eduPad Apps

iTooch 4th Grade Math 4.6.2
With more than 1,756 activities, iTooch 4thGrade Math is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for fourthgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activitiesbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 8M users, iTooch apps provide comprehensivelearning solutions which help parents, teachers and students toidentify and address learning needs in a fun and motivatingway.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author• Power ups to increase motivation and give a little boost !☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Numbers and Operations, Measurement and Data, Graphsand Statistics, Fractions and Decimals, Geometry✓ 58 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,756 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 557 original pictures➡ iTooch 4th Grade Math is by far the most comprehensive educativetool on Google Play for students in Grade 4.Use our iTooch companion App Monster Messenger to share yourprogress with your friends and ask them for help. Monster Messengeris a safe social network for kids and their families, where parentshave full control on their children's contact list.Discover our other apps iTooch 4th Grade Science and iTooch 4thGrade Language Arts on the Google Play Store. Our apps areavailable for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5thGrade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Mathand Science. iTooch apps comply with the US National Common Corestandards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Les Bases du Français 4.6
iTooch Les Bases du Français est uneapplication de soutien scolaire ludique, conçue par desenseignants, qui couvre le programme scolaire officiel du seconddegré en Français.Utilisées par plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, lesapplications iTooch sont nées de la rencontre d'enseignantspassionnés, de pédagogues et de professionnels du jeu vidéo,eux-mêmes parents. L'union de ces savoir-faire a permis d’offriraux enfants un merveilleux complément scolaire qui leur donne envied’apprendre et qui leur permet de s’entrainer sur tout le programmeofficiel de leur classe.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans la lectureet la compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scores deplusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applications mêmesans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentales àconnaître par les élèves• Des power ups spécialement conçus pour motiver et donner petit uncoup de pouce !★ App sélectionnée dans les tops du guide Les meilleuresapplications pour enfants 2015 - par la Souris Grise ★☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀✓ 4 thèmes : Grammaire, Orthographe, Conjugaison, Vocabulaire✓ 78 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exemples etdessins✓ 5 000 questions par titre avec indices et réponsesdétaillées➡ iTooch Les Bases du Français réunit de loin la plus grande based'exercices pour le collège sur Google Play.Retrouvez également notre application iTooch Les Bases des Mathssur Google Play. Les applications iTooch offrent une solution desoutien scolaire mobile pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2,6e, 5e, 4e et 3e en Mathématiques, Français, Anglais etPhysique-Chimie.***A la demande de nombreux utilisateurs qui souhaitentbénéficier d'une application gratuite, nous mettons à dispositionune version gratuite intégrant de la publicité.Cette option nous permet de rendre accessible nos contenus au plusgrand nombre.La publicité peut être supprimée à tout moment très simplement autravers d'un achat dans l'app.Une version de l’application sans publicité et dédiée auxenseignants et aux établissements scolaires est disponible. Nousvous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notre site ***☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Site: http://edupad.comiTooch Bases of French isa playful school support application designed by teachers, whichcovers the official curriculum of the second degree in French.Used by over 5,000,000 people in 146 countries, iToochapplications were born from the meeting of passionate teachers,educators and professionals of the video game, parents themselves.The union of these skills has to offer children a wonderfullearning tool that want to learn and that allows them to train themall on the official program of their class.♖ FEATURES ♖• A simple, clear and fun interface• Speech synthesis to accompany the children in reading and textcomprehension• A multi-player for saving scores of several children on asmartphone or tablet even management• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and integrated calculator• Offline Mode available to enjoy our apps even without an Internetconnection• Automatic synchronization of content• Courses summaries that reflect the fundamentals to know bystudents• The power ups specially designed to motivate and give a littleboost!★ App featured in the tops of the guide The best apps forchildren 2015 - by the Grey Mouse ★☀ CONTAINS THE APPLICATION: ☀✓ 4 themes: Grammar, Spelling, Conjugation, Vocabulary✓ 78 chapters per title with abstract classes, examples anddrawings✓ 5000 questions per title with clues and detailed answers➡ iTooch Bases of French meets by far the largest database ofexercises for college on Google Play.See also our application iTooch Basics Math on Google Play. TheiTooch mobile applications provide academic support solution forclasses of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd inMathematics, French, English and Physics and Chemistry.*** At the request of many users who want a free application, weoffer a free version incorporating advertising.This option allows us to make available our content to asmany.Advertising can be removed easily at any time through a purchasewithin the app.A version of the application without advertising and dedicatedteachers and schools is available. We invite you to discover thisversion on our website: *** ☎ ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Les Bases des Maths 4.6
iTooch Les Bases des Maths est une applicationde soutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvrele programme scolaire officiel du second degré.Utilisées par plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, lesapplications iTooch sont nées de la rencontre d'enseignantspassionnés, de pédagogues et de professionnels du jeu vidéo,eux-mêmes parents. L'union de ces savoir-faire a permis d’offriraux enfants un merveilleux complément scolaire qui leur donne envied’apprendre et qui leur permet de s’entrainer sur tout le programmeofficiel de leur classe.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans la lectureet la compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scores deplusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applications mêmesans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentales àconnaître par les élèves• Power ups to increase motivation and give a little boost !★ App sélectionnée dans les tops du guide Les meilleuresapplications pour enfants 2015 - par la Souris Grise ★☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀✓ 5 thèmes : Numération, Calcul, Mesures et Grandeurs, Géométrie,Gestion de données✓ 57 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exemples etdessins✓ 4 800 questions par titre avec indices et réponsesdétaillées➡ iTooch Les Bases des Maths réunit de loin la plus grande based'exercices pour le collège sur Google Play.Retrouvez également notre application iTooch Les Bases du Françaissur Google Play. Les applications iTooch offrent une solution desoutien scolaire mobile pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2,6e, 5e, 4e et 3e en Mathématiques, Français, Anglais etPhysique-Chimie.***A la demande de nombreux utilisateurs qui souhaitentbénéficier d'une application gratuite, nous mettons à dispositionune version gratuite intégrant de la publicité.Cette option nous permet de rendre accessible nos contenus au plusgrand nombre.La publicité peut être supprimée à tout moment très simplement autravers d'un achat dans l'app.Une version de l’application sans publicité et dédiée auxenseignants et aux établissements scolaires est disponible. Nousvous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notre site ***☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Site: http://edupad.comiTooch Basics Math is aplayful school support application designed by teachers, whichcovers the official curriculum of the second degree.Used by over 5,000,000 people in 146 countries, iToochapplications were born from the meeting of passionate teachers,educators and professionals of the video game, parents themselves.The union of these skills has to offer children a wonderfullearning tool that want to learn and that allows them to train themall on the official program of their class.♖ FEATURES ♖• A simple, clear and fun interface• Speech synthesis to accompany the children in reading and textcomprehension• A multi-player for saving scores of several children on asmartphone or tablet even management• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and integrated calculator• Offline Mode available to enjoy our apps even without an Internetconnection• Automatic synchronization of content• Courses summaries that reflect the fundamentals to know bystudents• Power ups pour augmenter motivation and give a little boost!★ App featured in the tops of the guide The best apps forchildren 2015 - by the Grey Mouse ★☀ CONTAINS THE APPLICATION: ☀✓ 5 themes: Count Calculation, Measurement and Sizes, Geometry,Data Management✓ 57 chapters per title with abstract classes, examples anddrawings✓ 4800 questions per title with clues and detailed answers➡ iTooch Basics Math meets by far the largest database of exercisesfor college on Google Play.See also our application iTooch Bases of French on Google Play. TheiTooch mobile applications provide academic support solution forclasses of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd inMathematics, French, English and Physics and Chemistry.*** At the request of many users who want a free application, weoffer a free version incorporating advertising.This option allows us to make available our content to asmany.Advertising can be removed easily at any time through a purchasewithin the app.A version of the application without advertising and dedicatedteachers and schools is available. We invite you to discover thisversion on our website: *** ☎ ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Français 3ème 4.6
