metaSEC Apps

Based on the »Metasec Mobile Frame«, MIDASisavailable as a complete SIP Intercom Station application.Wether on Android™, iOS™, Windows™, Linux™ or MAC™ – thankstoour future oriented cross-platform development, Midassupportsnearly any operating system. MIDAS is also available forallpopular desktop client operating systems like Windows, MAC orUnixbased distributions.In the simplest case, as software for realizing a videocallstation for door communication, there are many morepossiblefunctions.A graphical phonebook with search feature and Free /Busyindicator is also part of the repertoire as well as theopportunityto access different camera streams during a call. TheFree / Busyvisualization also allows the possiblity of so called»concierge«functions to be implemented. In this case, theparticipants can beplaced and displayed on building maps or siteplans.Another highlight of the MIDAS application is the abilitytodisplay presentations and alarms on the devices.Thus, the MIDAS devices may be used as information terminals or–in an emergency – to transform dynamic escape routes ads;allcontrolled centrally from the server.By the use of tablets which already offer a variety ofnetworktechnologies, MIDAS is connectable both in-house network andviaWAN or UMTS to a central station.Rounding out the concept is the possibility ofcentralizedmanagement and monitoring of the MIDAS units – onceconfiguredinitially, the rest of the configuration is done on theserverside.Feel free to contact us and discuss your idea with us. Asolutionis often easier and closer than you think…