
dishcovery 1.0.1
dishcovery is a free mobile app that helpsyoufind great dishes around you based on what you likeeating.dishcovery’s uniqueness lies in its ability to accuratelyrecommenddishes as per your preferred meal type, choice of cuisine,desiredingredients, healthiness, price-range and location. You canalsobrowse through popular dishes or restaurants in your area usingtheapp’s one-tap search tool.Brilliant in every aspect, dishcovery actually shows youthedishes you will love eating rather than have you scanthroughthousands of menus. It works almost like your personalbutler –tell it what you feel like eating and it will take yourorder topresent a spread of mouth-watering dishes. Then you pickthe onesyou like most.-Discover DishesDiscover exactly what you want to eat without having to scanthroughthousands of menus. Use the one-tap search to find populardishes orrestaurants.-Give Into Your CravingsSearch and find food based on your desired meal type,cuisine,ingredients, healthiness, price range and location.-Lightning-Fast RecommendationsInstant food recommendations from restaurants around you helpyoumake smarter choices and eat better.-Personalize Restaurant AssistanceKnow what to order at a restaurant even before your serverbringsyou the menu. He’ll be like “Whaaaaat?”-It Remembers the Food You Lovedishcovery remembers the dishes you love and those you don’t.It’slike having your own personal butler, trained to know what youlikeeating.-Share Your ExperienceRate your order and upload a picture of it to share withotherdishcoverers.