iTooch Français 3ème est une application desoutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre leprogramme scolaire officiel de Français en 3ème.Utilisées par plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, lesapplications iTooch sont nées de la rencontre d'enseignantspassionnés, de pédagogues et de professionnels du jeu vidéo,eux-mêmes parents. L'union de ces savoir-faire a permis d’offriraux enfants un merveilleux complément scolaire qui leur donne envied’apprendre et qui leur permet de s’entrainer sur tout le programmeofficiel de leur classe.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans la lectureet la compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scores deplusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applications mêmesans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentales àconnaître par les élèves• Des power ups spécialement conçus pour motiver et donner petit uncoup de pouce !★ App sélectionnée dans les tops du guide Les meilleuresapplications pour enfants 2015 - par la Souris Grise ★☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀✓ 5 thèmes : Grammaire, Orthographe, Vocabulaire, Lecture, Etude del'image✓ 39 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exemples etdessins✓ 1 385 questions par titre avec indices et réponsesdétaillées➡ iTooch Français 3ème réunit de loin la plus grande based'exercices pour le collège sur Google Play.Retrouvez également notre application iTooch Mathématiques 3ème surGoogle Play. Les applications iTooch offrent une solution desoutien scolaire mobile pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2,6e, 5e, 4e et 3e en Mathématiques, Français, Anglais etPhysique-Chimie.***A la demande de nombreux utilisateurs qui souhaitentbénéficier d'une application gratuite, nous mettons à dispositionune version gratuite intégrant de la publicité.Cette option nous permet de rendre accessible nos contenus au plusgrand nombre.La publicité peut être supprimée à tout moment très simplement autravers d'un achat dans l'app.Une version de l’application sans publicité et dédiée auxenseignants et aux établissements scolaires est disponible. Nousvous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notre site ***☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Site: http://edupad.comiTooch French third is aplayful school support application designed by teachers, whichcovers the official curriculum of French in 3rd.Used by over 5,000,000 people in 146 countries, iToochapplications were born from the meeting of passionate teachers,educators and professionals of the video game, parents themselves.The union of these skills has to offer children a wonderfullearning tool that want to learn and that allows them to train themall on the official program of their class.♖ FEATURES ♖• A simple, clear and fun interface• Speech synthesis to accompany the children in reading and textcomprehension• A multi-player for saving scores of several children on asmartphone or tablet even management• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and integrated calculator• Offline Mode available to enjoy our apps even without an Internetconnection• Automatic synchronization of content• Courses summaries that reflect the fundamentals to know bystudents• The power ups specially designed to motivate and give a littleboost!★ App featured in the tops of the guide The best apps forchildren 2015 - by the Grey Mouse ★☀ CONTAINS THE APPLICATION: ☀✓ 5 themes: Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary, Reading, ImageStudy✓ 39 chapters per title with abstract classes, examples anddrawings✓ 1385 questions per title with clues and detailed answers➡ iTooch French 3rd meets by far the largest database of exercisesfor college on Google Play.See also our application iTooch 3rd Mathematics on Google Play. TheiTooch mobile applications provide academic support solution forclasses of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd inMathematics, French, English and Physics and Chemistry.*** At the request of many users who want a free application, weoffer a free version incorporating advertising.This option allows us to make available our content to asmany.Advertising can be removed easily at any time through a purchasewithin the app.A version of the application without advertising and dedicatedteachers and schools is available. We invite you to discover thisversion on our website: *** ☎ ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Français CP 4.6.2
iTooch Français CP est une application de soutien scolaire ludique,conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre le programme scolaireofficiel en français du CP avec des milliers d’exercices. Utiliséespar plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, les applicationsiTooch sont nées de la rencontre d'enseignants passionnés, depédagogues et de professionnels du jeu vidéo, eux-mêmes parents.L'union de ces savoir-faire a permis d’offrir aux enfants unmerveilleux complément scolaire qui leur donne envie d’apprendre etqui leur permet de s’entrainer sur tout le programme officiel deleur classe. ♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖ • Une interface simple, claire etludique • La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans lalecture et la compréhension de texte • Une gestion multi-joueurspermettant la sauvegarde des scores de plusieurs enfants sur unmême smartphone ou tablette • Réglage de la taille des textes •Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés • Mode déconnectédisponible pour profiter de nos applications même sans connexionInternet • Synchronisation automatique des contenus • Des résumésde cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentales à connaître parles élèves • Des power ups spécialement conçus pour motiver etdonner petit un coup de pouce ! ★ App sélectionnée dans les tops duguide Les meilleures applications pour enfants 2015 - par la SourisGrise ★ ☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀ ✓ Le programme officiel deFrançais CP ✓ 5 thèmes : Les sons, Vocabulaire, Orthographe,Lecture, Grammaire ✓ 49 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours,exemples et illustrations ✓ 1 645 questions par titre avec indiceset réponses détaillées ➡ iTooch Français CP réunit de loin la plusgrande base d'exercices pour le primaire sur Google Play Store.Pour plus de fun, connectez-vous avec notre app compagnon d'iTooch,Monster Messenger, qui permet de partager vos progrès avec vos amiset de leur demander de l'aide. Monster Messenger est un réseausocial sécurisé pour les enfants et leur famille, dans lequel lesparents contrôlent la liste des personnes qui peuvent discuter avecleurs enfants. Retrouvez également notre application iToochMathématiques CP sur Google Play Store. Les applications iToochoffrent une solution de soutien scolaire mobile pour les classes deCP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6e, 5e, 4e et 3e en Mathématiques,Français, Anglais et Physique-Chimie. ☎ CONTACT ☎ ‣ Facebook: ‣ Twitter : @iTooch ‣ Site:
iTooch Mathématiques 4ème 4.6
iTooch Maths 4ème est une application desoutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre leprogramme scolaire officiel de mathématiques en 4ème.Utilisées par plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, lesapplications iTooch sont nées de la rencontre d'enseignantspassionnés, de pédagogues et de professionnels du jeu vidéo,eux-mêmes parents. L'union de ces savoir-faire a permis d’offriraux enfants un merveilleux complément scolaire qui leur donne envied’apprendre et qui leur permet de s’entrainer sur tout le programmeofficiel de leur classe.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans la lectureet la compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scores deplusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applications mêmesans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentales àconnaître par les élèves• Des power ups spécialement conçus pour motiver et donner petit uncoup de pouce !★ App sélectionnée dans les tops du guide Les meilleuresapplications pour enfants 2015 - par la Souris Grise ★☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀✓ 4 thèmes : Nombres et calculs, Grandeurs et Mesures, Gestion dedonnées, Géométrie✓ 34 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exemples etdessins✓ 1 047 questions par titre avec indices et réponsesdétaillées➡ iTooch Maths 4ème réunit de loin la plus grande base d'exercicespour le collège sur Google Play.Retrouvez également notre application iTooch Français 4ème surGoogle Play. Les applications iTooch offrent une solution desoutien scolaire mobile pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2,6e, 5e, 4e et 3e en Mathématiques, Français, Anglais etPhysique-Chimie.***A la demande de nombreux utilisateurs qui souhaitentbénéficier d'une application gratuite, nous mettons à dispositionune version gratuite intégrant de la publicité.Cette option nous permet de rendre accessible nos contenus au plusgrand nombre.La publicité peut être supprimée à tout moment très simplement autravers d'un achat dans l'app.Une version de l’application sans publicité et dédiée auxenseignants et aux établissements scolaires est disponible. Nousvous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notre site ***☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Site: http://edupad.comiTooch Maths 4th is aplayful school support application designed by teachers, whichcovers the official curriculum of mathematics in 4th.Used by over 5,000,000 people in 146 countries, iToochapplications were born from the meeting of passionate teachers,educators and professionals of the video game, parents themselves.The union of these skills has to offer children a wonderfullearning tool that want to learn and that allows them to train themall on the official program of their class.