hugo00618 Apps

Crystal Calculator 1.3
* A simple, flat-designed calculator. * Ad-free.Requiredpermissions * Network access: A bug reporter is attached tocollectand automatically send error data when the app crashes,while noprivate information will be included in bug reports.Network mayalso be used to download background images.
Crystal Calculator with Wear 1.2.3
* A simple, flat-designed calculator. * Android Wearsupport.Required permissions Network access: A bug reporter isattached tocollect error data when the app crashes. You have anoption to sendthe bug report, no private information will beincluded.Instructions for Android Wear app * Tap and swipe on "NUM"and"OPR" buttons to input numbers and operators respectively. *Wheninputting numbers, hold on a number for a while and then swipetothe next to input multiple digits. * Swipe left on theexpressionto delete. * Swipe up on the result to copy the value totheexpression. * Press "AC" to clear the expression.