javascratch Apps

Dokter 0.1
Dokter adalah aplikasi informasi beritatentangDokter. Bahasa utama yang digunakan adalah bahasa Indonesiatetapiada juga bahasa lain. Informasi ini bagus sekali buat orangyangberprofesi sebagai dokter atau yang ingin jadi dokter.Selamat bekerja dan semoga anda selalu beruntung.The doctor istheapplication of information and news about the doctor. Themainlanguage used is Indonesian but there are also otherlanguages.This information is nice for people who work as doctorsor whowants to be a doctor.Congratulations work and wish you always lucky.
Ginjal Sehat 0.1
Ginjal Sehat adalah aplikasi yangmemberikaninfo tentang ginjal sehat. Ginjal yang sehat sangatpenting sekalibagi hidup anda untuk itu berusahalah agas selalumenjaga makanandan minuman yang anda konsumsi.Mohon maaf jika ada kekuranganSemoga info ini bisa membantuHealthy kidneysareapplications that provide information about healthykidneys.Healthy kidneys are very important for your life to it trygnatsalways keep food and beverages you consume.We are sorry if there is a shortageHopefully this info can help
Berita Pagi 0.1
Berita Pagi adalah aplikasi berita pagiyangmembantumu agar supaya sedikit lebih pintar. Coba bayangkan dipagihari kamu ingin mendapatkan informasi cepat dan sederhanadimanapunanda berada selama anda terkoneksi internet.Semoga aplikasi sederhana ini membantu aktifitasmu.Mohon maaf jika ada kekurangannya.Morning news istheapplication of the morning news in order to help a littlesmarter.Imagine in the morning you want to get a quick andsimpleinformation wherever you are as long as you are connected totheInternet.Hopefully this simple application helps aktifitasmu.We are sorry if there are shortcomings.
Click point 0.2
Click point is a simple game applicationthattests the speed of your hand. No one ever won a 100% or whoknowsyou are the winner. Good luck winner.
hypnorejeki 0.2
Permainan ini membantu alam bawah sadarAndaberubah menjadi lebih baik dan bertambah kaya.Jika Anda percaya dan sering bermain game ini maka pastiakanterjadi perubahan dalam hidup Anda.Cara bermain cukup mudah ... Anda hanya menekan gambaruangsesering mungkin. Fokuskan hanya pada gambar uangnya sambilmenekanterus menerus ... secara tidak sadar maka kata-kata akanmenembusalam bawah sadar.Semoga permainan ini bisa membantu kehidupan Anda.Selamatbermain !!!This game helpsyoursubconscious changed for the better and richer.If you believe and often play this game then definitelytherewill be changes in your life.How to play pretty easy ... you just press the picture ofmoneyas often as possible. Focus only on the image continuouslywhilepressing his money ... unconsciously then the words willpenetratethe subconscious.Hopefully the game can help your life. Have a nice play !!!
tembaki 0.1
Permainan tembak target pasukan khusus.Ibaratkan yang berbaju pasukan khusus adalah bos atau orangyangkita benci sedang berlibur di pantai.Cara bermainnya cukup mudah hanya tembak musuh target kitadengantepat lalu sekali lagi menembak sasaran seberapa tepatdalammenembak sasarannya.Semakin tepat sasarannya maka nilainya semakin banyak.Selamat mencoba untuk mengurangi ataupun dapatmenghilangkanstres di rumah/ di kantor atau dimanapun yang dapatmembuat kitamarah kepada siapa saja.A target shootinggamespecial forces.URLs clad special forces are bosses or people we hate areonvacation at the beach.How to play pretty easy to just shoot us precisely targetenemythen again how precise target shooting in a shootingtarget.The more precisely the goal then its worth more.Welcome to try to reduce or eliminate the stress at home /inoffice or anywhere that could make us angry with anyone.
Xcompetition 0.2
Xcompetition is an exciting game betweentwopeople who are better at math. 1 about 5 secondsThe game is for everyone especially those who are still inschoolin order to memorize the multiplication.This game can be done between friends, siblings, or spouse.Let's champion who today count ...If you often play Xcompetition then you must havememorizedmultiplication by rote.Congratulations to learn and play ! ... I hope you greatvaluemathematics.