♖ FEATURES ♖• A simple, clear and fun interface• Speech synthesis to accompany the children in reading and textcomprehension• A multi-player for saving scores of several children on asmartphone or tablet even management• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and integrated calculator• Offline Mode available to enjoy our apps even without an Internetconnection• Automatic synchronization of content• Courses summaries that reflect the fundamentals to know bystudents• The power ups specially designed to motivate and give a littleboost!★ App featured in the tops of the guide The best apps forchildren 2015 - by the Grey Mouse ★☀ CONTAINS THE APPLICATION: ☀✓ 4 themes: Numbers and calculations, Quantities and Measurements,Data Management, Geometry✓ 34 chapters per title with abstract classes, examples anddrawings✓ 1047 questions per title with clues and detailed answers➡ iTooch Maths 4th meets by far the largest database of exercisesfor college on Google Play.See also our application iTooch French 4th on Google Play. TheiTooch mobile applications provide academic support solution forclasses of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd inMathematics, French, English and Physics and Chemistry.*** At the request of many users who want a free application, weoffer a free version incorporating advertising.This option allows us to make available our content to asmany.Advertising can be removed easily at any time through a purchasewithin the app.A version of the application without advertising and dedicatedteachers and schools is available. We invite you to discover thisversion on our website: *** ☎ ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch TOEFL™ Prep FULL 4.3.1
With more than 1,500 exercises, iTooch TOEFL™Prep is a fun way of practicing and preparing the TOEFL™ exam. Itcovers the speaking, listening, reading and writing sections.It is, by far, the largest collection of questions based on theUS National Standards to prepare the TOEFL™ test.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help students to identifyand address learning needs in a fun and motivating way.* UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES *• A clear, simple and engaging interface to learn with fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author== PEOPLE LOVE US ==‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps students on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."== OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ==‣ 4 themes: Reading, Speaking, Writing, Tips‣ 50 chapters with lessons, examples, and figures‣ 1,508 questions with clues, detailed explanations‣ 135 images and visuals‣ 278 spoken sound files‣ iTooch TOEFL™ Prep is by far the most comprehensive educativetool on the Google Play Store for students preparing TOEFL™.Discover our other iTooch apps on the Google Play Store,available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5thGrade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Mathand Science. iTooch apps comply with the US National Common Corestandards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.== CONTACT ==‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 3rd Gr. Science [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,550 activities, iTooch 3rdGrade Science is a fun way of practicing and learning Science forthird graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 3 themes: Physical science, Life Science, Earth systemsscience✓ 51 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,559 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 406 original pictures➡ iTooch 3rd Grade Science is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 3.Discover our other apps iTooch 3rd Grade Math and iTooch 3rd GradeLanguage Arts on the Google Play Store. Our apps are available for1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade,7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Math and Science. iToochapps comply with the US National Common Core standards for K1, K2,K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Mathématiques 3ème 4.6
iTooch Maths 3ème est une application desoutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre leprogramme scolaire officiel de mathématiques en 3ème.Utilisées par plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, lesapplications iTooch sont nées de la rencontre d'enseignantspassionnés, de pédagogues et de professionnels du jeu vidéo,eux-mêmes parents. L'union de ces savoir-faire a permis d’offriraux enfants un merveilleux complément scolaire qui leur donne envied’apprendre et qui leur permet de s’entrainer sur tout le programmeofficiel de leur classe.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans la lectureet la compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scores deplusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applications mêmesans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentales àconnaître par les élèves• Des power ups spécialement conçus pour motiver et donner petit uncoup de pouce !☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀✓ 4 thèmes : Nombres et Calculs, Géométrie, Gestion de données,Grandeurs et Mesures✓ 38 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exemples etdessins✓ 1 100 questions par titre avec indices et réponsesdétaillées➡ iTooch Maths 3ème réunit de loin la plus grande base d'exercicespour le collège sur Google Play.Retrouvez également notre application iTooch Français 3ème surGoogle Play. Les applications iTooch offrent une solution desoutien scolaire mobile pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2,6e, 5e, 4e et 3e en Mathématiques, Français, Anglais etPhysique-Chimie.***A la demande de nombreux utilisateurs qui souhaitentbénéficier d'une application gratuite, nous mettons à dispositionune version gratuite intégrant de la publicité.Cette option nous permet de rendre accessible nos contenus au plusgrand nombre.La publicité peut être supprimée à tout moment très simplement autravers d'un achat dans l'app.Une version de l’application sans publicité et dédiée auxenseignants et aux établissements scolaires est disponible. Nousvous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notre site ***☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Site: http://edupad.comiTooch 3rd Math is aplayful school support application designed by teachers, whichcovers the official curriculum of mathematics in third.Used by over 5,000,000 people in 146 countries, iToochapplications were born from the meeting of passionate teachers,educators and professionals of the video game, parents themselves.The union of these skills has to offer children a wonderfullearning tool that want to learn and that allows them to train themall on the official program of their class.♖ FEATURES ♖• A simple, clear and fun interface• Speech synthesis to accompany the children in reading and textcomprehension• A multi-player for saving scores of several children on asmartphone or tablet even management• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and integrated calculator• Offline Mode available to enjoy our apps even without an Internetconnection• Automatic synchronization of content• Courses summaries that reflect the fundamentals to know bystudents• The power ups specially designed to motivate and give a littleboost!☀ CONTAINS THE APPLICATION: ☀✓ 4 themes: Numbers and calculations, Geometry, Data Management,Quantities and Measurements✓ 38 chapters per title with abstract classes, examples anddrawings✓ 1 100 questions per title with clues and detailed answers➡ iTooch Maths 3rd meets by far the largest database of exercisesfor college on Google Play.See also our application iTooch French 3rd on Google Play. TheiTooch mobile applications provide academic support solution forclasses of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd inMathematics, French, English and Physics and Chemistry.*** At the request of many users who want a free application, weoffer a free version incorporating advertising.This option allows us to make available our content to asmany.Advertising can be removed easily at any time through a purchasewithin the app.A version of the application without advertising and dedicatedteachers and schools is available. We invite you to discover thisversion on our website: *** ☎ ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 5th Grade Language Arts 4.6.2
With more than 2,066 activities, iTooch 5thGrade Language Arts is a fun way of practicing and learningLanguage Arts for fifth graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 8M users, iTooch apps provide comprehensivelearning solutions which help parents, teachers and students toidentify and address learning needs in a fun and motivatingway.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author• Power ups to increase motivation and give a little boost !☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 3 themes: Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling, Verbs✓ 44 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 2,066 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations➡ iTooch 5th Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 5.Use our iTooch companion App Monster Messenger to share yourprogress with your friends and ask them for help. Monster Messengeris a safe social network for kids and their families, where parentshave full control on their children's contact list.Discover our other app iTooch 5th Grade Math on the Google PlayStore. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade,4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade inLanguage Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with the USNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 4th Grade Language Arts 4.6.2
