Screen Resolution Info 1.0
Get Screen Resolution Information for yourdevice. It includes density dpi,pixel height, pixel width, density,scaled density, screen size ...etcIt's a useful app for developers and the tech savvy.
Simple TTS 1.4
Simple TTS is a text to speech application.You simply type text and press the speak button, and it will speakit. The TTS engine that is used would depend on your devicemodel.Go to settings menu to select different options.Portrait and landscape orientations supported.
Big Number Calculator 1.2
Big Number Calculator permits operations withnumbers of arbitrarily long length. You can use it to find productsor quotients of large numbers.Functions included are:#Multiplication#Addition#Subtraction#Division#Mod (Remainder)
Jon Juan 1.1
The world's greatest lover !Jon Juan was a pleasure-loving native of Atlantis. Born thousandsof years ago, he earned a reputation as a flirt and womanizer wholeft a trail of broken hearts everywhere he went. Eventually, hisfellow Atlanteans got fed up with Jon's antics and decided to givehim some old-fashioned mob justice. As Jon fled his pursuers, hefell into the ice-cold sea and was frozen in a block of ice. Hisbody remained preserved for centuries, long after Atlantis fell,until it eventually washed up on a tropical island, where theiceberg melted and Jon regained consciousness. Unbeknown to him,the sea weed frozen in the ice along with him somehow rendered himimmortal, allowing him to survive to the present day.Jon Juan spent his long life wandering the world, wooing anypretty woman he happened to come across. While he was good at thewooing part, he could never figure out how to stay committed. Ofcourse, the fact that he was doomed to outlive all his loversprobably didn't help.Navigation: Flip pages as if you were reading the real thing.Note: This comic is best viewed on a large screen size , asthere is no zoom.Public Domain Comic.
Army War Heroes #15 1.1
Relive the golden age of comics !War comic series from the 1960's.Genre: WarNavigation: Flip pages as if you were reading the realthing.Note: This comic is best viewed on a large screen size , asthere is no zoom.Public Domain Comic.
Percent Calculator Plus 1.7
Percent Calculator Plus allows you to makepercent related calculations instantly and effortlessly ,by simply entering two values. It's also a tip calculator.Features include:* Percent Calculations* Percent Increase* Percent Decrease* Percentage Change* Tip Calculator* Percent of two valuesIt's useful in many real-life situations:* school (mathematics, statistics, algebra)* finance and business (tax)* shopping (discounts)* tipping* cookingThe app stores your previous entered values.
Amazing Adventures #2 1.2
A 1950s science fiction anthology produced by Ziff-Davisandfeaturing painted covers. It ran for six issuesNavigation: Flip pages as if you were reading the realthing.Note: This comic is best viewed on a large screen size , asthereis no zoom.Public Domain Comic.
Comic: Slave Girl 1.2
Slave Girl Comics (1949)Relive the golden age of comics !A comic series published in 1949 that lasted for two issues. Itdetails the adventures of Malu, the titular slave girl.Slave Girl Comics was published five years before the formation ofthe Comics Code Authority and would not have passed theircensorship with the overt sexual nature of the images and storiesit contained.Navigation: Flip pages as if you were reading the realthing.Note: This comic is best viewed on a large screen size , asthere is no zoom.Public Domain Comic.
Area Converter Free 1.3
This app converts different units of area toeach other. It currently has over 30 different units.Units included:acre,are,arpent,barn,circular inch,circularmil,cuerda,hectare,plaza,rood,section,square centimeter,squarechain,square decimeter,square dekameter,square foot,squarehectometer,square inch,square kilometer,square meter,squaremicrometer,square mile,square millimeter,square nanometer,squareperch,square pole,square rod,squareyard,strema,tahulla,township,varas castellanas cuad,varasconuqueras cuad.The app stores the last entered values.
