
RMS Viewer 1.8.8
RMS Viewer enables Android devices to consume MicrosoftWindowsRights Management protected documents recieved by mail orany otherapplication. IMPORTANT: This application requiresconnectivity toan RMS Rendering Server running in your corporatenetwork. Pleaseread the requirements section below. DETAILS:Windows InformationRights Management protects typical officedocuments using strongencryption and allows the use of thesedocuments only on dedicatedenrolled Microsoft Windows Machines. Butbecause of the nature ofthese documents it is critical for acorporation to enable itsemployees to consume the documents also oncorporate enabled mobiledevices like iPhone, iPad or Blackberry tobe able to be informedin time when travelling. The RMS Viewer Appregisters itself to thefile types available for RMS and when rightsmanagement protectionis detected, the mobile app sends theprotected document to a RMSRendering server hosted in the corporatenetwork. The RMS RenderingServer will decrypt and convert thedocument if the user haspermissions to view the document. Theconverted document will bereceived by the mobile app and displayedwithin an app viewer,which will not allow to print or forward theprotected document.Documents can be stored on the device withstrong encryption, inorder to be viewed later even when offline.