
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on theASVAB.YourTeacher – ASVAB Math Prep Course******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"I was using the program to improve my ASVAB score to qualifyfor Marine Corps Officer's Candidate School. I improved my scorefrom a 60 something to a 77. Many points above the necessary 70. Ireally enjoyed the program, and if you diligently use it you willaccomplish what needs to be done."Frankie"I joined the military and I had to get a good score on theASVAB. I thank you so much - I passed with flying colors thanks toyou guys."Jimmy******Need more than practice problems to get ready for the ASVAB?YourTeacher’s ASVAB Math Prep Course provides everything youwould get in a traditional test prep review book (i.e. writtenpractice problems, reading material, etc.) PLUS the one-on-oneinstruction you need to truly learn the math covered on theASVAB.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******ASVAB Math Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s ASVAB Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to ace the ASVAB.CHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERSAdditionSubtractionAddition and Subtraction Word ProblemsMultiplicationExponentsDivisionMultiplication and Division Word ProblemsCHAPTER 2: INTEGERSAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationCHAPTER 3: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorIntroduction to FractionsLowest TermsImproper Fractions and Mixed NumbersComparing Proper FractionsAdding and Subtracting Like FractionsAdding and Subtracting Unlike FractionsMultiplying FractionsDividing FractionsCHAPTER 4: DECIMALSConverting Decimals to FractionsConverting Fractions to DecimalsAdding DecimalsSubtracting DecimalsWord ProblemsMultiplying Decimals by Whole NumbersMultiplying Decimals by DecimalsDividing Decimals by Whole NumbersDividing Decimals by DecimalsWord ProblemsPowers of TenConverting from Scientific to Standard NotationConverting from Standard to Scientific NotationCHAPTER 5: EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONSCombining Like TermsDistributive PropertyDistributive / Like TermsOne-Step EquationsTwo-Step EquationsEquations with FractionsEquations Involving DistributiveVariable on Both SidesVariable on Both Sides / FractionsVariable on Both Sides / DistributiveBeginning FormulasAdvanced FormulasCHAPTER 6: WORD PROBLEMS & INEQUALITIESCHAPTER 7: SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 8: EXPONENTS, POLYNOMIALS, & FACTORINGCHAPTER 9: RADICALSCHAPTER 10: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 11: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 12: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 13: PROBABILITY & STATISTICS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Geometry 1.7
Need more than free videos to learn math? YourTeacher's Geometryapp is like having a personal math tutor in your pocket.**“It’s like a private school math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"Thank you for the program. It has shown immediate results. Mysophomore daughter is failing geometry because she doesn'tunderstand it. In three hours of using YourTeacher, she completedan entire packet of assignments, 4 days worth, and as the studentin the class with the worst grade and most amount of incompleteassignments, she was the first to turn in all the work! And she nolonger feels like a failure. That is absolutely amazing!"Bryan******Need more than videos to learn Geometry…YourTeacher’s Geometry app replicates the entire math classroomexperience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s Geometry app covers an entire year ofGeometry.CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONAddition and Subtraction of IntegersMultiplication and Division of IntegersEquations Involving the Distributive PropertyEquations with the Variable on Both SidesPoints, Lines, Planes, and SpaceSegments, Rays, and LengthSegment Addition Postulate and MidpointAngles and MeasureAngle Addition Postulate and Angle BisectorInductive vs. Deductive ReasoningConditional StatementsPropertiesAlgebra Proofs with PropertiesGeometry Proofs with Midpoints and Angle BisectorsCHAPTER 2: ANGLE PAIRS & PERPENDICULAR LINESSolving Systems by AdditionSolving Systems by Substitution and Method of ChoiceFactoring TrinomialsFactoring Trinomials and Difference of Two SquaresPolynomial EquationsComplementary and Supplementary Angles (Part 1)Complementary and Supplementary Angles (Part 2)Vertical AnglesProblems Involving Perpendicular LinesTheorems Involving Perpendicular LinesCHAPTER 3: PARALLEL LINES AND POLYGONSVocabularyGiven Lines are ParallelProving Lines are ParallelVocabulary and Triangle Sum TheoremAlgebra ProblemsWord Problems and Exterior Angle TheoremVocabularySum of Interior and Exterior AnglesRegular PolygonsCHAPTER 4: TRIANGLESCongruent FiguresProving Triangles are Congruent by SSS, SAS, and ASAIsosceles Triangle TheoremsProving Triangles are Congruent by AAS and HLMedians, Altitudes, and Perpendicular BisectorsCHAPTER 5: QUADRILATERALSProperties of ParallelogramsProving a Quadrilateral is a ParallelogramMore Parallel Line TheoremsRectangles, Rhombuses, and SquaresTrapezoidsCHAPTER 6: SIMILARITYRatioProportionProperties of Similar PolygonsAngle-Angle Similarity PostulateWord ProblemsSSS and SAS Similarity TheoremsTriangle Proportionality and Triangle Angle-Bisector TheoremsCHAPTER 7: RIGHT TRIANGLESCHAPTER 8: CIRCLESCHAPTER 9: AREACHAPTER 10: VOLUME(Wifi or 3G connection required)Keywords:geometry tutoring, geometry tutor, geometry help, online
ACT Math Prep 1.7
