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AR Look at Me! 1.0.3
This application is the trial version of awasurenaide application.Although the number which can be registeredis to ten pieces, a function can usually be used like aversion.This tool is that of extended actual software(AR).This software isa tool for helping to remember about what was purchasedbefore.It can use to remember the acquisition date of television, and thepurchased mother board name of a personal computer.If a subject is looked into with the camera of a smart phone, thetag about the thing will be displayed on a screen so that theinformation on GPS may overlap the position of the subject withit.It does not correspond to what moves in order to merely recognize asubject by GPS.It is convenient if you use it for explanation of the built-inelectric products of the room, furniture, or an exhibit.But since there is little memory capacity of a smart phone, itcannot carry a lot of data.Therefore, the type which puts data onthe server side is also considered.Please inform [email protected], ifinterested, since it can use for various uses if it is thistype.From several meters, since carrying and the GPS accuracy of carnavigation are tens of meters, when detection goes wrong by useindoors, please lean them vertically and horizontally just for amoment.Operation explanationA subject is looked into with the camera of a main part, and when asubject is visible to the front in a screen, the tag of the subjectis displayed.Explanation of a manual operation button1.snapshotA subject will not be detected as the accuracy of the positioncheck by GPS of a smart phone being bad, and the position of acamera shifting just for a moment, and a tag will disappear.Then,when you hold the state where the tag is displayed temporarily,please push this button.When you return, please push onceagain.2.Set TagsWhen registering a subject, this button is pushed after catching asubject at the front with a camera.It moves to a position acquisition screen.A suitable value is putinto the item Distance for the distance (1 m of defaults) of acamera with a subject.Next, the Get TagInfo button is pushed. Since detection of GPS willbe completed if a green mark is displayed on a screen (it cannotmeasure since GPS is not stable yet when it is a red mark), thelatitude of a subject and longitude are displayed.Please specifythe name in the item Name and specify the matter to remember in theitem Comment. If it completes, the Set Tag button will be pushedand registered.It returns to a main screen with the returnbutton.3.Tag ListsIt pushes, when checking the tag information on the registeredsubject. It moves to the screen on which the list of subjects isdisplayed.A list is displayed on the lower part and the contentsare displayed on the upper part by choosing each item.In the upperpart, a name or a comment is correctable.push the Update button andcomplete correction, after correcting.Moreover, when you delete asubject, please choose the item deleted from a list and push theDelete (if it chooses, displayed on the upper part.) button.Inaddition, after pushing a button, it does not return to origin.Itreturns to a main screen with the Return button. 4.ExitThe end of an application is performed.5.The menu button of a main partAn environmental setup and outline explanation are displayed.The color of the text of tag information and the color of abackground can be set up.
AR Note 1.7
Thank you for checking my App.My Dad is very forgetful lately. and My memory fails me.I have thought about a method not to perform forgetfulness.The AR Note is a simple notepad app.texts is appeared immediately on your video screen when youview pic with your phone’s camera.The trial period is for 3 days. Your will be invalid aftertheperiod.many website is managed with Password.So I have to manage many Passwords.I have already managed their passwords by Note Book orPasswordmanagement softwareBut If I forgot the place where I put that Note Book I can't findapassword to link to that website.In this case, this App can help you.Once you have the App installed it is very easy to use.Using the AR Note.First, Push "Capturing Photos" button, please.Displayed green frame encircles a photographic subject.You can change size of the green frame.(2-finger press, move outwards, lift or 2-finger press,moveinwards, lift)Next, Push "Store Tags data" button, please.Enter texts associated with the photographic or a title toPreventMisrecognition into Opened small window.My app is Tool to look texts associated with draw data.I think this app can be for other use.
Lite of GhostCameraAR 1.1
This is a trial version of GhostCameraAR.The apps can save only 3 images.This apps is Camera apps to see a ghost's image at appearanceplaceof ghosts.They don't appear because so shy when no one place.They appear only such a place where around your face or a faceofpeople in ghost place and day time.you must install a OpenCV Manager before installingthisapps.don't worry, it is opened that the menu for install theOpenCVManager when first time install this apps.so please install it according to an instruction of messages ofthemenu.you don't have to install it if already was installed it.OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library ofprogrammingfunctions for real time computer vision. (http://opencv.jp/)Please do the following operations to see Ghost's Image.1.Take a pic at the appearance place of ghost and it issaved.2.Take out the ghost images from Camera or Gallery App andSavingafter processing the image.3.Matching the appearance place of ghost images of ghost and itissaved.Of course, you can have image anything that monsters andfairiesand youkai angels too.The image with a ghost can post to Facebook, Twitter too.
GhostCameraAR 1.1
This apps is Camera apps to see a ghost'simageat appearance place of ghosts.They don't appear because so shy when no one place.They appear only such a place where around your face or a faceofpeople in ghost place and day time.you must install a OpenCV Manager before installingthisapps.don't worry, it is opened that the menu for install theOpenCVManager when first time install this apps.so please install it according to an instruction of messages ofthemenu.you don't have to install it if already was installed it.OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library ofprogrammingfunctions for real time computer vision.(http://opencv.jp/)Please do the following operations to see Ghost's Image.1.Take a pic at the appearance place of ghost and it issaved.2.Take out the ghost images from Camera or Gallery App andSavingafter processing the image.3.Matching the appearance place of ghost images of ghost and itissaved.Of course, you can have image anything that monsters andfairiesand youkai angels too.The image with a ghost can post to Facebook, Twitter too.