Acompetition 0.1
Acompetition is super fast to learn andplaywithout a calculator.Learning is fun in addition to the game Acompetition. Eachonewas given time to think only about 5 seconds. Altogether thereare60 questions easy summation.You can play alone or together with your friends to competeinthe sum clever without a calculator.If you can already sum in school then it's time youprovearithmetic without a calculator.Kick lightning scored 100 in the summation.Let's get a value of 100 on the mathematics.This game can be done between friends, siblings, or spouse.Let's champion who today count ...If you often play Acompetition then you must havememorizedaddition by rote.Congratulations to learn and play ! ... I hope you greatvaluemathematics.Please rate and review
Berita Malam 0.1
Berita Malam adalah aplikasi beritamalamaktual yang dibutuhkan. Informasi apa saja yang pentingdisajikanpada malam hari. Kadangkala anda membutuhkan informasiberita malamyang ada hanya pada malam hari.Mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan.Semoga aplikasi ini menghiburmuNews Tonight eveningnewsis the actual application is needed. What important informationispresented at night. Sometimes you need information on theeveningnews that there only at night.We are sorry if there is a shortage.Hopefully this app consolation
Photo editor browser 0.2
Photo editor browser is a searchapplicationthat was created to facilitate your search for photoediting on theinternet. Everyone loves photos. These applicationshelp you tosearch the internet in order to improve the results ofyour picturebetter.Good work friends.
Umurku 0.3
Umurku adalah sebuah aplikasi sederhanayangmenunjukkan usia Anda di tahun, bulan, minggu, hari, jam,danmenit. Disertai tanggal hari ini.Menghitung umur Anda mulai lahir sampai dengan sekarang.Aplikasiini semoga membantu agar kita selalu bersyukur ternyatatelahdiberikan waktu yang banyak oleh Tuhan.Cobalah...Harap Anda menikmatinya.Please rate and review
Upah 0.1
Upah adalah aplikasi yang memberikaninfotentang upah. Setiap pegawai yang bekerja dengan seriuswajibdiberikan upah layak. Berapa besarnya upah yang layakbisadirundingkan antara pegawai, pengusaha dan pemerintahsebagaipemegang kekuasaan atau sebagai penengah.Mohon maaf jika ada kata yang tidak berkenanSemoga aplikasi bisa membuat anda pintarWages areapplicationsthat provide information on wages. Every employee mustbe given aserious work with a living wage. How big a decent wagecan benegotiated between employees, employers and the government asanauthority or as an arbitrator.We are sorry if there is a word that is not pleasingHopefully, the application can make you smarter
Hari ini 0.1
Hari ini adalah aplikasi berita yang bagusandatahu. Kapanpun dan dimanapun anda berada bisa mendapatkaninformasiaktual dan terpercaya secara cepat. Aplikasi sederhanaini membantuanda memperoleh informasi berita aktual apa hari ini.Mohon maaf jika terjadi kekurangan atau ada berita yangtidakmenyenangkan.Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.Today is a great newsappyou know. Whenever and wherever you are able to get the actualandreliable information quickly. This simple application helpsyouobtain information about what the actual news today.We are sorry if there is a shortage or no unpleasant news.Thank you for your attention.
Pengacara News 0.1
Pengacara News adalah aplikasi beritaseputarprofesi pengacara. Sudah tercipta banyak pengacara hebat dinegaraini, anda ingin tahu beritanya ataukah anda tidak tahupengacaraitu apa dan bagaimana. Aplikasi ini memuat berita aktualseputarprofesi pengacara agar anda dapat info yang benartentangpengacara.Mohon maaf jika ada bahasa yang tidak dipahamiSemoga aplikasi ini bisa menambah wawasan andaLawyer News is newsaboutthe application of the lawyer profession. Already createdmanygreat lawyers in this country, you want to know the news or ifyoudo not know what and how the lawyer. This application containsthelatest news about the profession of a lawyer so that youcancorrect info about lawyers.We are sorry if there is a language that is not understoodHopefully this app can add insight
Tapmillionaire 0.2
Tapmillionaire is knocking exciting game.This simple game is great for everyone.It's easy once just tap continuously until you get thehighestscore. The game was only 30 seconds.Come achieved the highest score !!Depth tap:0-2 $ 13-7 $ 108-20 $ 5021-54 $ 10055-148 $ 500149 - ??? $ 1,000??? - ??? $ 10,000??? - ??? $ 100,000??? - ??? $ 1,000,0000How tap to get $ 1,000,000 ???Try this game if you are indeed a brave man
downi 0.2
Downi is game the helicopter flight down...why ... empty oilThe helicopter must jump on the platforms and not fall down.Get to the bottom and bonus round of sliding platforms.Grab as many bonus as you can along the way!This game is a simple but fast-paced.