With more than 1,797 activities, iTooch 4thGrade Language Arts is a fun way of practicing and learningLanguage Arts for fourth graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 8M users, iTooch apps provide comprehensivelearning solutions which help parents, teachers and students toidentify and address learning needs in a fun and motivatingway.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author• Power ups to increase motivation and give a little boost !☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Research andReasoning Vocabulary Booster, Communication✓ 60 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,797 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 75 original pictures➡ iTooch 4th Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 4.Use our iTooch companion App Monster Messenger to share yourprogress with your friends and ask them for help. Monster Messengeris a safe social network for kids and their families, where parentshave full control on their children's contact list.Discover our other apps iTooch 4th Grade Math and iTooch 4th GradeScience on the Google Play Store. Our apps are available for 1stGrade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7thGrade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Math and Science. iTooch appscomply with the US National Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3,K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Mathématiques 5ème 4.6
iTooch Maths 5ème est une application desoutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre leprogramme scolaire officiel de mathématiques en 5ème.Utilisées par plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, lesapplications iTooch sont nées de la rencontre d'enseignantspassionnés, de pédagogues et de professionnels du jeu vidéo,eux-mêmes parents. L'union de ces savoir-faire a permis d’offriraux enfants un merveilleux complément scolaire qui leur donne envied’apprendre et qui leur permet de s’entrainer sur tout le programmeofficiel de leur classe.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans la lectureet la compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scores deplusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applications mêmesans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentales àconnaître par les élèves• Des power ups spécialement conçus pour motiver et donner petit uncoup de pouce !★ App sélectionnée dans les tops du guide Les meilleuresapplications pour enfants 2015 - par la Souris Grise ★☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀✓ 4 thèmes : Nombres et Calculs, Grandeurs et Mesures, Gestion dedonnées, Géométrie✓ 40 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exemples etdessins✓ 1 248 questions par titre avec indices et réponsesdétaillées➡ iTooch Maths 5ème réunit de loin la plus grande base d'exercicespour le collège sur Google Play.Retrouvez également notre application iTooch Français 5ème surGoogle Play. Les applications iTooch offrent une solution desoutien scolaire mobile pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2,6e, 5e, 4e et 3e en Mathématiques, Français, Anglais etPhysique-Chimie.***A la demande de nombreux utilisateurs qui souhaitentbénéficier d'une application gratuite, nous mettons à dispositionune version gratuite intégrant de la publicité.Cette option nous permet de rendre accessible nos contenus au plusgrand nombre.La publicité peut être supprimée à tout moment très simplement autravers d'un achat dans l'app.Une version de l’application sans publicité et dédiée auxenseignants et aux établissements scolaires est disponible. Nousvous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notre site ***☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Site: http://edupad.comiTooch 5th Math is aplayful school support application designed by teachers, whichcovers the official curriculum of mathematics in 5th.Used by over 5,000,000 people in 146 countries, iToochapplications were born from the meeting of passionate teachers,educators and professionals of the video game, parents themselves.The union of these skills has to offer children a wonderfullearning tool that want to learn and that allows them to train themall on the official program of their class.♖ FEATURES ♖• A simple, clear and fun interface• Speech synthesis to accompany the children in reading and textcomprehension• A multi-player for saving scores of several children on asmartphone or tablet even management• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and integrated calculator• Offline Mode available to enjoy our apps even without an Internetconnection• Automatic synchronization of content• Courses summaries that reflect the fundamentals to know bystudents• The power ups specially designed to motivate and give a littleboost!★ App featured in the tops of the guide The best apps forchildren 2015 - by the Grey Mouse ★☀ CONTAINS THE APPLICATION: ☀✓ 4 themes: Numbers and calculations, Quantities and Measurements,Data Management, Geometry✓ 40 chapters per title with abstract classes, examples anddrawings✓ 1248 questions per title with clues and detailed answers➡ iTooch 5th Math meets by far the largest database of exercisesfor college on Google Play.See also our application iTooch French 5th on Google Play. TheiTooch mobile applications provide academic support solution forclasses of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd inMathematics, French, English and Physics and Chemistry.*** At the request of many users who want a free application, weoffer a free version incorporating advertising.This option allows us to make available our content to asmany.Advertising can be removed easily at any time through a purchasewithin the app.A version of the application without advertising and dedicatedteachers and schools is available. We invite you to discover thisversion on our website: *** ☎ ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Cahiers de vacances CM2 4.3.2
Retrouvez iTooch en vacances pour réviser leprogramme scolaire de l’année passée en s’amusant et préparer larentrée !Cet été, mettez iTooch Cahiers de vacances dans vos valises etpartez à la mer ou à la montagne, l’esprit léger !Cette application a été conçue pour réviser en famille et jouertout l’été autour d’activités ludiques. Les enfants révisent leursconnaissances et testent leurs parents autour de quizz !Ce programme spécial vacances propose une vingtaine de sessionsde jeu de 5 à 10 minutes, pour réviser tout en profitant de laplage.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans lalecture et la compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scoresde plusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applicationsmême sans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentalesà connaître par les élèves== TEMOIGNAGES DE PARENTS ==
‣ " Je trouve cette application très pratique pour les vacances.Mon fils révise son année scolaire, tout en s’amusant. Les petitsquizz en famille sont très sympas, je recommande ! »
‣ « Cette application nous a évité les « crises cahiers devacances » ! A la plage, dans la voiture, les enfants ne rechignentpas. C’est fun, intuitif et ludique ! »iTooch Cahiers de vacances est une application éditée pareduPad. Les exercices et dessins ont été conçus par l’équipeenseignante d’éduc-i ( L'APPLICATION CONTIENT ==
‣ 57 chapitres avec des résumés de cours, des activités ludiqueset de nombreux exemples
‣ 4 thèmes :Monde du FrançaisMonde des MathématiquesCulture QuizzQuizz Famille
‣ Plus de 600 activités avec indices, corrigés et dessinsRetrouvez également nos applications iTooch pour réviser toutel’année pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6e, 5e, 4e et3e pour réviser les programmes de Mathématiques, Français, Anglaiset Physique-Chimie.
‣ Facebook:
‣ Twitter: @itooch 
‣ Site: http://edupad.comITooch Find holiday torevise the curriculum last year having fun and preparing school!This summer, put iTooch Papers holiday in your bags and head outto sea or in the mountains, carefree!This application was designed to review family and play all summeraround recreational activities. Children revise their knowledge andtest their parents around quiz!This special holiday program offers twenty sessions set 5 to 10minutes to review while enjoying the beach.♖ ♖ FEATURES• A simple, clear and playful interface• Speech synthesis to accompany children in reading and textcomprehension• Management multiplayer for backup scores more children in asingle smartphone or tablet• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and calculator integrated• Offline Mode available to enjoy our applications even withoutan Internet connection• Automatic synchronization of content• Summaries of courses that reflect the fundamentals to know thestudentsTESTIMONY OF PARENTS == ==‣ "I find this very practical application for the holidays. My sonrevises its school year, while having fun. Smaller quiz family arevery friendly, I recommend!"‣ "This application has saved us" crises notebooks holiday! " Atthe beach, in the car, the kids do not mind. It's fun, intuitive,and fun! "iTooch Cahiers holiday is published by eduPad application.Exercises and drawings were designed by the teaching staff ofeduc-i ( CONTAINS == ==‣ 57 chapters with courses, recreational activities and numerousexamples
 ‣ 4 themes:World of FrenchWorld of MathematicsCulture QuizFamily Quiz‣ Over 600 activities with indices corrected and drawingsAlso find our iTooch to review applications throughout the year forthe classes of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd toreview programs Mathematics, French, English and Physics andChemistry.
