m2x Apps

PassMemo 1.0.9
1. We use AES algorithm to encrypt your password info and store itto local database. The AES secret key is generated according to thelaunch password. 2. You can upload your local password info to ourserver side in "backup" page. Feel free to do that, because thedata is encrypted, no one can decrypt it without your launchpassword. 3. You can download your backup info to local storage.Notice that if the launch password has been changed since last timeyou upload to server, the decryption will fail and you'll getnothing. So we strongly recommend you to upload your local dataevery time you modified the launch password. 4. You can create thelaunch password in "settings" page. The launch password won't bestore in neither local storage nor server side, but only in yourmemory! If you forget the launch password, you can never recoveryour password info, be careful!
汉语字典 1.1.1
1. 同时支持汉字查询和成语查询,支持繁体简体互查;2. 权威的字库,包含2万多个简体及繁体汉字,3万多条成语;3. 详细的释义,印刷级别排版;4. 多种查询方式,支持汉字、拼音、部首、笔顺、五笔、笔画查询5. 成语查询支持设定包含关键字、开头关键字、结尾关键字6. 简洁清新的界面7. 无广告1. At the same queriesandsupport Chinese idiom inquiry, support Simplified Traditionalpeerreview;2. The authority of the font, containing more than 20,000Englishand traditional Chinese characters, over 30,000idioms;3. Detailed interpretation, printing level typesetting;The multiple query methods, support Chinese characters,Pinyin,radical, stroke, stroke, stroke inquiry5. idiom query support settings include keywords, keyword atthebeginning, at the end of the keyword6. simple and fresh interface7. No advertising
Amazing picture searching tool forAndroid:1. Search for Internet pictures by keyword;2. Star and download your favorites;3. Set as wallpaper;4. Share to friends;5. Browsing local pictures;6. Endless scroll and slideshow.Go and enjoy it!