Everything you get from a traditional test prep book PLUSone-on-one instruction covering all the math on the ACT.**"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"I am needing prep work for my daughter's ACT. It's been veryhelpful and I do like how it's set up. The lessons are very clearand understandable - I wish I had this when I was inschool!!"Ann"My daughter, who's a junior, is using Your Teacher to preparefor the ACT in the spring. She loves the interactive, go at your onpace style of Your Teacher. I absolutely love the program andcertainly would and have recommended it."Sonya**Need more than practice problems to get ready for the ACT…YourTeacher’s ACT Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to know to ace the ACT. Our app includes everything you wouldget in a traditional ACT test prep course (i.e. practice problems),but ALSO includes the one-on-one instruction you need to trulylearn math.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******ACT Math Prep App - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s ACT Math Prep App covers the exact math you needto ace the ACT.CHAPTER 1: INTEGERSAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueCHAPTER 2: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorIntroduction to FractionsEquivalent Fractions (Part I)Lowest TermsEquivalent Fractions (Part II)Improper Fractions and Mixed NumbersComparing Proper FractionsComparing Mixed Numbers and Improper FractionsLeast Common MultipleAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueCHAPTER 3: DECIMALSUnderstanding DecimalsComparing DecimalsRounding DecimalsLong DivisionDividing Decimals by Whole NumbersDividing Decimals by DecimalsPowers of TenConverting from Scientific to Standard NotationConverting from Standard to Scientific NotationCHAPTER 4: EXPRESSIONS AND EQUATIONSCombining Like TermsDistributive PropertyDistributive / Like TermsOne-Step EquationsTwo-Step EquationsEquations with FractionsEquations Involving DistributiveVariable on Both SidesVariable on Both Sides / FractionsVariable on Both Sides / DistributiveEquations with DecimalsEquations with Fractional SolutionsBeginning FormulasAdvanced FormulasCHAPTER 5: WORD PROBLEMSModeling Two-Step EquationsNumber ProblemsConsecutive Integer ProblemsGeometry ProblemsValue ProblemsIntroductory Motion ProblemsAdvanced Motion ProblemsCHAPTER 6: INEQUALITIES, ABSOLUTE VALUE, FUNCTIONS, &GRAPHINGCHAPTER 7: LINEAR EQUATIONSCHAPTER 8: SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 9: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 10: FACTORINGCHAPTER 11: RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONSCHAPTER 12: RADICALS & QUADRATICSCHAPTER 13: PROBABILITY & STATISTICSCHAPTER 14: INTRODUCTION TO GEOMETRYCHAPTER 15: PARALLEL LINES & POLYGONSCHAPTER 16: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 17: RIGHT TRIANGLESCHAPTER 18: CIRCLESCHAPTER 19: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 20: ADVANCED AREA & VOLUME(Wifi or 3G connection required)ACT is the registered trademark of ACT, Inc. YourTeacher has noaffiliation with ACT, Inc., and the YourTeacher ACT app is notapproved or endorsed by ACT, Inc.
COMPASS Math Prep 1.7
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on theCOMPASS.******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"I had to study for my COMPASS test. I LOVE IT! Thank you somuch, what a great idea! In the end I was able to study up on myrusted math and be good enough to "pass" the COMPASS test. I don'thave to take any build up classes before I can start with myregular math credits. Thank you!"Jezabel"I needed help preparing for the COMPASS Math Exam. FindingYourTeacher was a lifesaver! I didn't even know where to start tofigure out what math I needed to learn for the COMPASS. Your apphad it already laid out for me. You explained everything soclearly. I was able to recall what I had learned over 30 years ago.Since I never went to college, the college algebra was brand newinformation for me and I understood it totally! Because of you, Iwas able to pass the COMPASS with flying colors! Thank you againfor wonderful tutoring at a reasonable price."Debbie"I had to sit the COMPASS Test so I used the lessons you have aspractice. I am happy to say that I did really well in my COMPASSTest and have gone from hating math to loving it and am evenconsidering changing my major. Many thanks once again."Michelle******Need more than practice problems to get ready for theCOMPASS?YourTeacher’s COMPASS Math Prep Course provides everything youwould get in a traditional test prep review book (i.e. writtenpractice problems, reading material, etc.) PLUS the one-on-oneinstruction you need to truly learn the math covered on theCOMPASS.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******COMPASS Math Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s COMPASS Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to ace the COMPASS.CHAPTER 1: INTEGERSAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionWord ProblemsOrder of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueCHAPTER 2: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorIntroduction to FractionsEquivalent Fractions (Part I)Lowest TermsEquivalent Fractions (Part II)Improper Fractions and Mixed NumbersLeast Common MultipleAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsAdding Mixed NumbersSubtracting Mixed NumbersMultiplying Mixed NumbersDividing Mixed NumbersCHAPTER 3: DECIMALSCHAPTER 4: EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONSCHAPTER 5: INEQUALITIES & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 6: LINEAR EQUATIONS & SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 7: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 8: FACTORING & RATIONAL EXPRESSIONSCHAPTER 9: RADICALSCHAPTER 10: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 11: ANGLES & TRIANGLESCHAPTER 12: SIMILARITYCHAPTER 13: RIGHT TRIANGLES & CIRCLESCHAPTER 14: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 15: STATISTICS(Wifi or 3G connection required)COMPASS is the registered trademark of ACT, Inc. YourTeacher hasno affiliation with ACT, Inc., and the YourTeacher COMPASS app isnot approved or endorsed by ACT, Inc.