 CONTACT == ==
 ‣ Facebook:
 ‣ Twitter: @ itooch‣ Site:
iTooch 2nd Gr. Math [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,628 activities, iTooch 2ndGrade Math is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for secondgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Numbers and Operations, Fractions, Measuring andEstimating, Graphs and Stats, Geometry✓ 54 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,628 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 389 original pictures➡ iTooch 2nd Grade Math is by far the most comprehensive educativetool on Google Play for students in Grade 2.Discover our other app iTooch 2nd Grade Language Arts on the GooglePlay Store. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rdGrade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade inLanguage Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with the USNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 4th Gr. L. Arts [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,797 activities, iTooch 4thGrade Language Arts is a fun way of practicing and learningLanguage Arts for fourth graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Research andReasoning Vocabulary Booster, Communication✓ 60 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,797 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 75 original pictures➡ iTooch 4th Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 4.Discover our other apps iTooch 4th Grade Math and iTooch 4th GradeScience on the Google Play Store. Our apps are available for 1stGrade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7thGrade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Math and Science. iTooch appscomply with the US National Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3,K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 6th Gr. Math [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,590 activities, iTooch 6thgrade Math is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for sixthgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play formiddle school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Numbers and Operations, Data Analysis, AlgebraicStructures, Graphs, Geometry✓ 50 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,535 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations➡ iTooch 6th Grade Math is by far the most comprehensive educativetool on Google Play for students in Grade 6.Discover our other app iTooch 6th Grade Language Arts on the GooglePlay Store. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rdGrade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade inLanguage Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with the USNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 3rd Gr. L. Arts [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,490 activities, iTooch 3rdGrade Language Arts is a fun way of practicing and learningLanguage Arts for third graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Research andReasoning, Vocabulary Booster, Communication✓ 50 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,490 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 62 original pictures➡ iTooch 3rd Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 3.Discover our other apps iTooch 3rd Grade Math and iTooch 3rd GradeScience on the Google Play Store. Our apps are available for 1stGrade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7thGrade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Math and Science. iTooch appscomply with the US National Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3,K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 1st Gr. L. Arts [FULL] 4.3.2
Important notice: The content of the iToochLanguage Art Grade 1 course and activities might be perceived astoo difficult for a 1st Grader, especially at the beginning of theschoolyear. We advise that parents or teachers assist the studentif they are not at ease with reading and abstract concepts. Thislevel of difficulty was imposed on us in order to comply with theCommon Core State Standards.With more than 1,490 activities, iTooch 1st Grade Language Artsis a fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for firstgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Research andReasoning, Vocabulary Booster, Communication✓ 50 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,490 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 62 original pictures➡ iTooch 1st Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 1.Discover our other app iTooch 1st Grade Math on the Google PlayStore. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade,4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade inLanguage Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with the USNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 4th Gr. Science [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,543 activities, iTooch 4thGrade Science is a fun way of practicing and learning Science forfourth graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 3 themes: Life Science, Physical Science, Earth SystemScience✓ 50 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures.✓ 1,543 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 361 original pictures➡ iTooch 4th Grade Science is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 4.Discover our other apps iTooch 4th Grade Math and iTooch 4th GradeLanguage Arts on the Google Play Store. Our apps are available for1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade,7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Math and Science. iToochapps comply with the US National Common Core standards for K1, K2,K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Cahiers de vacances CM1 4.3.2
Retrouvez iTooch en vacances pour réviser leprogramme scolaire de l’année passée en s’amusant et préparer larentrée !Cet été, mettez iTooch Cahiers de vacances dans vos valises etpartez à la mer ou à la montagne, l’esprit léger !Cette application a été conçue pour réviser en famille et jouertout l’été autour d’activités ludiques. Les enfants révisent leursconnaissances et testent leurs parents autour de quizz !Ce programme spécial vacances propose une vingtaine de sessionsde jeu de 5 à 10 minutes, pour réviser tout en profitant de laplage.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans lalecture et la compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scoresde plusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applicationsmême sans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentalesà connaître par les élèves== TEMOIGNAGES DE PARENTS ==
‣ " Je trouve cette application très pratique pour les vacances.Mon fils révise son année scolaire, tout en s’amusant. Les petitsquizz en famille sont très sympas, je recommande ! »
‣ « Cette application nous a évité les « crises cahiers devacances » ! A la plage, dans la voiture, les enfants ne rechignentpas. C’est fun, intuitif et ludique ! »iTooch Cahiers de vacances est une application éditée pareduPad. Les exercices et dessins ont été conçus par l’équipeenseignante d’éduc-i ( L'APPLICATION CONTIENT ==
‣ 45 chapitres avec des résumés de cours, des activités ludiqueset de nombreux exemples
‣ 4 thèmes :Monde du FrançaisMonde des MathématiquesCulture QuizzQuizz Famille
‣ Plus de 600 activités avec indices, corrigés et dessinsRetrouvez également nos applications iTooch pour réviser toutel’année pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6e, 5e, 4e et3e pour réviser les programmes de Mathématiques, Français, Anglaiset Physique-Chimie.
‣ Facebook:
‣ Twitter: @itooch 
‣ Site: http://edupad.comITooch Find holiday torevise the curriculum last year having fun and preparing school!This summer, put iTooch Papers holiday in your bags and head outto sea or in the mountains, carefree!This application was designed to review family and play all summeraround recreational activities. Children revise their knowledge andtest their parents around quiz!This special holiday program offers twenty sessions set 5 to 10minutes to review while enjoying the beach.♖ ♖ FEATURES• A simple, clear and playful interface• Speech synthesis to accompany children in reading and textcomprehension• Management multiplayer for backup scores more children in asingle smartphone or tablet• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and calculator integrated• Offline Mode available to enjoy our applications even withoutan Internet connection• Automatic synchronization of content• Summaries of courses that reflect the fundamentals to know thestudentsTESTIMONY OF PARENTS == ==‣ "I find this very practical application for the holidays. My sonrevises its school year, while having fun. Smaller quiz family arevery friendly, I recommend!"‣ "This application has saved us" crises notebooks holiday! " Atthe beach, in the car, the kids do not mind. It's fun, intuitive,and fun! "iTooch Cahiers holiday is published by eduPad application.Exercises and drawings were designed by the teaching staff ofeduc-i ( CONTAINS == ==‣ 45 chapters with courses, recreational activities and numerousexamples
 ‣ 4 themes:World of FrenchWorld of MathematicsCulture QuizFamily Quiz‣ Over 600 activities with indices corrected and drawingsAlso find our iTooch to review applications throughout the year forthe classes of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd toreview programs Mathematics, French, English and Physics andChemistry.
 CONTACT == ==
 ‣ Facebook:
 ‣ Twitter: @ itooch‣ Site:
iTooch 5th Gr. Math [FULL] 3.0
With more than 3,575 activities, iTooch 5thGrade Math is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for fifthgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activitiesbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Numbers and Operations, Measuring and Estimating,Graphs and Stats, Fractions, Geometry✓ 82 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 3,575 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 640 original pictures➡ iTooch 5th Grade Math is by far the most comprehensive educativetool on Google Play for students in Grade 5.Discover our other apps iTooch 5th Grade Science and iTooch 5thGrade Language Arts on the Google Play Store. Our apps areavailable for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5thGrade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Mathand Science. iTooch apps comply with the US National Common Corestandards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 8th Gr. Math [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,699 activities, iTooch 8thMath is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for eighthgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play formiddle school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Properties and Operations, Functions, AlgebraicStructures, Geometry, Statistics and Probability✓ 53 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,699 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 202 original pictures➡ iTooch 8th Grade Math is by far the most comprehensive educativetool on Google Play for students in Grade 8.Discover our other app iTooch 8th Grade Language Arts on theGoogle Play Store. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade,3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Gradein Language Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with the USNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 4th Gr. Math [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,756 activities, iTooch 4thGrade Math is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for fourthgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activitiesbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Numbers and Operations, Measurement and Data, Graphsand Statistics, Fractions and Decimals, Geometry✓ 58 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,756 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 557 original pictures➡ iTooch 4th Grade Math is by far the most comprehensive educativetool on Google Play for students in Grade 4.Discover our other apps iTooch 4th Grade Science and iTooch 4thGrade Language Arts on the Google Play Store. Our apps areavailable for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5thGrade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Mathand Science. iTooch apps comply with the US National Common Corestandards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
Quizz Marchés Financiers 4.3.1
Les marchés financiers sont désormais soumis àla règle de la certification, selon un modèle développé par l’AMF,le gendarme de la bourse en France. Tout intervenant sur le marchédoit avoir passé cette certification, qui assure un minimum deconnaissance pour pouvoir comprendre et prévenir les différentsrisques auxquels il s’expose.Cette application permet de découvrir cette certification et de s'yentraîner, même si elle n’a pas pour objet d’accorder lacertification.Les questions sont traitées par thèmes.Financial markets are nowsubject to the rule of certification, according to a modeldeveloped by the AMF, the gendarme of the purse in France. Anymarket participant must have passed this certification, whichensures a minimum of knowledge in order to understand and preventvarious risks to which it is exposed.This application allows you to discover this certification and leadto, even if it is not intended to grant certification.Questions are processed by theme.
