Zheero Apps

Meerror - friends finder chat 1.9
Meerror is an alternative chat that makesyoufind new friends without any registration. There are many chatsinthe store, but the main feature of Meerror –which makes it agreatalternative to other apps- is its original and amusing processtomake new friends.Meerror does not put you in touch randomly with people and doesnotask you to connect with the friends you already have, but, inatotally anonymous and safe way, it allows you to make newfriendswho share the same passions and desires of yours.How different is Meerror compared to other chats? Why isitalternative? How do you find new friends by using thisanonymouschat which does not require any registration?• Meerror goes beyond appearances! Meerror is an alternativechatwhich does not require nor request personal information of anykind.You will not have to upload any photos of yours or of others,nordeclare if you are looking for men or women. Meerror allows youtofind new friends relying only on personality. You could chatwithpeople of different age, coming from another city or adifferentculture. But who cares about the appearances? You couldfind newreal friends in them. Grab this opportunity!• Meerror does not make you chatting at once randomly! Itmakesyou judging aspects of the personality of the other users.Byjudging a certain number of sentences, as if they were the pagesofa huge secret diary, you allow Meerror to find for you peoplewithyour same interests, people with whom you will chat and thatcouldbecome new friends.• Meerror makes you chatting with people similar to you! Itiseven safer and more anonymous than a secret diary: everybodycanread what you write, but nobody will never know, in no case,thatyou are the author. This allows the other Meerror users tobesincere to such an extent to tell anything. In this way it iseasyto find new people that could become real friends, because theyaresimilar to you from the point of view of the character, sincetheyhave many aspects in common.• Meerror makes you both –looking for– and –chatting with–newfriends! In Meerror there are two main functions that you canuseat the same time: looking for new friends and chatting withthepeople you get in touch with. Remember that the chat is activeonlyafter having found some new friends, this means that inthebeginning you will also be able to look for friends. But donotworry! Usually, it takes between 2 and 6 days to findsomeone.• Meerror makes you talking with those who deserve you! Thereisno fun in starting to talk with somebody that leaves the chatjustafter a few moments. That is why Meerror tries to put peopleintouch only if they have something in common that can makethemchatting for a long time. The artificial intelligence ofMeerror isable to put you in touch with the best people to talkwith.** HOW DOES MEERROR WORK? **1. Judge the others’ sentences with “I like” / “I don’t like”2. Insert your sentences3. When you have 33 sentences in common with somebody, you canstartchatting4. Keep on judging the sentences to find other friends ordiscovernew things in common with those you are already in touchwith** SUGGESTIONS **֍ When you insert your sentences, try to be as more specificandprecise as you can, avoiding, for instance, to quote somebody ortouse aphorism which do not really represent you, nor sentenceswhichcontains more than a concept.֍ Block the sentences you do not like. The blockedsentencesbecome hidden to all your similar users, making thewholeexperience much nicer.֍ Avoid repeating the same concepts. The friends with whomyouwill talk could remove you from their list and marking you asanunreliable or not interesting user.See more at http://www.meerror.com