anytime. It is compatible with (1)OpenStack-based clouds for stable versions of Grizzly, Havana, andIcehouse, and (2) HP Public cloud (only compute and networkmanagement). Note that the app requires a direct network accessbetween your phone and API endpoints of your clouds (Keystone,Nova, Cinder, Glance, Neutron API endpoints).Key features of the app currently include:1. Managing multiple accounts- Have multiple OpenStack accounts? No worry about it, simply putthem in the app, and you can manage either of them from theapp.2. Instance management- Launch your instance, rename an instance, view information aboutyour instance, suspend & resume instances, see console logs,create snapshots, launch from snapshots, view list offlavors.3. Volume management- Create new volume, attach volume to an instance, create a volumesnapshot4. Security group management- View security groups, view and add security rules5. Usage report- View usage within specified date ranges.6. Limit summary- Display your current usage compared to your project’squota.7. Network/subnet management- Create a new network, view networks, create a subnet within anetwork, view subnets within a network8. Floating IP management- View floating IPs, associate / dissociate floating IP to/from aninstance9. Multiple projects- Have an account that has more than one projects? No worry aboutit, you can switch the project to manage on the fly within theapp.10. Region selection- You can select active region within the clouds to manageNote that the app is currently optimised for mobile phones (nottablets). For questions and technical supports, join our Googlegroup (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/stackmobile).
Punch Wear 1.0
Have you ever wonder who is the strongestamongyour friends? This app allows anyone to measure how strong isyourpunch. We use our data analysis algorithm to determine correctpunchdamage.