GED 1.7
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on theGED.******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"I am studying to pass the Math for my GED. I just want to sayYourTeacher is very informative, explanatory and I love how youinclude live visualization..:) I also love how every lesson hasnotes, problems and a test which you're graded on...that is totallyawesome!"Lisa"After moments of despair trying to find the right tutor, I amso grateful I found YourTeacher. I am studying for the GED mathtest, and this has helped me so much."Amy"I learned in a day what was taking me weeks and months thrubooks or just searching online. I take the GED test later thismonth and for once I feel confident that I will pass the mathsection because of you. Thanks, the best money I've everspent."Emmanuel******Need more than practice problems to get ready for the GED?YourTeacher’s GED Math Test Prep Course covers the exact mathyou need to know to ace the GED. Our app features everything youget in a traditional test prep course (i.e. practice problems,written materials), but ALSO includes the one-on-one instructionyou need to truly learn math.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******GED Math Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s GED Math Prep app covers the exact math you needto ace the GED.CHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERSPlace ValueComparing NumbersRoundingAdditionSubtractionEstimating Sums and DifferencesAddition and Subtraction Word ProblemsMultiplicationExponentsDivisionEstimating Products and QuotientsMultiplication and Division Word ProblemsCHAPTER 2: INTEGERSAddition and SubtractionMultiplicationDivisionWord ProblemsOrder of OperationsEvaluationCHAPTER 3: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorIntroduction to FractionsEquivalent Fractions (Part I)Lowest TermsEquivalent Fractions (Part II)Improper Fractions and Mixed NumbersAdding and Subtracting Like FractionsAdding and Subtracting Unlike FractionsAdding Mixed NumbersSubtracting Mixed NumbersMultiplying FractionsMultiplying Mixed NumbersDividing FractionsDividing Mixed NumbersCHAPTER 4: DECIMALSCHAPTER 5: EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS, & INEQUALITIESCHAPTER 6: WORD PROBLEMSCHAPTER 7: LINEAR EQUATIONS & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 8: POLYNOMIALS & FACTORINGCHAPTER 9: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 10: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 11: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 12: PROBABIILITY & STATISTICS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Algebra 1.7
Need more than free videos to learn math?YourTeacher's Algebra app is like having a personal math tutor inyour pocket.**“It’s like a private school math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"My daughter is doing Algebra 1 in 8th Grade. She had beengetting really low grades because they are moving through thematerial so quickly. She had a test 3 days after we bought yourprogram and she got 94% (the highest score in the class) because wehad her work through the modules over and. She really enjoys theprogram and her motivation is good again."Melanie******Need more than videos to learn Algebra…YourTeacher’s Algebra app replicates the entire math classroomexperience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s Algebra app covers an entire year of Algebra1.CHAPTER 1: SIMPLIFYINGAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationLeast Common MultipleAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationIntegersFractionsCombining Like TermsDistributive PropertyDistributive / Like TermsCHAPTER 2: EQUATIONSOne-Step EquationsTwo-Step EquationsEquations with FractionsEquations Involving DistributiveVariable on Both SidesVariable on Both Sides / FractionsVariable on Both Sides / DistributiveInteger SolutionsDecimal SolutionsFractional SolutionsBeginning FormulasCHAPTER 3: WORD PROBLEMSNumber ProblemsConsecutive Integer ProblemsGeometry ProblemsPercent ProblemsAge ProblemsValue ProblemsInterest ProblemsIntroductory Motion ProblemsCHAPTER 4: INEQUALITIES, ABSOLUTE VALUE, FUNCTIONS,GRAPHINGSolving and Graphing InequalitiesCombined InequalitiesThe Coordinate SystemDomain and RangeDefinition of a FunctionFunction and Arrow NotationGraphing within a Given DomainGraphing LinesThe Intercept MethodGraphing Inequalities in Two VariablesCHAPTER 5: LINEAR EQUATIONSPatterns and Table BuildingWord Problems and Table BuildingSlope as a Rate of ChangeUsing the Graph of a Line to Find SlopeUsing Slope to Graph a LineUsing Coordinates to Find Slope (Graphs and Tables)Using Coordinates to Find SlopeUsing Slope to Find Missing CoordinatesUsing Slope-Intercept Form to Graph a LineConverting to Slope-Intercept Form and GraphingLinear Parent Graph and TransformationsUsing Graphs and Slope-Intercept FormUsing Tables and Slope-Intercept FormDirect VariationApplications of Direct Variation and Linear FunctionsCHAPTER 6: SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 7: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 8: FACTORINGCHAPTER 9: RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONSCHAPTER 10: RADICALSCHAPTER 11: QUADRATICSCHAPTER 12: IMAGINARY AND COMPLEX NUMBERSCHAPTER 13: QUADRATIC EQUATIONS & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 14: ADDITIONAL CONCEPTS(Wifi or 3G connection required)Keywords:algebra, algebra tutoring, algebra tutor, algebra help
CLEP 1.7