iTooch 3rd Gr. Math [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,628 activities, iTooch 3rdGrade Math is a fun way of practicing and learning Math for thirdgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational activitiesbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Numbers and Operations, Fractions, Measuring andEstimating, Graphs and Stats, Geometry✓ 54 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,628 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations.✓ 389 original pictures➡ iTooch 3rd Grade Math is by far the most comprehensive educativetool on Google Play for students in Grade 3.Discover our other apps iTooch 3rd Grade Language Arts and iTooch3rd Grade Science on the Google Play Store. Our apps are availablefor 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6thGrade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Math and Science.iTooch apps comply with the US National Common Core standards forK1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 7th Gr. L. Arts [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,602 activities, iTooch 7thLanguage Arts is a fun way of practicing and learning Language Artsfor seventh graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play formiddle school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Grammar, VocabularyBooster, Communication✓ 51 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,602 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 184 original pictures➡ iTooch 7th Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 7.Discover our other app iTooch 7th Grade Math on the Google PlayStore. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade,4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade inLanguage Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with the USNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 6th Gr. Health [FULL] 3.0
With more than 2,066 activities, iTooch 6thHealth is a fun way of practicing and learning Health for sixthgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play formiddle school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Nutrition, Medical Musts, Safety, Growth andDevelopment, Physical Activity & Sports, Safety✓ 50 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,535 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations➡ iTooch 6th Grade Health is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 6.Discover our other apps iTooch 6th Grade Language Arts andiTooch 6th Grade Math on the Google Play Store. Our apps areavailable for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5thGrade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Mathand Science. iTooch apps comply with the US National Common Corestandards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 5th Gr. L. Arts [FULL] 3.0
With more than 2,066 activities, iTooch 5thGrade Language Arts is a fun way of practicing and learningLanguage Arts for fifth graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 3 themes: Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling, Verbs✓ 44 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 2,066 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations➡ iTooch 5th Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 5.Discover our other app iTooch 5th Grade Math on the Google PlayStore. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade,4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade inLanguage Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with the USNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Cahiers de vacances CE2 4.3.2
Retrouvez iTooch en vacances pour réviser leprogramme scolaire de l’année passée en s’amusant et préparer larentrée !Cet été, mettez iTooch Cahiers de vacances dans vos valises etpartez à la mer ou à la montagne, l’esprit léger !Cette application a été conçue pour réviser en famille et jouertout l’été autour d’activités ludiques. Les enfants révisent leursconnaissances et testent leurs parents autour de quizz !Ce programme spécial vacances propose une vingtaine de sessionsde jeu de 5 à 10 minutes, pour réviser tout en profitant de laplage.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans lalecture et la compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scoresde plusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applicationsmême sans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentalesà connaître par les élèves== TEMOIGNAGES DE PARENTS ==
‣ " Je trouve cette application très pratique pour les vacances.Mon fils révise son année scolaire, tout en s’amusant. Les petitsquizz en famille sont très sympas, je recommande ! »
‣ « Cette application nous a évité les « crises cahiers devacances » ! A la plage, dans la voiture, les enfants ne rechignentpas. C’est fun, intuitif et ludique ! »iTooch Cahiers de vacances est une application éditée pareduPad. Les exercices et dessins ont été conçus par l’équipeenseignante d’éduc-i ( L'APPLICATION CONTIENT ==
‣ 30 chapitres avec des résumés de cours, des activités ludiqueset de nombreux exemples
‣ 4 thèmes :Monde du FrançaisMonde des MathématiquesCulture QuizzQuizz Famille
‣ Plus de 600 activités avec indices, corrigés et dessinsRetrouvez également nos applications iTooch pour réviser toutel’année pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6e, 5e, 4e et3e pour réviser les programmes de Mathématiques, Français, Anglaiset Physique-Chimie.
‣ Facebook:
‣ Twitter: @itooch 
‣ Site: http://edupad.comITooch Find holiday torevise the curriculum last year having fun and preparing school!This summer, put iTooch Papers holiday in your bags and head outto sea or in the mountains, carefree!This application was designed to review family and play all summeraround recreational activities. Children revise their knowledge andtest their parents around quiz!This special holiday program offers twenty sessions set 5 to 10minutes to review while enjoying the beach.♖ ♖ FEATURES• A simple, clear and playful interface• Speech synthesis to accompany children in reading and textcomprehension• Management multiplayer for backup scores more children in asingle smartphone or tablet• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and calculator integrated• Offline Mode available to enjoy our applications even withoutan Internet connection• Automatic synchronization of content• Summaries of courses that reflect the fundamentals to know thestudentsTESTIMONY OF PARENTS == ==‣ "I find this very practical application for the holidays. My sonrevises its school year, while having fun. Smaller quiz family arevery friendly, I recommend!"‣ "This application has saved us" crises notebooks holiday! " Atthe beach, in the car, the kids do not mind. It's fun, intuitive,and fun! "iTooch Cahiers holiday is published by eduPad application.Exercises and drawings were designed by the teaching staff ofeduc-i ( CONTAINS == ==‣ 30 chapters with summaries of courses, recreational activitiesand numerous examples
 ‣ 4 themes:World of FrenchWorld of MathematicsCulture QuizFamily Quiz‣ Over 600 activities with indices corrected and drawingsAlso find our iTooch to review applications throughout the year forthe classes of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd toreview programs Mathematics, French, English and Physics andChemistry.
 CONTACT == ==
 ‣ Facebook:
 ‣ Twitter: @ itooch‣ Site:
iTooch 6th Gr. L. Arts [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,594 activities, iTooch 6thLanguage Arts is a fun way of practicing and learning Language Artsfor sixth graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play formiddle school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Grammar, VocabularyBooster, Communication✓ 50 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,594 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 213 original pictures➡ iTooch 6th Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 6.Discover our other app iTooch 6th Grade Math on the Google PlayStore. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade,4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade inLanguage Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with the USNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 2nd Gr. L. Arts [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,490 activities, iTooch 2ndGrade Language Arts is a fun way of practicing and learningLanguage Arts for second graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that children learnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author♫ PARENTS AND KIDS LOVE OUR APPS ♫‣ "This app has been everything I was looking for. Multiplequestion types including decimal points and word problems. Theability to test the learning. And here's the kicker: it is so muchfun, I had to pull my son off of it after 2 hours!"‣ "My son is home schooled plus goes to a charter school. Thisprogram makes it easy to supplement his schoolwork without buying alot of books or printing worksheets. I recommend it for all parentswho are committed to their children's education."★ WHAT TEACHERS HAVE SAID ★‣ "I just downloaded your apps. Wow. They are amazing. I have beenusing the tablet for over a year in my class and I have to say thatthis is one if the best apps I have seen in a long time."‣ "A terrific app that covers a lot of ground concept-wise. Thisapp combines a no-frills approach to content while still providingthe user with an exciting learning experience. The mascot isadorable and keeps kids on task with lots of encouragement andthere is a lesson summary available when needed."☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Research andReasoning, Vocabulary Booster, Communication.✓ 50 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures.✓ 1,490 questions per title with clues and detailedexplanations✓ 62 original pictures➡ iTooch 2nd Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 2.Discover our other app iTooch 2nd Grade Math on the Google PlayStore. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade,4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade inLanguage Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with the USNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch Français 4ème 4.6.2
Review all the formal curriculum with French iTooch 4th!
