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同屏飙车,极速对抗!首款3D多人在线竞技赛车手游《极速》火热上线,简单易上手的双重操作模式,紧张刺激的竞速角逐,加入游戏马上畅享真实赛车竞技带来的酷爽体验!【同屏飙车 极速对抗】区别于市面上大部分赛车手游,《极速》首次实现了多人在线实时竞速,这也是该作的主要玩法之一。在线对战系统中分三种模式:随机四人对战、随机两人对战、好友两人对战。玩家可以在游戏中随机匹配对手,也能通过邀请功能与好友单挑竞速。这强调人与人之间真实竞技的PVP系统吸引了许多热爱真人飙车的活跃玩家。【U3D引擎,打造真实的3D赛车世界】游戏整体采用U3D引擎打造,3D建模技术还原世界著名赛道40余条,场景细腻写实,多辆顶级跑车,1:1建模华丽制作。从特效来看,实时光影技术很好的模拟了现实环境中光线变化,其粒子特效则呈现出炫酷的喷射特效、真实撞击反馈等,玩家置身游戏仿佛身临其境,对于热爱赛车的玩家来说有着非常强烈的代入感。【简单操作 3D在线赛车手游】作为竞技类赛车手游《极速》操作简单容易上手,玩家可以根据操作习惯选择重力感应或拉杆操作,更贴心的是两种模式均能选择左右手操作方向。游戏新手指导设计非常人性化,全程都有甜美声优配音的女郎陪驾,为玩家提供提醒、指导、激励等领航服务,即使是从来未玩过赛车手游的小白用户也能轻易上手。【游戏玩法丰富赛制多元化】游戏玩法丰富,赛制多元化,除了真人碰撞的PVP对抗外,还有诸多PVE趣味玩法,可归纳为一大赛制、五大模式、五大比赛。在不同的赛道和模式中设置了许多障碍和奖励,比如在追击战中设有追击导弹和滚动的汽油桶,需要一边避让还要一边拾取武器攻击装甲车,在生涯模式中,玩家会遇到各种障碍物同时还要拾取诱人的道具奖励。这非常考验赛车操作技术,玩家需要不断的提升自己的操作能力、协调能力,同时还需要不断的改装自己的赛车提高性能,才能稳操胜券在比赛中拔得头筹。《极速》狂飙上线,告别单机赛车,邀请小伙伴一起来开黑吧!速度?激情?梦想?一个都不能少!用速度点燃激情,激情实现梦想!官方Facebook: the screenracing, speed fight! Atletico's first 3D multiplayer online racingtour "Speed" on the hot line, simple approachable dual mode ofoperation, exciting racing competition, to join the gameimmediately and enjoy real racing athletic tape to cool coolexperience![against] the same screen racing speedThe market most distinguished racing tour, "speed" for the firsttime realized the real-time multiplayer online racing, one of whichis the work of the main gameplay. Online Battle System carve threemodes: random four war, random play against, play against a friend.Players can be randomly matched opponents in the game, but alsothrough invitation features singled racing with friends. Thisemphasizes the interpersonal real competitive PVP system hasattracted many active players who love live racing.[U3D engine, to create true 3D racing world]The overall use of the game engine to create U3D, 3D modelingtechnology to restore more than 40 world-famous race track, scenedelicate realism, more top sports cars, 1: 1 modeling gorgeousproduction. From the effects of view, a good real-time lightingtechnology simulates the real-world environment light changes, theparticle effects is showing a cool spray effects, the real impactfeedback, players in situations like the ground game, for theplayers who love racing It has a very strong sense ofsubstitution.[simple 3D online racing tour]As athletic racer Tour "Speed" operation simple and easy to use,the player can choose gravity sensor or lever operation accordingto operating practices, more intimate is able to select theright-hand operation modes direction. Game novice guide the designis very user-friendly, full seiyuu voice has a sweet girl toaccompany driving, it gives players a reminder, guidance,incentives and other pilotage services, even if the tour had neverplayed the white racer users can easily get started.[gameplay rich game system diversification]Rich gameplay, game system diversification, in addition to realcollision of PVP combat, there are many interesting PVE gameplay,can be summed up as a contest system, the five models, fivematches. Arranged in different tracks and modes of the manyobstacles and incentives, such as is provided in pursuit ofmissiles and fought running battles rolling barrels of gasoline,but also need to avoid the side picked up weapons to attack armoredvehicles while in Career mode, players will encounter but also pickup various obstacles attractive props reward. This is the test ofracing technique, players need to constantly upgrade theiroperating skills, coordination, and also need to constantly improvethe performance of their cars converted to shoo come out on top inthe race."Speed" Hurricane on the line, farewell single car, inviting smallpartners together to open the black bar! Rate? Passion? Dream? OneLess! The speed ignite the passion, the passion to realize theirdreams!Official Facebook: