academiacea Apps

STOP Cigarettes - Quit smoking 14
STOP Cigarettes - Quit smoking is the bestapplication to help people who want to quit smoking.To succeed in quitting the app offers:• Real-time statistics: the time you've been without smoking, themoney saved since you quit smoking, the number of cigarettes notsmoked, the minutes of life that you have not wasted nosmoking....• Achievements and life: time markers you have achieved since youstopped smoking.• Notifications each time you accomplish a merit or a life.• Recommended Reading: guides to achieve the objective, quit! Thatwill also help to prevent relapse.• Community: Community Facebook users to share the process withothers.• Tests: The prestigious Richmond and Fageström test to assess yourlevel of addiction and motivation, respectively, before quitting.Just as a Test Track to periodically check the levels of nicotinewithdrawal.STOP Cigarettes' methodology is based on studies and servicesoffered by the most qualified health centers. This methodology isuniversally adopted by experts who help quit smoking. Throughoutthe process of quitting, we have identified several differentstates: thinking about quitting, decision to quit, quit andrelapse, etc. . . . And we have found that quitters need changeduring the process of quitting. With this philosophy we havesuccessfully created the application STOP Cigarettes to quit.People who have tried to quit and have failed, know thatquitting is not just a matter of withdrawal symptoms (headaches,irritability, etc. . .) But rather to succeed overcoming thepsychological need that it involved and appears throughout the day.So it is necessary to change the habits acquired during your lifeas smokers , and here is where the methodology STOP Cigarettes -Quit smoking is addressed .STOP Cigarettes - Quit smoking provides tips, tasks and targetsbased on the studies above mentioned, which can help you overcomenicotine addiction and put and end to the habit of smiking. We knowthat quitting smoking is very difficult, but we also know it ispossible. And, without hesitating, we know our program doeswork!This is a trial version, you can get the full version here:
Gym PresidentSport Albacete 12.0.0
Gym PresidentSport, el mejor gimnasio deAlbacete para que lo tengas siempre a mano en tu móvil o tablet.A través de la aplicación podrás:- Consultar precios y servicios.- Pedir y reservar cita.- Localización: te lleva desde donde te encuentre hasta el gimansioPresidentSport.- Entrenamientos, rutinas, ejercicios .- Conocer monitores y clases.- Ver vídeos de entrenamientos.SERVICIOS GIMNASIO PRESIDENT SPORT:- Circuito metabólico- Spinning- Zumba- Cross Fitness- Jiu-Jitsu- Yudo- Fusión metabólicoVen y prueba sin compromisoGym PresidentSport, thebest gym in Albacete for you to always have on hand in your phoneor tablet.Through the application you can:- Check prices and services.- Ask for and book an appointment.- Location: takes you from where you find PresidentSport to thegym.- Workouts, routines, exercises.- Know monitors and classes.- Watch training videos.PRESIDENT SPORT GYM SERVICES:- Metabolic Circuit- Spinning- Zumba- Cross Fitness- Jiu-Jitsu- Yudo- Metabolic FusionCome and test without obligation
JOS Gardener Albacete 8.0.0
Hola soy Jorge Ortega Sanchez Jardinero enAlbacete y el Fundador de JOS Gardener, Empresa de Jardinería enAlbacete dedicada al Mantenimiento y Cuidados en General deParcelas, Chalets, Comunidades de Vecinos, Jardines y ZonasVerdes.Nuestro propósito es que Nuestros clientes disfruten con todatranquilidad de sus zonas verdes en perfecto estado y sin esfuerzo,pensamos que usted solo tiene que disfrutar y nosotros trabajarpara ello.Hi I'm Jorge OrtegaSanchez Gardener at Albacete and Founder of JOS Gardener, GardeningCompany dedicated to Albacete General Care and Maintenance ofPlots, Villas community of neighbors, Gardens and GreenSpaces. Our aim is that our clients enjoy peace of mind with all itsgreenery in perfect and effortless, we think you just have to enjoyand we work for it.