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الفضائيون The Aliens 1.0
الفضائيون: مشروع علمي يسعى إلى نشر المعرفةالعلمية و المنهج العلمي لدى المجتمعات الناطقة باللغة العربية، منأجل ذلك يعمل العشرات من المتطوعين الذين يتقاسمون حُلم التغيير علىإعداد و ترجمة مواد علمية متنوعة لمواكبة جديد العلوم، وتوفير محتوىتعليمي رائد للأفراد.Alvdhaiaon: scientificproject seeks to disseminate scientific knowledge and thescientific method to the Arabic-speaking communities, for that workof dozens of volunteers who share the dream of change on thepreparation and translation of a variety of scientific materials tokeep pace with new science, and the provision of educationalcontent leading to individuals.
Orient News أورينت نيوز 0.1
برامجنا وتقاريرنا تهتم بالوضع السياسي،الاقتصادي، والاجتماعي في سوريا، ونواكب أخر تطورات .ومجريات الثورةالسورية، بالإضافة متابعة أخر الأأحداث والمجريات على الساحتينالعربية والدوليةOur programs and ourreports concerned with the political situation, economic, socialand in Syria, and keep up with the latest developments .umajraatSyrian Revolution, as well as follow the latest Aloohaddat and runson the Arab and international arenas
euronews arabic 0.1
الأخبار من منظور أوروبي وبثمان لغاتNews from a Europeanperspective and in eight languages
MSN Arabic 0.1
هي أول بوابة باللغة العربية والتي تلبيجميعاحتياجات الناطقين باللغة العربية في الشرق الأوسط. وهي تقدمالمحتوىالمتميز والخدمات التي تشمل ويندوز لايف هوتميل، ويندوزلايفماسنجرIt is the first gateinArabic and that meets all the needs of the Arabic-speakingMiddleEast. It provides premium content and services, includingWindowsLive Hotmail, and Windows Live Messenger
Sasa Post ساسة بوست 1.0
Launched Sasa Post site on March 3, 2014 atthehands of six young people from different geographies in theArabworld, and put in its vision to be a media organization thatrunsfrom through the Internet to reflect the views of the Arabstreet inthe events of geography and the world around him, throughliberaland unique content identity, and through policy editorialwork onthe formulation of diverse content starts from the concernsof thepeople and their ideas and visions and then ends with themagain,carrying with him the complete front of them the picture andanswertheir questions, as well as politicians Post be the firstplatformfor individuals in the Arab world to express, writing andbloggingfreely outside the boundaries of agendas editorial.Sasa Post manages its operational costs through the provisionofmanagement services and the provision of content on theInternetfor institutions wishing to do so, and depend on thevoluntaryefforts of individuals and writing free of charge.and Sasa Post aimed primarily to:Media content special and unique industry and participatory,aswell as professional and informational value, thepotentialprovider of social media, and allows the composition of anetworkof relations between the initiatives and constructive ideasandprojects in the Arab world.Enhance communication with various news and media networks intheArab world.Geographical coverage of the Arab world and Arab communities inthevarious regions of the world.SASA gather the word "political" and SASA in the Arabiclanguageare the leaders, and that part of the vision idea aimedatpioneering project in their respective fields and in ourregion,through the collection of Arabic and English words a jointletterrefers to the promotion of identity through assimilation factthelanguage and accept different.