eDirectory Apps

eDirectory for Android 10.21
eDirectory for Android enables eDirectoryusersto connect with and publish their data to the Androidplatform.Completely rewritten for the 10th iteration, everythingyou can doon the web can now be done in the palm of your hand.Sleek, simpleand elegant in its approach - the new eDirectory ishere.
eDirectory Previewer 10.22
Download our preview app to see yourappscustomized with eDirectory. Enter your URL and PIN and you'regoodto go.
eDirectory para Android 10.21
eDirectory para Android permite que usuáriosseconectem e interajam com o conteúdo do seu site naplataformaAndroid. Completamente reescrito para a nona iteração,tudo o quevocê pode fazer na web pode ser feito na palma da suamão.Elegante, simples e poderoso, o novo eDirectory estáaqui.eDirectory forAndroidallows users to connect and interact with the content ofyourwebsite on the Android platform. Completely rewritten for theninthiteration, all you can do on the web can be done in the palmofyour hand. Elegant, simple and powerful, the new eDirectoryishere.
eDirectory Previewer PT 10.22
Baixe nosso aplicativo de demonstraçãoparavisualizar seu aplicativo do eDirectory em tempo real enquantovocêo personaliza do seu jeito. Digite sua URL e o PIN epronto,simples e fácil.Este aplicativo é válido para eDirectory até a versão 11.1.02.Sevocê tem uma versão mais recente, utilize o Novo aplicativodedemonstração.Download ourdemoapplication to view your eDirectory application in real timewhileyou customize your way. Enter your URL and the PIN andready,simple and easy.This application is valid for eDirectory to version 1.11.02. Ifyouhave a newer version, use the new demo application.
New eDirectory App Previewer 11.1.1
Download our preview app to see your apps customized witheDirectory. Enter your URL and PIN and you're good to go.
eDirectory 11.1.0
eDirectory for Android enables eDirectory users to connect with andpublish their data to the Android platform. Completely rewrittenfor the 11th iteration, everything you can do on the web can now bedone in the palm of your hand. Sleek, simple and elegant in itsapproach - the new eDirectory is here.