iTooch 1st Grade Language Arts 4.6.2
Notice: The content of the iTooch Language Art Grade 1 course andactivities might be perceived as too difficult for a 1st Grader,especially at the beginning of the schoolyear. We advise thatparents or teachers assist the student if they are not at ease withreading and abstract concepts. This level of difficulty was imposedon us in order to comply with the Common Core State Standards. Withmore than 1,490 activities, iTooch 1st Grade Language Arts is a funway of practicing and learning Language Arts for first graders. Itis, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheets basedon the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play forelementary school. Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch appsprovide comprehensive learning solutions which help parents,teachers and students to identify and address learning needs in afun and motivating way. ★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★ • A clear,simple and engaging interface so that children learn with fun •Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension • Multi-player management • Font size adjustment tosuit everyone’s needs • An embedded scientific calculator • Avirtual blackboard • A lesson summary attached to each chapter •In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author • Power ups toincrease motivation and give a little boost ! ☀ OUR APPLICATIONCONTAINS ☀ ✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Researchand Reasoning, Vocabulary Booster, Communication ✓ 50 chapters pertitle with lessons, examples, and figures ✓ 1,490 questions pertitle with clues and detailed explanations ✓ 62 original pictures ➡iTooch 1st Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 1. Use ouriTooch companion App Monster Messenger to share your progress withyour friends and ask them for help. Monster Messenger is a safesocial network for kids and their families, where parents have fullcontrol on their children's contact list. Discover our other appiTooch 1st Grade Math on the Google Play Store. Our apps areavailable for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5thGrade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Mathand Science. iTooch apps comply with the US National Common Corestandards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8. ☎ CONTACT ☎ ‣Facebook: ‣ Twitter: @itooch ‣Website:
iTooch Français 5ème 4.6.2
iTooch Français 5ème est une application de soutien scolaireludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre le programmescolaire officiel de Français en 5ème. Utilisées par plus de5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, les applications iTooch sontnées de la rencontre d'enseignants passionnés, de pédagogues et deprofessionnels du jeu vidéo, eux-mêmes parents. L'union de cessavoir-faire a permis d’offrir aux enfants un merveilleuxcomplément scolaire qui leur donne envie d’apprendre et qui leurpermet de s’entrainer sur tout le programme officiel de leurclasse. ♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖ • Une interface simple, claire etludique • La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans lalecture et la compréhension de texte • Une gestion multi-joueurspermettant la sauvegarde des scores de plusieurs enfants sur unmême smartphone ou tablette • Réglage de la taille des textes •Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés • Mode déconnectédisponible pour profiter de nos applications même sans connexionInternet • Synchronisation automatique des contenus • Des résumésde cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentales à connaître parles élèves • Des power ups spécialement conçus pour motiver etdonner petit un coup de pouce ! ★ App sélectionnée dans les tops duguide Les meilleures applications pour enfants 2015 - par la SourisGrise ★ ☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀ ✓ 5 thèmes : Grammaire,Orthographe, Vocabulaire, Lecture, Etude de l'image ✓ 41 chapitrespar titre, avec résumé de cours, exemples et dessins ✓ 1 340questions par titre avec indices et réponses détaillées ➡ iToochFrançais 5ème réunit de loin la plus grande base d'exercices pourle collège sur Google Play. Pour plus de fun, connectez-vous avecnotre app compagnon d'iTooch, Monster Messenger, qui permet departager vos progrès avec vos amis et de leur demander de l'aide.Monster Messenger est un réseau social sécurisé pour les enfants etleur famille, dans lequel les parents contrôlent la liste despersonnes qui peuvent discuter avec leurs enfants. Retrouvezégalement notre application iTooch Mathématiques 5ème sur GooglePlay. Les applications iTooch offrent une solution de soutienscolaire mobile pour les classes de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6e, 5e,4e et 3e en Mathématiques, Français, Anglais et Physique-Chimie.***A la demande de nombreux utilisateurs qui souhaitent bénéficierd'une application gratuite, nous mettons à disposition une versiongratuite intégrant de la publicité. Cette option nous permet derendre accessible nos contenus au plus grand nombre. La publicitépeut être supprimée à tout moment très simplement au travers d'unachat dans l'app. Une version de l’application sans publicité etdédiée aux enseignants et aux établissements scolaires estdisponible. Nous vous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notresite : *** ☎ CONTACT ☎ ‣ Facebook: ‣ Twitter: @itooch ‣ Site:
iTooch Primaire 4.6.2
IMPORTANT : cette application est dédiée aux établissementsscolaires, et non à un usage individuel. Pour en savoir plus surl'application et son mode de déploiement, rendez-vous sur le, rubrique "Ecoles" ! Avec plus de 25 000 exercices,iTooch Primaire est un jeu de soutien scolaire qui couvre lesprogrammes scolaires du CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2 en MATHEMATIQUES eten FRANCAIS, pour un usage en classe ou à la maison. Utilisées parplus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, les applicationsiTooch sont nées de la rencontre d'enseignants passionnés, depédagogues et de professionnels du jeu vidéo, eux-mêmes parents.L'union de ces savoir-faire a permis d’offrir aux enfants unmerveilleux complément scolaire qui leur donne envie d’apprendre etqui leur permet de s’entrainer sur tout le programme officiel deleur classe. iTooch Primaire est une application éditée par eduPaden partenariat avec Fast Education. Fast Education, partenaire duCNED, est le leader du soutien scolaire francophone en Angleterreet accompagne plus de 20 000 enfants. ♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖ • Uneinterface simple, claire et ludique • La synthèse vocale pouraccompagner les enfants dans la lecture et la compréhension detexte • Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde desscores de plusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette •Réglage de la taille des textes • Tableau virtuel et calculatriceintégrés • Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nosapplications même sans connexion Internet • Synchronisationautomatique des contenus et quizz thématiques en fonction del'actualité • Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notionsfondamentales à connaître par les élèves • Des power upsspécialement conçus pour motiver et donner petit un coup de pouce !• Aucune publicité, aucun achat in-app ★ App sélectionnée dans lestops du guide Les meilleures applications pour enfants 2015 - parla Souris Grise ★ == L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : == ‣ 10 titres ‣ CP,CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2 en Mathématiques et en Français ‣ 40-60chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exemples et dessins ‣ 1500 - 5 000 questions par titre avec indices et réponses détaillées‣ iTooch Primaire réunit de loin la plus grande base d'activitéséducatives du Google Play Store pour l'école primaire. ☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook: ‣ Twitter: @itooch ‣Site:
iTooch 2nd Grade Language Arts 4.6.2
With more than 1,490 activities, iTooch 2nd Grade Language Arts isa fun way of practicing and learning Language Arts for secondgraders. It is, by far, the largest collection of educationalworksheets based on the US National Common Core Standards on GooglePlay for elementary school. Used by more than 8M users, iTooch appsprovide comprehensive learning solutions which help parents,teachers and students to identify and address learning needs in afun and motivating way. ★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★ • A clear,simple and engaging interface so that children learn with fun •Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension • Multi-player management • Font size adjustment tosuit everyone’s needs • An embedded scientific calculator • Avirtual blackboard • A lesson summary attached to each chapter •In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author • Power ups toincrease motivation and give a little boost ! ☀ OUR APPLICATIONCONTAINS ☀ ✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Researchand Reasoning, Vocabulary Booster, Communication ✓ 50 chapters pertitle with lessons, examples, and figures ✓ 1,490 questions pertitle with clues and detailed explanations ✓ 62 original pictures ➡iTooch 2nd Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensiveeducative tool on Google Play for students in Grade 2. Use ouriTooch companion App Monster Messenger to share your progress withyour friends and ask them for help. Monster Messenger is a safesocial network for kids and their families, where parents have fullcontrol on their children's contact list. Discover our other appiTooch 2nd Grade Math on the Google Play Store. Our apps areavailable for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5thGrade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Mathand Science. iTooch apps comply with the US National Common Corestandards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8. ☎ CONTACT ☎ ‣Facebook: ‣ Twitter: @itooch ‣Website:
