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数独达人 4.2.0
数独是一种源自18世纪末的瑞士,后在美国发展、并在日本得以发扬光大的数学智力拼图游戏。拼图是九宫格(即3格宽×3格高)的正方形状,每一格又细分为一个九宫格。在每一个小九宫格中,分别填上1至9的数字,让整个大九宫格每一列、每一行的数字都不重复。数独的玩法逻辑简单,数字排列方式千变万化。不少教育者认为数独是锻炼脑筋的好方法。Sudoku is aSwitzerlandfrom the 18th century, after the development in theUnited Statesand Japan to be carried forward mathematical jigsawpuzzle. Puzzleis the squares (ie, 3 cells wide × 3 grid H) ofsquare-shaped, eachdivided into a fine grid squares. Small squaresin each of therespective fill in the figures 1-9, so that the wholebig squaresin each column, each row not repeat. Sudoku gameplaylogic issimple, the ever-changing digital arrangement. Manyeducatorsbelieve that Sudoku is a good way to exercise theirbrains.