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on theCLEP.YourTeacher – CLEP College Math Prep Course******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"Overall, I thought your program was awesome. After not havingdone math for ten years, I passed the CLEP with a score of 76/80,thanks to you."Sara"I used YourTeacher to help with the CLEP Examination. I am sureI would have failed without your valuable tutoring and review.However, I did well. With your courses I am pretty excited to bedoing math again. How about that!"Joshua"I used your CLEP prep course, and it really helped me. Lastyear I took the placement test for my college, and they wanted toplace me in Elementary Algebra! The only reason for that was that Ihadn't reviewed any math for couple years. So I used your course,and I passed my exam with a 68/80, when I only needed 50!"Hany******Need more than practice problems to get ready for the CLEPCollege Mathematics Test?YourTeacher’s CLEP Math Prep Course provides everything youwould get in a traditional test prep review book (i.e. writtenpractice problems, reading material, etc.) PLUS the one-on-oneinstruction you need to truly learn the math covered on theCLEP.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******CLEP Math Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s CLEP Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to ace the CLEP.CHAPTER 1: INTEGERSAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueCHAPTER 2: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorLeast Common MultipleAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionCHAPTER 3: DECIMALSUnderstanding DecimalsConverting Decimals to FractionsConverting Fractions to DecimalsAdding DecimalsSubtracting DecimalsMultiplying Decimals by DecimalsDividing Decimals by DecimalsTerminating and Repeating DecimalsDetermining if a Number is Rational or IrrationalCHAPTER 4: EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONSCombining Like TermsDistributive PropertyDistributive / Like TermsOne-Step EquationsTwo-Step EquationsEquations with FractionsEquations Involving DistributiveVariable on Both SidesVariable on Both Sides / FractionsVariable on Both Sides / DistributiveNumber ProblemsGeometry ProblemsPercent ProblemsIntroductory Motion ProblemsCHAPTER 5: INEQUALITIES, ABSOLUTE VALUE, & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 6: LINEAR EQUATIONS & SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 7: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 8: FACTORING & RATIONAL EXPRESSIONSCHAPTER 9: RADICALS & QUADRATICSCHAPTER 10: IMAGINARY & COMPLEX NUMBERSCHAPTER 11: RATIO, PROPORTION, & MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 12: PROBABILITY & STATISTICS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Algebra 2 1.7
Need more than free videos to learn math?YourTeacher's Algebra 2 app is like having a personal math tutor inyour pocket.**“It’s like a private school math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"Thank you for the program. It has shown immediate results. Mysophomore daughter is failing Algebra 2 because she doesn'tunderstand it. In three hours of using your lessons, she completedan entire packet of assignments, 4 days worth, and as the studentin the class with the worst grade and most amount of incompletedassignments, she was the first to turn in all the work! And she nolonger feels like a failure. Also, my 5th grade daughter spent afew hours "having fun" learning pre-algebra lessons and taking thetests... she got 100% on most of them. That is absolutelyamazing!"Bryan******Need more than videos to learn Algebra 2…YourTeacher’s Algebra 2 app replicates the entire math classroomexperience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s Algebra 2 app covers an entire year of Algebra2.CHAPTER 1: SIMPLIFYINGAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationIntegersDistributive / Like TermsCHAPTER 2: EQUATIONSCHAPTER 3: WORD PROBLEMSCHAPTER 4: INEQUALITIES, ABSOLUTE VALUE, FUNCTIONS, GRAPHINGCHAPTER 5: LINEAR EQUATIONSCHAPTER 6: SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 7: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 8: FACTORINGCHAPTER 9: RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONSCHAPTER 10: RADICALSCHAPTER 11: QUADRATICSCHAPTER 12: IMAGINARY AND COMPLEX NUMBERSCHAPTER 13: QUADRATIC EQUATIONS & FUNCTIONS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
College Pre-Algebra 1.7
Need more than videos to learn math?YourTeacher's College Pre-Algebra app is like having a personalmath tutor in your pocket.**“It’s like a private school math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"Pre-Algebra and Introductory Algebra were required classes forme. I was completely lost because I have absolutely no Algebrabackground. I was really struggling in my class. Then I foundYourTeacher. The lessons were a tremendous help. I ended up makingan A in the class and passed the exit test. Thank you for yourhelp."Catherine"I use the program for College Pre-Algebra. I have always beenhorrible at math and through my life been very frustrated with mymath teachers. Your teacher is the best math instruction I haveever had. I appreciate the videos, they definitely work for therest of us non-math types."John******Need more than videos to learn College Pre-Algebra…YourTeacher’s College Pre-Algebra app replicates the entire mathclassroom experience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s College Pre-Algebra app covers an entire year ofCollege Pre-Algebra.CHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERSPlace ValueRoundingAdditionSubtractionEstimating Sums and DifferencesAddition and Subtraction Word ProblemsMultiplicationExponentsDivisionEstimating Products and QuotientsMultiplication and Division Word ProblemsProperties and RulesOrder of OperationsAddition PropertiesMultiplication PropertiesCHAPTER 2: INTEGERSCHAPTER 3: EXPRESSIONS AND EQUATIONSCHAPTER 4: FRACTIONSCHAPTER 5: DECIMALSCHAPTER 6: RATIO, PROPORTION & PERCENTCHAPTER 7: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 8: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 9: GRAPHS, CENTRAL TENDENCY, & PROBABILITY(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Intermediate Algebra 1.7
Need more than free videos to learn math?YourTeacher's Intermediate Algebra app is like having a personalmath tutor in your pocket.******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"This is my third time around taking Intermediate Algebra, mathbeing a subject I have always struggled with. Since using yourprogram, I have consistently scored above 100% on all three of theexams offered so far this semester. Thank you thank you for yourhelp!! I know that this will be the last time I will be taking thiscourse!!"Bo"I am using the program for Intermediate Algebra at a communitycollege. I love the sight and there is not a doubt in my mind,without it, I would be lost. Thanks for providing thisservice."Virginia******Need more than videos to learn Intermediate Algebra…YourTeacher’s Intermediate Algebra app replicates the entiremath classroom experience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s Intermediate Algebra app covers an entire year ofIntermediate Algebra.CHAPTER 1: REAL NUMBERS & ALGEBRAAddition and Subtraction (Positives & Negatives)Multiplication and Division (Positives & Negatives)Order of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueAddition and Subtraction (Fractions)Multiplication and Division (Fractions)Simplifying with VariablesField PropertiesCombining Like TermsDistributive PropertyDistributive / Like TermsCHAPTER 2: LINEAR EQUATIONS & INEQUALITIESCHAPTER 3: GRAPHS, LINEAR EQUATIONS, & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 4: SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONSCHAPTER 5: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 6: FACTORINGCHAPTER 7: RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 8: RADICAL EXPRESSIONS & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 9: QUADRATIC EQUATIONS & FUNCTIONS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Pre-Algebra 1.7
