
Stairs Calculator
The Stairs Calculator will give you the lengthof the stringer underneath the steps in a straight stair and theoptimal number of steps from the values you enter of the totalrise, the depth, thickness and the overlap of the steps. You willalso get a detailed construction description with photos where allthe measurements you need are included together with carpenter'sadvice when building your new stair.The construction instruction is located at this web address The content can betranslated to your language using the integrated Google Translatetool. The calculated values from the Stairs Calculator App will beinserted into the context. You can also print or bookmark the pageand all your measurements will be stored for later.This version is only for metric measurements (meter andmillimeter). An Imperial (Feet) version will be published lateron.We appreciate any feedback! Please use the contact form at or send a picture of your newstair at [email protected] and it will be publishedon the page in a gallery.Keywords: stair calculator, stairs calculator, staircasecalculator, calculating stairs, deck stair, deck stairs,trappkalkylator, bygga trappa.Disclaimer: or developers can not be holdresponsible for any construction failure.