e-regardless Apps

Dololo 0.2
For us to explain Dololo, we most tell a story. We were at a socialgathering but there was dololo group activity, and dololo access tofavourite board game.A few phone calls were made to source a game,we then realize that there is no luck on our side and decide tolook for games on-line. A few applications were found but could notcompare to the competitive nature of the one we were used toplaying. Fast forward a few months later. Upon accepting an inviteto drinks after work with friends at a local pub I arrived andjoined the conversations. As time passed, most people wanted toplay their favourite general knowledge game. I then searched theInternet and found on one that offers similar features without theboard. We open it to play and the clues have dololo relevance. Theclues were based on the developer’s regional facts. We thenproceeded by deleting the game and creating our own clues on eachphone and the phone would be passed to the person who be describingto their team. As fun as this was, it proved to take up a lot oftime to think of facts. At that point, the idea we had on that onesummer day was validated as something that people in socialenvironments could definitely use.
Word N Sound 0.36
Do you have an appetite for slam poetry?Are you hungry for the mic?Do you imagine a platform designed to assist you improveyourperformance and writing ability?If so, great! Now check your ego at the door.The WordNSound Poetry League is a safe competitivespace,madeavailable for writers who need to develop their professionasperformance poets.The League runs for a duration of 8 months.Each month poets are scored by our judges on thefollowingcriteria:o Performanceo Contento Concepto Audience responseThe scores are captured and tallied up at the end of Septembertodetermine which 5 poets will compete at the Word N SoundPoetryFestival for the reigning king/queen of the mic crown.How to enter the Poetry League:The slam takes place every 1st Saturday of the month [ 6th Feb –3rdSept]Venue: Market Theatre LaboratoryTime: 13:30 – 17:00Entrance Fee: R50The event may begin at 13:30 but you need to arrive early to signupon the Open mic List, which from past experience fills upquiteearly.So…1. To avoid disappointment, arrive well before 9:00am to sign upforthe Open Mic .You have to be physically present – in the flesh – to writeyourname on the Open Mic List.2. You may not sign up/ reserve space on the open mic list foryourghost friends.3. Yes, you have to pay an entrance fee even if you’reslamming,even if you win the slam and are crowned King/Queen of themic, orif you make the Top5 cut.4. Coming up in the top 5 secures you a place on the Open Miclistfor the following show. So you don’t have to arrive early tosignup at the next slam but you have an obligation to be theretodefend your spot.E.g. Joe came 2nd place in the slam today. Joe has to defendhisnumber 2 spot at the next show but he doesn’t have to arriveearlyto sign up on the Open Mic List because Joe’s name is alreadyonthe number 2 spot.5. If your name is announced and you are nowhere in thetheater/performance venue. You will forfeit your spot. Your namewill bereplaced by that of a poet on the reserve list.6. You have 5 minutes be great, so do best!7. Sound check is at 11:00 for poets with any media incorporatedintheir performanceE.g. Backing Tracks,WORD OF ADVISE1. Write for yourself not the audience2. Imagine this stage as the big brother who believes he has tobecruel to be kind at times. You will lose or maybe even win butthegreatest reward is drawing inspiration from theexperience.3. Should you win, remember that you are not invincibleand that ego you checked at the door may creep back in uponyourvictory but do not, I repeat, do not use it to write yournextpoem. It will not save you!4. Be consistent, this is a poetry league and if you miss 1 slamyouscore 0 points.5. Come prepared6. Remember fear is an illusion.See you at the Word N Sound#PoetryLeague.Dare to be there!