Need more than free videos to learn math?YourTeacher's Pre-Algebra app is like having a personal math tutorin your pocket.**“It’s like a private school math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane“Prior to using your Pre-Algebra program, my daughter had 6 testgrades of 45-56. Once she was on the program, she had 4 test gradesof 85-100. My 13 year old student actually sits down with theprogram on her own and completes the work with out me nagging herto do it. She does not have to be driven to another location, sheis not losing school time to attend tutoring, nor am I losing timefrom work. I know the work she does is correct. I'm not prayingthat the tutor knows what he/she is doing. AND YOU CAN NOT BEAT THEEXCELLENT PRICE. This program works and is such a blessing. Thankyou very, very much for this program."Luise******Need more than videos to learn Pre-Algebra…YourTeacher’s Pre-Algebra app replicates the entire mathclassroom experience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******Scope and SequenceCHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERSPlace ValueComparing NumbersRoundingAdditionSubtractionEstimating Sums and DifferencesAddition and Subtraction Word ProblemsMultiplicationExponentsDivisionEstimating Products and QuotientsMultiplication and Division Word ProblemsOrder of OperationsGrouping SymbolsVariablesAddition PropertiesMultiplication PropertiesCHAPTER 2: INTEGERSGraphing and Writing IntegersComparing IntegersOpposites and Absolute ValueAdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivisionOrder of OperationsWord ProblemsAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionCHAPTER 3: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorIntroduction to FractionsEquivalent Fractions (Part I)Lowest TermsEquivalent Fractions (Part II)Improper Fractions and Mixed NumbersComparing Proper FractionsComparing Mixed Numbers and Improper FractionsWord ProblemsAdding and Subtracting Like FractionsAdding and Subtracting Unlike FractionsAdding Mixed NumbersSubtracting Mixed NumbersMultiplying FractionsMultiplying Mixed NumbersDividing FractionsDividing Mixed NumbersCHAPTER 4: DECIMALSCHAPTER 5: ALGEBRAIC THINKINGCHAPTER 6: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 7: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 8: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 9: PROBABILITY & STATISTICS(Wifi or 3G connection required)Keywords:prealgebra pre algebra tutoring tutor online help math preppreparation test practice testing your teacher course review tutortests
GRE 1.7
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on theGRE.YourTeacher – GRE Math Prep Course******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"I have been raving about this program to all of my friends. Ithas enhanced my learning and taken out the drudgery of studying forthe GRE. With YourTeacher, I have been able to improve my practicescore by 250 points thus far! THANKS!!!"Shawna"First, let me thank you as it has saved my life! I spenthundreds of dollars on a tutor in preparation for the GRE and itended up being a waste. I then found YourTeacher. I take the GREexam tomorrow and feel more confident than I ever have. I onlyregret I didn't find you months ago."Aneika******Need more than practice problems to get ready for the GRE…YourTeacher’s GRE Math Prep Course provides everything you wouldget in a traditional test prep review book (i.e. written practiceproblems, reading material, etc.) PLUS the one-on-one instructionyou need to truly learn the math covered on the GRE.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******GRE Math Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s GRE Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to ace to pass the GRE.CHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERS & INTEGERSAdditionSubtractionMultiplicationExponentsDivisionComparing IntegersAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueCHAPTER 2: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorLowest TermsComparing Proper FractionsLeast Common MultipleAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationCHAPTER 3: DECIMALSConverting Decimals to FractionsConverting Fractions to DecimalsComparing DecimalsAdding DecimalsSubtracting DecimalsMultiplying Decimals by DecimalsDividing Decimals by DecimalsConverting from Scientific to Standard NotationConverting from Standard to Scientific NotationCHAPTER 4: EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONSCombining Like TermsDistributive PropertyDistributive / Like TermsTwo-Step EquationsEquations with FractionsEquations Involving DistributiveVariable on Both SidesVariable on Both Sides / FractionsVariable on Both Sides / DistributiveBeginning FormulasAdvanced FormulasCHAPTER 5: WORD PROBLEMSNumber ProblemsConsecutive Integer ProblemsAge ProblemsValue ProblemsIntroductory Motion ProblemsMixture ProblemsCHAPTER 6: INEQUALITIES, ABSOLUTE VALUE, FUNCTIONS, &GRAPHINGCHAPTER 7: LINEAR EQUATIONS & SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 8: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 9: FACTORING & RATIONAL EXPRESSIONSCHAPTER 10: RADICALS & QUADRATICSCHAPTER 11: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 12: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 13: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 14: PROBABILITY & STATISTICS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on theACCUPLACER.