healthstored Apps

healthstored - Health Tracker 1.2.7
Get control of your health, all in one place.With our long list of trackers, you can record, store andanalyzeas much as you need, quickly, easily, securely and withprivacy.Whatever your health goals are, healthstored is here to helpyouand your loved ones achieve them.Why we are hereHealth tracking would be so much more powerful if all yourdatawere all in one place. Using pen and paper, multiple apps orsitesto track different things is slow, complicated and restrictsthevalue you can get from your records. You can't access thetruepotential of your efforts.There are also some health issues that would really benefitfromtracking, such as migraines, alcohol, smoking and drugs, butarelargely ignored elsewhere. We're here to change that.So many categoriesWith 17 categories to choose from, whatever you need tomonitorin your life, we've got it covered. From the more commonthingslike weight and exercise to categories like headachesandmenstruation, you can now track it all in one place.AlcoholBlood pressureBlood sugarBody measurementsCholesterolDietDrugsExerciseHeadachesHeartrateHeightMenstruationPeak flowRespiratory rateSleepSmokingWeightMore to come!Quick and easyWe have tried to make healthstored as quick and easy to useaspossible. We know that you're much more likely to stay thecourseif it only takes 30 seconds a day to do it. The app will letyouadd records for all your chosen categories. To changewhichcategories you're tracking, visit the website.Use your dataWe have a full suite of tools on the website which allow youtoview your data as you like. Tables, graphs, reports,exportingdata, it's all there. We want you to get the maximumbenefit fromyour data, leading you to a healthier future. Afterall, that'swhat we're all doing this for, right?Don't forget your loved onesThis is a real game-changer for those of you who want asingleplace to track your health and the health of a loved one.Maybethat loved one is a freshly-minted bundle of joy, a familymemberin your care, or just someone that you are concerned aboutenoughto help out.Our system allows you to track up to five others,withcustomizable category lists and data analysis for each ofthem.Give it a try, and you'll quickly see how easy it is todo!You control your dataWe don't believe in locking you into a system byjealouslyhoarding all your data. You have complete control of yourdata, sofrom the website you can export or completely delete all ofyourdata from our servers, quickly and easily.Something else close to our heart is data privacy. You canrestassured we are not sharing your data with anyone else. Yourdata ishere and here only. It simplifies things for us, andhopefullygives you some peace of mind.EvolveEverything you see here is only the beginning of what we wanttodo. We have many more ideas to bring to life, but there are onlysomany hours in a day.We also want our users to play a vital role in definingthefuture of healthstored. Don't hesitate to let us know ifthere'ssomething here you'd like to see.PremiumTo help you get started, we will offer the first 30 daysfree.Hopefully in this time you'll come to love oureasy-to-useservice.Once those 30 days are up, you can either upgrade for a low,lowprice of $24/year, or continue with the free package toyourheart's content. The free package restricts the numberofsimultaneous categories you can track, doesn't allow thetrackingof others, and has a few adverts dotted around."Why have multiple tiers??" we hear you cry! As mentionedbefore,we don't want to share your data around to all and sundry.This iswhat most 'free' sites do as a means of getting paid, andwe want totry a different way. Hopefully you'll join us.