f2prateek Apps

Countdown Timer 1.0
Countdown Timer is a simple timerapplication,featuring a minimalist design and extensivecustomization.Feel free to contact me with any suggestions, feature requestsor bug reports. The quickest way to get in touch with me would bevia twitter (@f2prateek).The application icon was designed by Aleksandra Wolska (http://olawolska.com)
Bee 0.2.0
Bee lets you quickly spell a word that is hardto say over the phone.For example, people often have a hard time spelling my last name(Srivastava) over the phone. I simply type in 'Srivastava' intoBee, and it prompts me with 'Sierra Romeo India Victor Alfa SierraTango Alfa Victor Alfa'. This makes it much easier for the personon the other end to spell my name.Bee will also detect when you make or receive a phone call, andprompt you with a heads up notification so you can quickly launchthe app. The notification will be automatically dismissed when thecall ends.
Progress Button 1.0.0
ProgressButton is a custom progressindicatorwith a tiny footprint.Based off the sample provided by Roman Nurik. Thedefaultimplementation provides a pin progress button as seen ontheAndroid design site, and as seen on the official Google Playsuiteof apps. The color indicates whether it's downloaded (blue) ornot(gray). The appearance of the pin indicates whether the downloadispermanent (white, upright) or temporary (gray, diagonal).Whenstate is in the process of changing, progress is indicated byamoving pie chart.