gara-paranormal Apps

Spiritek spirit box 1.5
Spiritek,this is a reverse speech spirit box that has two banks andmadewith the help of the unity group.its uses the pressure and light sensors so as to give abetterreading when doing investigations.please note this is not a toy and is intended forseriousparanormal research.
Platoon Box 1.5
Platoon Box.This Box is for all fallen solders in spirit and chance tousethis for a focused session with them.Are you into military history or just interested inParanormalresearch.well try this app i cannot guarantee it will work for you as inmosttimes its the user importthat helps the session.give it a go and see what you get in return.REMEMBER THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN BUT MADE FORSPIRITCOMMUNICATION AND SERIOUS PARANORMAL RESEARCH.
Skull Box 1.0
This spirit box is designed forspiritinteraction only.The idea is that you leave your device unattended withanexternal recorder.The button are touch activated and will play a pre-loadedsegmentof sound which they can use.i do not promise this work as it requires patience and time andyourwillingness to work with it in yourinvestigations.Remember this is designed for spirit or ghostinteractiononly.This is experimental ITC.THIS IS NOT DESIGNED FOR USE WITH CHILDREN AS ITC INTERACTIONISREAL AND NOT A TOY OR GAME TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY.thank you for downloading.good hunting and stay safe.
Animal Spiritbox 1.0
This is an experimental ITC appThis is using animal sounds with chanting.ITC research covers a whole science on its own.there is much to learn so this time i thought about theanimalkingdom.WARNING THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN BUT IS MADE FORSERIOUSITCRESEARCHING.
White Box 1.0
The White Box is the famous white box whichhasgiven those who own onegreat pleasure.this will hopefully give the same experience as the real boxandusesactual White Box files.the design is simple as with the actual box.REMEMBER THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN AND IS FOR SERIOUSITCRESEARCH.
XANDER BOXthis spirit box app was made with the help of spirits from thestartthey helped with the sound files and design.the name of the app was given to it by the spirits.this app is running a 9 clock engine using six sounds.the app has to warm up for 5-10 seconds for the clocks to runcorrectly.PLEASE REMEMBER THIS APP IS ONLY INTENDED FOR USE BY ADULTS, ITMUST NEVER BE USED BY CHILDREN.THESE WARNINGS ARE GIVEN FOR THE SAFETY OF CHILDREN IN THAT THEYMAY BECOME TARGETSFOR SPIRITS OF A BAD NATURE.thank you for downloading
Scale Box 1.0
SCALE BOXTHIS APP IS FREE OF CHARGE AND NO PROMISE IT WILL WORK FORYOUBUT TRY IT IF IT WORKSGREAT IF NOT REMEMBER ITS FREE BE RESPECTFUL.Scale Box has been in development for a while this will givetheuser a chance to enter the I.T.C Research has volume control and speed control and a will need to use a recorder with this app so as togainbetter sessions.but before you start prepare for your session, clear yourmindand don't use it with the view to prove it works or notyou will fail as the spirits will turn their backs. but workwiththem.
Unity Franks Box 3.5
Unity Franks Box is the franks box #153
Welcome to Cabloiss Energy Boxthe app was made with the help of has two banks which were tested by therm.the speakers are the buttonsleft slow and the right fastREMEMBER THESE ARE EXPERIMENTAL IN THE I,T,C FIELD.i repeat EXPERIMENTAL.THIS IS INTENDED FOR USE BY ADULTS ONLY.
Morph-Detector 2.7
this is a simple E.M.F. detectorit will display the X, Y, Z and collected E.M.F readings.made for use with paranormal investigations.REMEMBER THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY CHILDREN
Morph-Magic-ITC 3.0
Morph-Magic-ITC.This is a Magnetic controlled Phonic speech spirit box.there are no words just phonic have the EMF reading so as to see the interaction withthedevice and a slider control toset the activation point for the speech box to start.there is a speed control for the audio.REMEMBER THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY CHILDREN BUTFORSERIOUSITC RESEARCH
Morph-Multi-Box 1.5
MORPH-MULTI.short for morphis multi spirit box.this has been designed to cover as much as possible uses the Light, EMF& pressure sensors.these will give a numerical reading so you can log theseat the time of reaction.the spirit box is set at random and there is nospeedcontrolthis will make it easier for them hopefully.updates will follow.REMEMBER THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY CHILDREN BUTADULTSONLY.
Welcome to RANTEK BOX.Rantek uses an engine build by appydroid.the engine has 100 short sound clips which are selected by a randomengine.the engine plays two sound clips at once selected.The design was inspired by greyfairs kirk EdinburghScotland.when using the app first let it run for 30 seconds to a mintueto allow the engine to warm up.record your session as the sound clips are random.PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY CHILDERN ADULTSONLY
Malay Box 1.5
aplikasi berbahasa kotak semangatMelayu.ini adalah untuk tujuan I.T.C eksperimen.mengulangi ini adalah EKSPERIMEN.ia menggunakan dua bank bunyi thai dan anda mempunyai berikutkawalan kelajuankawalan hingar putih.APP INI BERTUJUAN UNTUK DEWASA SAHAJABUKAN UNTUK PENGGUNAAN DENGAN KANAK-KANAK.
Welcome to THAI BOX.a thai speaking spirit box app.this is for experimental I.T.C repeat this is uses two thai sound banks and you have a the followingspeed controlwhite noise control.THIS APP IS INTENDED FOR ADULT USE ONLYNOT FOR USE WITH CHILDREN.
Welcome come to Morph-E.M.F random box.this spirit box app is triggered by the emf setting level.the user should look first at the emf reading and set thelevelto where they feel they want the app to be triggered.then the spirits will trigger the app and give also have the pressure reading too with the idea theymaylower or rise the pressure.REMEMBER THIS APP IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY CHILDREN.
Welcome to TraxusTraxus has 4 audio bankstwo forward and two reversethe left button for reverse and the right for forwardthere is speed control on both banks.these apps are made for paranormal investigations.but they are EXPERIMENTAL.THIS APP IS INTENDED FOR ADULT USE ONLY
Welcome to MORPH EYE I.T.C.this app uses tv static that is morphing in an attemptto get the spirits to try and show themselves.of course they will have use of the spirit box so theycan fully communicate with the user.i state again i state i cannot prove this will work aswithall my apps they are experimental and i do not say they do.if it works then the benefit to the user.PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS NOT TO BE USED BY CHILDREN I.T.CISREALAND IS INTENDED FOR ADULT USE ONLY.
Morphis Pro 1.0
Morphis Pro.this is a full control version of Morphis where the user hascontrolover speed and volume.there is two engines running Morphis nowR = is random the user has no control over speed but can adjustthevolume.S = is speed control with the speed slider above the button.theuser can controlboth speed and volume.Morphis Pro uses the Original files from Morphis.PLEASE NOTE THESE APPS ARE FREE AND THERE IS NO GUARANTEE ITWILLWORK FOR YOU IF ITDOES OR NOT LEAVING NEGATIVE COMMENTS IS NOT HELPFUL WHEN ITISFREE.ALSO THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN BUT ADULT USE ONLY.I.T.C. IS REAL.
legacy-tek 2.0
Welcome to Legacy-tek This has been made to try to communicatewithspirits. we cannot say it will work for the user but with timeitmay The app uses 700 audio fragments that are picked at randomandplayed, this is designed so that the spirits can usethesefragmentments and form words in response to any question askedofthem. They are intelligent and choose to do so at their will.Theapp needs time for them to learn how to use the app. manybelieveapps work and some believe they don't but with honest intentappslike this can open us up to many interesting facts orhistoricalpast events. please use this app with great respect tothose who dochoose to communicate the app has a the followingslider = controlsthe speed of the app engine and the speed rate thefragments willbe picked and played back at. B1 = starts the app andworks withthe slider so the user can select the speed they choosethats suitsthem R = this starts the app and then the speed of theapp engineand the the speed the audio fragments are picked arechosen atrandom speeds as some prefer such a setting. THIS APP ISNOTINTENDED FOR USE BY CHILDREN THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR USEBYCHILDREN
Para-cam 6.0
EMF controlled camera with full camera control settings
PIC-TEK is now FREE. word and picture random word I.T.Ccommunication app
The I.T.C. Collaboration pro 3.2
12 Language phonetic I.T.C App
emf controlled spirit box app
Quatch Box 2.0
first of its kind using rare recorded sounds of Bigfoot with I.T.Cintegration
a japanese ITC paranormal app