Harga Naik 0.1
Harga Naik adalah aplikasi beritatentangkenaikan harga. Harga setiap tahun dipastikan selalu naikmulaidari anda lahir hingga waktu sekarang. Anda harus bisamengaturkeuangan guna menghadapi kenaikan harga tiap tahu.Mohon maaf jika ada salah ketikSemoga aplikasi ini bisa membuat anda berpikir hematPrice Rise istheapplication of news about rising prices. Price per yearcertainlyalways rise from your birth to the present time. Youshould be ableto manage finances in order to face the increase inthe price ofeach idea.We are sorry if there is a typoHopefully this app can make you think saving
Harga Turun 0.1
Harga Turun adalah aplikasi yang memberiinfotentang harga barang yang turun. Semua orang pastimembutuhkaninformasi harga produk tetapi yang sering dicari orangadalah hargaturun.Mohon maaf jika berita yang salahSemoga anda mendapatkan info sesuai keinginanPrice Down isanapplication that gives info about the price of goods down.Everyoneneeds information about product prices but are often soughtafteris the price drops.We are sorry if the wrong messageHopefully you get the info as you wish
Dokter Anak 0.1
Dokter Anak adalah aplikasi beritaseputardokter yang menangani masalah anak. Informasi yangdisajikanseputar masalah anak yang ditangani oleh dokter anak danbeberapainfo yang berkaitan.Mohon maaf jika ada info yang kurangSemoga aplikasi ini bisa menolong andaPediatrician istheapplication of news about doctors who deal with children.Theinformation presented about the problems of children addressedbypediatricians and some info related.We are sorry if there are less infoHopefully this app can help you
ninjabillionaire 0.2
Ninja billionaire is a fun game becausethegame ninja is being jump to find that much money.Be careful there is a sharp knife that can drop you.This game is great for anyone, especially children.Let's play and get a lot of bonus.
Crabattack 0.2
oh no!! crab attack ... be carefull cat run!!How?Cat eat hotdog, taco or piza ... run away from crab.This game is for you !!!Let's download it and help your child play !
7 Hari Motivasi 0.1
7 Hari Motivasi adalah aplikasi berisilaguyang bisa membuat anda termotivasi. Lagu yang enak didengardanirama pas membuat semangat anda membara.Aplikasi ini bagus buat anda yang butuh motivasisetiapharinya.Maaf jika ada salah kataSelamat menikmati hari-hari indah anda7 Day Motivation istheapplication contains songs that can make you motivated. Thesongsare catchy and rhythm fitting make your spirit burning.This application is great for those of you who needmotivationevery day.Sorry if there is one wordEnjoy your beautiful days
Batu Bersyukur 0.1
Batu Bersyukur adalah aplikasi programbawahsadar yang mampu memperbaiki pikiranmu yang belum benar.Semuaorang pasti ingin bahagia, kaya, mandiri, dermawan danlainsebagainya. Tiap manusia memiliki impian masing-masingberbeda.Anda ingin apa sih? Hanya anda yang tahu dan anda sendiriyang bisamewujudkan.Mohon maaf jika ada salah kataSemoga anda selalu diberikan keburuntunganThankful stone isanapplication program that can improve the subconscious mind thatisnot true. Everyone will want to be happy, rich,independent,generous and so forth. Every man has a dream of each isdifferent.You want what? Only you know your own and are able torealize.We are sorry if there is one wordMay you always be given the preserve of