Daily Science RSS 1.6
Read the latest news in science research.Daily news feeds from the renowned site .Read articles from a wide range of fields in , physics, medicine,nanotechnology, electronics, earth and climate biology, chemistry,computer sciences, engineering, mathematics, medicine, mind andbrain, technology etc.Share articles via gmail.Portrait and Landscape orientations supported.RSS Links:☆ Latest News☆ Computers & Math☆ Matter & Energy☆ Mind & Brain☆ Health & Medicine☆ Space & Time☆ Earth & Climate☆ Science & Society☆ Fossils & Ruins☆ Strange ScienceThis app is not affiliated or endorsed by
Volume Converter Free 1.3
This app converts different units of volume toeach other. It currently has over 40 different units.Units included are:acre-foot,acre-inch,attoliter,barrel,barrel (oil),bath(Biblical),board foot,bushel,bushel (UK),cab(Biblical),cc,ccf,centiliter,cor (Biblical),cord,cubiccentimeter,cubic foot,cubic inch,cubic meter,cubic yard,cup,cup(UK),deciliter,decistere,dekaliter,dekastere,dessertspoon,dessertspoon (UK),dram,dram (UK),drop,dry pint ,dryquart,exaliter, femtoliter,gallon ,gallon (UK),gigaliter,gill,gill(UK),hectoliter,hin (Biblical),hogshead,homer(Biblical),hundred-cubic foot,kiloliter,liter,log(Biblical),megaliter,microliter,milliliter,minim,minim(UK),nanoliter, ounce,ounce (UK),peck,peck(UK),petaliter,picoliter,pint,pint (UK),quart,quart (UK),stere,tablespoon,tablespoon (UK),Taza (Spanish),teaspoon,teaspoon(UK),teraliter,tun.The app resumes with the previous entered values.
Zee News India 1.2
Zee News India, is an Indian news and currentaffairs app.Read the latest news in politics, business, world, sport and Indiannational affairs.Portrait and Lanscape orientations supported.This App is NOT affiliated with, or endorsed by Zee News!
Mass Converter Free 1.1
Mass Converter is a free androidapplicationwhich quickly and easily converts between differentweights.Conversion executes as soon as the desired unit is selected.A simple, clean interface for the user, in order toefficientlycarry out weight conversions with the minimum of fuss.* It currently has over 30 different units.* The app resumes with the previous entered values.* Portrait orientation only.
Buffalo Bill #4 1.1
Frederick "Buffalo Bill" Cody (February26,1846 - Janury 10, 1917) was an American showman known forhistravelling cowboy-themed shows and for his real-life exploitsinthe old American West.Even during his lifetime Buffalo Bill was used in fiction:thefirst dime novel about him, Ned Buntline's Buffalo Bill, theKingof the Border Men, was published in 1869 and was followedbyhundreds more.Fictionalised accounts of Buffalo Bill's adventures,includingcomics, continued long after his death; as he is a publicdomaincharacter many different publishers have got in on theact.Navigation: Flip pages as if you were reading the real thing.Note: This comic is best viewed on a large screen size , asthereis no zoom.
Length Converter Free 1.3
Convert different length and distance unitstoeach other.The app currently has over 40 different units.Units included are :aln,angstrom,arpent,astronomicalunit,attometer,barleycorn,caliber,centimeter,chain,clothnail,clothspan,cubit (Biblical), cubit(Greek),decimeter,dekameter,exameter,famn,fathom,femtometer,fermi,fingerbreadth (Biblical), foot,foot(US survey),furlong,gigameter,hand,handbreadth(Biblical),hectometer,inch,ken,kilometer,kiloparsec,league,lightyear,link,long cubit (Biblical),longreed(Biblical),megameter,megaparsec ,meter,micrometer,mil,mil(Sweden), mile (Roman), mile (US surveyfoot),mile(US),millimeter,nanometer,nautical mile,parsec,perch,petameter,pica,picometer,planck,point,pole ,reed(Biblical),rod,Romanactus,Russian archin,span(Biblical),terameter,twip, varacastellana,vara conuquera,vara detarea, yard.The app resumes with the last entered values.
Ghost Comics #4 1.2
Ghost Comics #4Relive the golden age of comics !A comic series published in 1952.Stories:* Death is a Dream (5 pages)* No World For Me (8 pages)* Flee the Mad Furies (6 pages)* The Trumpet of Valkyrie (7 pages)Navigation: Flip pages as if you were reading the realthing.Note: This comic is best viewed on a large screen size , asthereis no zoom.Public Domain Comic.