digicity2016 Apps

Il Giglio 1.1
Estetica Abbronzatura BenessereCome sa fare l’ acqua, goccia a goccia, i nostri trattamenti ela nostra esperienza trasformeranno la tua bellezza.Il Giglio è l’istituto specializzato in bellezza e benessere ingrado di offrirti trattamenti all’avanguardia e prodottispecifici.Tan Beauty AestheticsKnows how to do the 'water, drop by drop, our treatments and ourexperience will transform your beauty.The lily is the institution that specializes in beauty andwell-being able to offer cutting-edge products and specifictreatments.
The official APP of the sector CSEN dedicated to horse riding
Babysitter 1.4
Babysitter helps you find or act asababysitter or find a BabyCareCenter!Looking for a Babysitter or you are a Babysitter?Babysitter APP helps you find a babysitter or go as a babysitter,oreven to find a Baby Care Center!Search profiles or on the map and contact the selected personoryour favorite Baby Care Center.Manage a Baby Care Center (asylum, baby parking, games room)?Include your business on Babysitter APP for advertising.Rely on Babysitter APP to increase the visibility of yourbusinessand achieve a high target of families!Be present within Babysitter APP offers several advantages:- Enter our special APP dedicated to the care of children;- Talk directly with families looking for a suitable person towhomthey can entrust their child;- Present in detail the services offered, activities forchildren,schedules, costs, tariffs;Your business deserves to be known and Babysitter gives youthewonderful opportunity to make known to a vast number of usersyourbusiness and everything that distinguishes andcharacterizes:services, activities, additional information, andmuch more!What aspects: Joins Nannies APP!
Tennis 1.1
Do you want to try to play with a newtennispartner?With this app, you can find partners in your town who arealsolooking for a player. You can filter the players around youforyour skill level, age and sex!Tennis APP is free and we want to play more tennis all!Joinus!
Farmacia 1.1
L'app ideale per la tua farmacia.Un utile servizio per i tuoi clienti, per vedere dove sei, gliorari, comunicare con te, vedere i prodotti e i servizi offerti,promuovere prodotti in vendita e in offerta, comunicare ai tuoiclienti con notifiche push tutti gli eventi e le ultime notiziedalla tua farmacia!Contattaci per fare la tua App!The perfect app for yourpharmacy.A useful service for your customers, to see where you are, times,communicate with you, to see the products and services offered,promoting products for sale and offer, communicate to yourcustomers using push notifications all events and the latest newsfrom your pharmacy!Contact us to make your App!
Collegio dei Geometri Perugia 1.7
L'APP contiene tutte le informazioniutilipresenti sul sito del COLLEGIO DEI GEOMETRI E GEOMETRILAUREATIPROVINCIA DI PERUGIA.Permette di inviare comunicazioni a tutti gli utilizzatoripereventi,corsi, riunioni, commissioni del CollegioThe APP contains alltheuseful information on the website of the COLLEGE OFSURVEYORSSURVEYORS GRADUATES AND PROVINCE OF PERUGIA.It allows you to send notices to all users for events,courses,meetings, committees of the Board
Cortona 1.1
Dove si accende la luce?Dove è il contatore se salta la corrente?Come funziona il barbecue?e la piscina?cosa posso visitare nei dintorni?Chi chiamo se ho bisogno di qualcosa?Questa APP ti aiuta a servire i tuoi servizi agli ospiti!In italiano, in inglese o nelle lingue che vuoi!Where do you turn onthelight?Where is the counter if the power fails?How does the barbecue?and the pool?What can I visit nearby?Who do I call if I need something?This APP helps you serve your guest services!In Italian, English or languages ​​you want!
JOB Lavoro Offro & Cerco 1.3
Questa APP è molto semplice. E,soprattutto,completamente gratuita.Ti iscrivi (icona in alto a destra) e nel profilo inserisciillavoro che offri o che cerchi.Se una azienda vuole promuovere con più incisione la suaricerca,può contattarci compilando l'apposito modulo.This APP is very simple. And most importantly,completelyfree.You sign up (top right icon) and enter the job profile thatyouare offering or are looking for.If a company wants to promote more etching his research, youcancontact us filling in the form.This APP is verysimple.And most importantly, completely free.You sign up (top right icon) and enter the job profile thatyouare offering or are looking for.If a company wants to promote more etching his research, youcancontact us filling in the form.This APP is very simple. And most importantly,completelyfree.You sign up (top right icon) and enter the job profile ThatYouare offering or are looking for.If a company wants to Promote blackberries etching Hisresearch,you can contact us filling in the form.