iTooch 6th Grade Health 4.6.2
With more than 2,066 activities, iTooch 6th Health is a fun way ofpracticing and learning Health for sixth graders. It is, by far,the largest collection of educational worksheets based on the USNational Common Core Standards on Google Play for middle school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch apps providecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents, teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in a fun andmotivating way. ★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★ • A clear, simple andengaging interface so that children learn with fun • Speechsynthesis option to help users in reading and text comprehension •Multi-player management • Font size adjustment to suit everyone’sneeds • An embedded scientific calculator • A virtual blackboard •A lesson summary attached to each chapter • In-app feedback to sendsuggestions to the author • Power ups to increase motivation andgive a little boost ! ☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀ ✓ 5 themes:Nutrition, Medical Musts, Safety, Growth and Development, PhysicalActivity & Sports, Safety ✓ 50 chapters per title with lessons,examples, and figures ✓ 1,535 questions per title with clues anddetailed explanations ➡ iTooch 6th Grade Health is by far the mostcomprehensive educative tool on Google Play for students in Grade6. Use our iTooch companion App Monster Messenger to share yourprogress with your friends and ask them for help. Monster Messengeris a safe social network for kids and their families, where parentshave full control on their children's contact list. Discover ourother apps iTooch 6th Grade Language Arts and iTooch 6th Grade Mathon the Google Play Store. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2ndGrade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and8th Grade in Language Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps complywith the US National Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5,K6, K7 and K8. ***Many of our users have asked us for a fully freeaccess to all the content in the App. This new version is 100% freeand ad supported. If you prefer an ad-free experience, you canremove ads at any time through an optional in-app purchase in theapp’s parameters. For teachers and schools, a dedicated ad-freeversion is available on the Google Play Store For Education.*** ☎CONTACT ☎ ‣ Facebook: ‣ Twitter:@itooch ‣ Website:
iTooch 7th Gr. Math [FULL] 3.0
With more than 1,602 activities, iTooch7thMath is a fun way of practicing and learning Math forseventhgraders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educationalworksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on GooglePlay formiddle school.Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch appsprovidecomprehensive learning solutions which help parents,teachers andstudents to identify and address learning needs in afun andmotivating way.★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★• A clear, simple and engaging interface so that childrenlearnwith fun• Speech synthesis option to help users in reading andtextcomprehension• Multi-player management• Font size adjustment to suit everyone’s needs• An embedded scientific calculator• A virtual blackboard• A lesson summary attached to each chapter• In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author☀ OUR APPLICATION CONTAINS ☀✓ 5 themes: Numbers and Operations, Functions, Geometry,AlgebraicStructures, Statistics✓ 52 chapters per title with lessons, examples, and figures✓ 1,647 questions per title with clues anddetailedexplanations✓ 353 original pictures➡ iTooch 7th Grade Math is by far the most comprehensiveeducativetool on Google Play for students in Grade 7.Discover our other app iTooch 7th Grade Language Arts on theGooglePlay Store. Our apps are available for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade,3rdGrade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th GradeinLanguage Arts, Math and Science. iTooch apps comply with theUSNational Common Core standards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7andK8.☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
iTooch 7th Grade Language Arts 4.7
With more than 1,602 activities, iTooch 7th Language Arts is a funway of practicing and learning Language Arts for seventh graders.It is, by far, the largest collection of educational worksheetsbased on the US National Common Core Standards on Google Play formiddle school. Used by more than 5,000,000 users, iTooch appsprovide comprehensive learning solutions which help parents,teachers and students to identify and address learning needs in afun and motivating way. ★ UNIQUE SET OF FEATURES ★ • A clear,simple and engaging interface so that children learn with fun •Speech synthesis option to help users in reading and textcomprehension • Multi-player management • Font size adjustment tosuit everyone’s needs • An embedded scientific calculator • Avirtual blackboard • A lesson summary attached to each chapter •In-app feedback to send suggestions to the author • Power ups toincrease motivation and give a little boost ! ☀ OUR APPLICATIONCONTAINS ☀ ✓ 5 themes: Reading, Writing and Composition, Grammar,Vocabulary Booster, Communication ✓ 51 chapters per title withlessons, examples, and figures ✓ 1,602 questions per title withclues and detailed explanations ✓ 184 original pictures ➡ iTooch7th Grade Language Arts is by far the most comprehensive educativetool on Google Play for students in Grade 7. Use our iToochcompanion App Monster Messenger to share your progress with yourfriends and ask them for help. Monster Messenger is a safe socialnetwork for kids and their families, where parents have fullcontrol on their children's contact list. Discover our other appiTooch 7th Grade Math on the Google Play Store. Our apps areavailable for 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5thGrade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade and 8th Grade in Language Arts, Mathand Science. iTooch apps comply with the US National Common Corestandards for K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7 and K8. ***Many of ourusers have asked us for a fully free access to all the content inthe App. This new version is 100% free and ad supported. If youprefer an ad-free experience, you can remove ads at any timethrough an optional in-app purchase in the app’s parameters. Forteachers and schools, a dedicated ad-free version is available onthe Google Play Store For Education.*** ☎ CONTACT ☎ ‣ Facebook: ‣ Twitter: @itooch ‣ Website:
iTooch Anglais 4ème 4.6.2
iTooch Anglais 4ème est une application de soutien scolaireludique, conçue par des enseignants, qui couvre le programmescolaire officiel d'anglais en 4ème. Utilisées par plus de5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays, les applications iTooch sontnées de la rencontre d'enseignants passionnés, de pédagogues et deprofessionnels du jeu vidéo, eux-mêmes parents. L'union de cessavoir-faire a permis d’offrir aux enfants un merveilleuxcomplément scolaire qui leur donne envie d’apprendre et qui leurpermet de s’entrainer sur tout le programme officiel de leurclasse. ♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖ • Une interface simple, claire etludique • Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde desscores de plusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette •Réglage de la taille des textes • Tableau virtuel et calculatriceintégrés • Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nosapplications même sans connexion Internet • Synchronisationautomatique des contenus • Des résumés de cours qui reprennent lesnotions fondamentales à connaître par les élèves • Des power upsspécialement conçus pour motiver et donner petit un coup de pouce !★ App sélectionnée dans les tops du guide Les meilleuresapplications pour enfants 2015 - par la Souris Grise ★ ☀L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀ ✓ 5 thèmes : Voyage, L'ailleurs cheznous, Monde de l'école et société, Science et science-fiction, Leslangages ✓ 39 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exempleset dessins ✓ 1 498 questions par titre avec indices et réponsesdétaillées ➡ iTooch Anglais 4ème réunit de loin la plus grande based'exercices pour le collège sur Google Play. Pour plus de fun,connectez-vous avec notre app compagnon d'iTooch, MonsterMessenger, qui permet de partager vos progrès avec vos amis et deleur demander de l'aide. Monster Messenger est un réseau socialsécurisé pour les enfants et leur famille, dans lequel les parentscontrôlent la liste des personnes qui peuvent discuter avec leursenfants. Retrouvez également nos applications iTooch Français 4èmeet iTooch Mathématiques 4ème sur Google Play. Les applicationsiTooch offrent une solution de soutien scolaire mobile pour lesclasses de CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6e, 5e, 4e et 3e enMathématiques, Français, Anglais et Physique-Chimie. ***A lademande de nombreux utilisateurs qui souhaitent bénéficier d'uneapplication gratuite, nous mettons à disposition une versiongratuite intégrant de la publicité. Cette option nous permet derendre accessible nos contenus au plus grand nombre. La publicitépeut être supprimée à tout moment très simplement au travers d'unachat dans l'app. Une version de l’application sans publicité etdédiée aux enseignants et aux établissements scolaires estdisponible. Nous vous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notresite : *** ☎ CONTACT ☎ ‣ Facebook: ‣ Twitter: @itooch ‣ Site:
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