iBessonov Apps

Anime icon Pack 1.0.3
Коллекция из двухсот Аниме иконок, созданнаяанимешником для анимешников. Подходит как для смартфонов, так и дляпланшетов. Внимание, инструкция: чтобы иконки отображались, следуетскачать бесплатные "Apex Launcher" или "Nova Launcher", либо другуюпрограмму с поддержкой тем и иконок. Зажав в них любую иконку нанесколько секунд, нажмите "изменить" и выберите анимешную иконку,которая вам по вкусу.A collection of twohundred anime icons created for animeshniki animeshnikov. Suitablefor both smartphones and tablets. Attention User: icons to appear,you should download the free "Apex Launcher" or "Nova Launcher", oranother program that supports themes and icons. Clutching them anyicon for a few seconds, click "edit" and select anime icon that youtaste.
Anime Quotes 1.0.2 By Bessonov
This app is designed for those who love anime.Here you can find a great collection of quotes from various anime.Constant updates, beautiful minimalist design, also a huge varietyof settings, notifications of new quotes, the possibility tobookmark and download them to your device - makes this applicationreally interesting and at the same time simple to use. These quotesare divided into categories, that gives you possibility to readevery anime individually. Finally, you can use the convenientinternal search, and if you do not have a network connection, youcan read offline.This app is designed forthose who love anime. Here you can find a great collection ofquotes from various anime. Constant updates, beautiful minimalistdesign, also a huge variety of settings, notifications of newquotes, the possibility to bookmark and download them to yourdevice - makes this application really interesting and at the sametime simple to use. These quotes are divided into categories, thatgives you possibility to read every anime individually. Finally,you can use the convenient internal search, and if you do not havea network connection, you can read offline.
Аниме цитаты 2.1.7
Приложение, созданное анимешником дляанимешников. Отличный сборник цитат, постоянные обновления икрасивый минималистичный дизайн! Аниме цитаты распределены покатегориям, что дает возможность ознакомиться с каждым аниме вотдельности. Множество настроек, уведомления о новых цитатах,возможность поставить закладку и сохранить к себе. Присутствуетпоиск, а так же возможность читать оффлайн. Присутствует АнимеРадио!Application created foranimeshnikov animeshnikov. Great collection of quotations, constantupdates and beautiful minimalistic design! Anime quotes arecategorized, which gives an opportunity to familiarize with eachanime individually. Many settings, notifications of new quotes, theability to bookmark and keep to themselves. There is a search, aswell as the ability to read offline. Present Anime Radio!