******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"I went to take the ACCUPLACER test and I scored a 41 back inApril. Then I signed up for yourteacher and did all the lessons forACCUPLACER. Then I retook the ACCUPLACER and I scored 104. I wasshocked!!!!!"Suzanne"First, let me say that YourTeacher was a godsend! I am finallypursuing my goal of obtaining a nursing degree. As you know, thevery first step in returning to school is the ACCUPLACER test.Since I have been out of school for so long, I was veryapprehensive about the math portion. What a fabulous way to reviewthings I had long forgotten! I took the ACCUPLACER on December 1st,and scored well above the minimum on all sections, including math.Without YourTeacher, I'm certain I would have failed the mathportion miserably....and would have then been discouraged in myattempts to return to school. I can't say enough about how helpfulit was."Tanya"I used the program to study for ACCUPLACER. I was able to skip2 classes to college level. Great product!"Adam******Need more than practice problems to get ready for theACCUPLACER…YourTeacher’s ACCUPLACER math test prep course covers the exactmath you need to know to ace the ACCUPLACER. The app featureseverything you would get in a traditional math test prep course(i.e. practice problems, written materials) but ALSO includes theone-on-one instruction you need to truly learn math.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******ACCUPLACER Math Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s ACCUPLACER Math Prep Course covers the exact mathyou need to ace the ACCUPLACER.CHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERSAdditionSubtractionEstimating Sums and DifferencesAddition and Subtraction Word ProblemsMultiplicationDivisionEstimating Products and QuotientsMultiplication and Division Word ProblemsCHAPTER 2: INTEGERSComparing IntegersAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueCHAPTER 3: FRACTIONSCHAPTER 4: DECIMALSCHAPTER 5: EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS, & WORD PROBLEMSCHAPTER 6: INEQUALITIES & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 7: LINEAR EQUATIONS & SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 8: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 9: FACTORINGCHAPTER 10: RATIONAL EXPRESSIONSCHAPTER 11: RADICALSCHAPTER 12: QUADRATICSCHAPTER 13: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 14: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 15: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 16: PROBABILITY & STATISTICS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
College Algebra 1.7
Need more than free videos to learn math?YourTeacher's College Algebra app is like having a personal mathtutor in your pocket.******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"College Algebra was the only University core I needed tograduate. I would not have met my math competency without you. Ilove YourTeacher and matter of fact I am addicted to it. Ha!Ha!"Bud"Let me tell you that your program is fantastic. I am a 49year-old attorney about to retire and decided to go back to school.I had one year of algebra in high school over 30 years ago. Icannot say enough about how easy your program makes CollegeAlgebra."Bill******Need more than videos to learn College Algebra…YourTeacher’s College Algebra app replicates the entire mathclassroom experience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s College Algebra app covers an entire year ofCollege Algebra.CHAPTER 1: BASIC CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRAAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionThe Product RuleThe Power RuleThe Quotient RuleNumerical Bases and Exponents of ZeroDistributive / Like TermsF.O.I.L.Advanced ProblemsRules for Finding the G.C.F.Factoring Out the G.C.F.Special Trinomials with Positive ConstantSpecial Trinomials with Negative ConstantDifference of Two SquaresCoefficient on x^2 Term, Positive ConstantCoefficient on x^2 Term, Negative ConstantBasic TechniqueAdvanced StrategiesFactoring Out G.C.F. as First StepSimplifying Rational ExpressionsMultiplying and Dividing Rational ExpressionsAdding Rational ExpressionsSubtracting Rational ExpressionsComplex FractionsSimplifying RadicalsMultiplying RadicalsDividing RadicalsAddition and FOILingAdvanced DivisionBeginning Imaginary NumbersAdvanced Imaginary NumbersBeginning Complex NumbersAdvanced Complex NumbersCHAPTER 2: EQUATIONS & INEQUALITIESTwo-Step EquationsEquations with FractionsVariable on Both SidesVariable on Both Sides / FractionsVariable on Both Sides / DistributiveFractional SolutionsBeginning FormulasAdvanced FormulasConsecutive Integer ProblemsGeometry ProblemsInterest ProblemsMixture ProblemsIntroductory Motion ProblemsAdvanced Motion ProblemsBeginning EquationsIntermediate EquationsAdvanced EquationsBeginning Rational EquationsAdvanced Rational EquationsBeginning EquationsAdvanced EquationsSquare Rooting Both SidesBeginning Completing The SquareAdvanced Completing The SquareBeginning Quadratic FormulaAdvanced Quadratic FormulaUsing The Method of Your ChoiceSolving and Graphing InequalitiesCombined InequalitiesAdvanced Inequality ProblemsAbsolute Value EquationsAbsolute Value InequalitiesCHAPTER 3: GRAPHS & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 4: QUADRATIC FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 5: SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
TEAS 1.7
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on theTEAS.******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane******Need more than practice problems to get ready for the TEAS…YourTeacher’s TEAS math test prep course covers the exact mathyou need to know to ace the TEAS. The app features everything youwould get in a traditional math test prep course (i.e. practiceproblems, written materials) but ALSO includes the one-on-oneinstruction you need to truly learn math.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******TEAS Math Test Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s TEAS Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to ace the TEAS.CHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERSPlace ValueRoundingAdditionSubtractionMultiplicationExponentsDivisionOrder of OperationsGrouping SymbolsVariablesAddition PropertiesMultiplication PropertiesCHAPTER 2: FRACTIONSCHAPTER 3: DECIMALSCHAPTER 4: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 5: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 6: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 7: PROBABILITY & STATISTICSCHAPTER 8: SIMPLIFYINGCHAPTER 9: EQUATIONS & INEQUALITIESCHAPTER 10: SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 11: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 12: RADICALS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
GMAT® Math Prep 1.7
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on theGMAT.YourTeacher – GMAT Math Prep Course******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"I'm using YourTeacher as a college grad who is practicing forthe GMAT. I am reviewing all the algebra, etc. that I learned inhigh school but have forgotten since then."Sallie"I am using YourTeacher to study for the GMAT. I really need 1:1instruction and this is a great help."Denine"I'm going to be taking the GMAT and need help stretching backto the basics. It's clear and concise and it really helps.Thanks!"Maura******Need more than practice problems to get ready for the GMAT?YourTeacher’s GMAT Math Prep Course provides everything youwould get in a traditional test prep review book (i.e. writtenpractice problems, reading material, etc.) PLUS the one-on-oneinstruction you need to truly learn the math covered on theGMAT.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******GMAT Math Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s GMAT Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to ace the GMAT.CHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERS & INTEGERSExponentsDivisionOrder of OperationsAddition PropertiesMultiplication PropertiesComparing IntegersAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueCHAPTER 2: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorIntroduction to FractionsEquivalent Fractions (Part I)Lowest TermsEquivalent Fractions (Part II)Improper Fractions and Mixed NumbersComparing Proper FractionsComparing Mixed Numbers and Improper FractionsWord ProblemsAdding and Subtracting Like FractionsAdding and Subtracting Unlike FractionsMultiplying FractionsDividing FractionsCHAPTER 3: DECIMALSConverting Decimals to FractionsConverting Fractions to DecimalsComparing DecimalsAdding DecimalsSubtracting DecimalsMultiplying Decimals by DecimalsDividing Decimals by DecimalsPowers of TenConverting from Scientific to Standard NotationConverting from Standard to Scientific NotationCHAPTER 4: EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONSCombining Like TermsDistributive PropertyDistributive / Like TermsTwo-Step EquationsEquations with FractionsEquations Involving DistributiveVariable on Both SidesVariable on Both Sides / FractionsVariable on Both Sides / DistributiveBeginning FormulasAdvanced FormulasCHAPTER 5: WORD PROBLEMSCHAPTER 6: INEQUALITIES & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 7: LINEAR EQUATIONS & SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 8: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 9: FACTORING & RATIONAL EXPRESSIONSCHAPTER 10: RADICALS & QUADRATICSCHAPTER 11: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 12: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 13: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 14: PROBABILITY & STATISTICS(Wifi or 3G connection required)GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate ManagementAdmission Council®. The Graduate Management Admission Council® doesnot endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or anycontent of this web site.
SAT Math Test Prep Course 1.7
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on theSAT.**“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"I used the program for SAT prep for the math section. I reallyliked the program and I found it really helpful. My math score wentup 130 points! I really liked that I could do lessons on my owntime and at my own pace. While I'm done with the SAT forever(hooray!), I may use YourTeacher again for supplemental math helpthrough out the year. Thank you."Katie**Need more than practice problems to get ready for the SAT?YourTeacher’s SAT Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to know to ace the SAT. Our SAT math prep course includeseverything you would get in a traditional test prep book (i.e.practice problems) PLUS the one-on-one instruction you need totruly learn the math on the SAT.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides handouts or refers you to yourtextbook)******SAT Math Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s SAT Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to ace the SAT.CHAPTER 1: INTEGERSAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueCHAPTER 2: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorIntroduction to FractionsEquivalent Fractions (Part I)Lowest TermsEquivalent Fractions (Part II)Improper Fractions and Mixed NumbersComparing Proper FractionsComparing Mixed Numbers and Improper FractionsLeast Common MultipleAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationAbsolute ValueCHAPTER 3: DECIMALSUnderstanding DecimalsComparing DecimalsRounding DecimalsLong DivisionDividing Decimals by Whole NumbersDividing Decimals by DecimalsPowers of TenConverting from Scientific to Standard NotationConverting from Standard to Scientific NotationCHAPTER 4: EXPRESSIONS AND EQUATIONSCombining Like TermsDistributive PropertyDistributive / Like TermsOne-Step EquationsTwo-Step EquationsEquations with FractionsEquations Involving DistributiveVariable on Both SidesVariable on Both Sides / FractionsVariable on Both Sides / DistributiveEquations with DecimalsEquations with Fractional SolutionsBeginning FormulasAdvanced FormulasCHAPTER 5: WORD PROBLEMSModeling Two-Step EquationsNumber ProblemsConsecutive Integer ProblemsGeometry ProblemsValue ProblemsIntroductory Motion ProblemsAdvanced Motion ProblemsCHAPTER 6: INEQUALITIES, ABSOLUTE VALUE, FUNCTIONS, &GRAPHINGCHAPTER 7: LINEAR EQUATIONSCHAPTER 8: SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 9: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 10: FACTORINGCHAPTER 11: RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONSCHAPTER 12: RADICALS & QUADRATICSCHAPTER 13: PROBABILITY & STATISTICSCHAPTER 14: INTRODUCTION TO GEOMETRYCHAPTER 15: PARALLEL LINES & POLYGONSCHAPTER 16: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 17: RIGHT TRIANGLESCHAPTER 18: CIRCLESCHAPTER 19: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 20: ADVANCED AREA & VOLUME(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Introductory Algebra 1.7
Need more than videos to learnmath?YourTeacher's Introductory Algebra app is like having apersonalmath tutor in your pocket.**“It’s like a private school math classroom, but you are theonlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. Ifeltlike I was in a classroom instead of just lookingatexamples."Diane"I was desperately seeking Algebra help. I am working onanAssociates Degree at a local community college. Pre-AlgebraandIntroductory Algebra were required classes for me. I wascompletelylost because I have absolutely no Algebra background. Iwas reallystruggling in my class. Then I found YourTeacher. Thelessons werea tremendous help. I ended up making an A in the classand passedthe exit test. Thank you for your help."Catherine"I can't thank you enough for your patient, easy way ofteaching.I am taking a college introductory algebra class thissemester andmy math teacher runs through the material so fast it'sbeen veryhard to keep up with her. By listening to you explainwhat she ranthrough during class, I've been able to learn what shewas trying toteach. Thanks again for all your help!"Janice******Need more than videos to learn Introductory Algebra…YourTeacher’s Introductory Algebra app replicates the entiremathclassroom experience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board byexplainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks aroundtheclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problemwhichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problemsforhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youtoyour textbook)******Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s Introductory Algebra app covers an entire yearofIntroductory Algebra.CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAExponentsOrder of OperationsVariablesGraphing and Writing IntegersComparing IntegersOpposites and Absolute ValueAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionWord ProblemsFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationGreatest Common FactorLowest TermsLeast Common MultipleAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionCombining Like TermsDistributive PropertyDistributive / Like TermsCHAPTER 2: LINEAR EQUATIONS & INEQUALITIESCHAPTER 3: GRAPHING EQUATIONSCHAPTER 4: SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSCHAPTER 5: EXPONENTS & POLYNOMIALSCHAPTER 6: FACTORINGCHAPTER 7: RATIONAL EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Everything you get from a traditional testprep book PLUS one-on-one instruction covering all the math on thePRAXIS.YourTeacher – PRAXIS 1 Math Prep Course******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are the onlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. I feltlike I was in a classroom instead of just looking atexamples."Diane"I used your program in preparing for the Math PRAXIS. Nailed itthanks to you guys!"Chris"I used your lessons to help me pass the Math PRAXIS 1. I triedpersonal tutors, books, and studied for months. Finally, I foundyou and I tried it out. For some reason your lessons were taught insuch a format that I could easily understand. I scored a 178!Passing score for Washington State is 176. I am so grateful. I wasgoing to lose my teaching job and the passing math grade was what Ineeded to become residency certified. I now have my certificate andall is well. Thank you for providing me with great, easy to followinstructions with your program. "Andrea"I am using the program to pass the PRAXIS exam. It is exactlywhat I have been looking for. I took all kinds of prepstuff..nothing helped. All the other courses were too advanced anddid not focus on the fundamentals. This is a wonderful tool. I onlywish I had found it months and months ago!"JoEllen"I used YourTeacher to pass math PRAXIS and I ended up doinggreat. Enjoyed the program and learned more than ever I did in highschool."Kristin******Need more than practice problems to get ready for thePRAXIS?YourTeacher’s PRAXIS Math Prep Course provides everything youwould get in a traditional test prep review book (i.e. writtenpractice problems, reading material, etc.) PLUS the one-on-oneinstruction you need to truly learn the math covered on thePRAXIS.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board by explainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks around theclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problem whichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problems forhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youto your textbook)******PRAXIS Math Prep Course - Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s PRAXIS Math Prep Course covers the exact math youneed to ace to pass the PRAXIS.CHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERSAdditionSubtractionEstimating Sums and DifferencesAddition and Subtraction Word ProblemsMultiplicationExponentsDivisionEstimating Products and QuotientsMultiplication and Division Word ProblemsAddition PropertiesMultiplication PropertiesCHAPTER 2: INTEGERSAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsEvaluationCHAPTER 3: FRACTIONSDivisibility RulesFactors and PrimesPrime FactorizationMultiples and Least Common MultiplesGreatest Common FactorIntroduction to FractionsEquivalent Fractions (Part I)Lowest TermsEquivalent Fractions (Part II)Improper Fractions and Mixed NumbersComparing Proper FractionsComparing Mixed Numbers and Improper FractionsWord ProblemsAdding and Subtracting Like FractionsAdding and Subtracting Unlike FractionsAdding Mixed NumbersSubtracting Mixed NumbersMultiplying FractionsMultiplying Mixed NumbersDividing FractionsDividing Mixed NumbersCHAPTER 4: DECIMALSCHAPTER 5: EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS, & INEQUALITIESCHAPTER 6: PATTERNS & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 7: RATIO, PROPORTION, & PERCENTCHAPTER 8: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 9: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 10: PROBABILITY & STATISTICS(Wifi or 3G connection required)