WikiLearn Apps

Health Coach 1.0
Health coaching is a relativelynewoccupational field and one that is growing in popularity. Aspeopleare starting to become more health conscious and/orrequiringhealth interventions, an integrated approach is needed tobestachieve overall health in patients/clients. The health coachrolehas arrived as a long overdue solution.As health care costs continue to surge, more American companiesarebeginning to hire health coaches to establish workplacewellnessprograms for employees. In fact, according to theHuffington Post,51% of all employers with a workforce of fifty ormore employeescreated workplace wellness programs in 2013. Withover 500 vendorsselling these programs, workplace wellness isestimated to be a $6billion industry.Health care professionals that intend to become a healthcoachtypically have either an undergraduate or graduate degreeanapplicable discipline. After earning a degree, aspiringhealthcoaches acquire experience in the field through jobpositions,internships or volunteerism. To establish credibility,many healthcoaches also become certified professionals.
Electrical Engineering 1.0
Learn about the work environment ofanelectrical engineer. Explore educational requirements,skillsnecessary, salary and employment outlook to determine if thisisthe right career choice.Electrical engineers are responsible for implementingelectricalcomponents into any number of devices that useelectricity. Theyhelp to design and manufacture electrical productsof all shapesand sizes, making it a career constantly on thecutting edge. Dueto the job's complexities, electrical engineersfrequently workwith computers; many of these professionals alsowork in teamsettings. While there is overlap with electronicsareas, electricalengineers generally focus on supply and generationof power.If you think about being an electrician, electrical engineerlearnthe principal and basic course and a variety of articlesandinformation.
Diesel Engine 1.0
Do you know how diesel engines work?Diesel's story actually begins with the invention of thegasolineengine. Nikolaus August Otto had invented and patented thegasolineengine by 1876. This invention used the four-strokecombustionprinciple, also known as the Otto Cycle, and it's thebasic premisefor most car engines today. In its early stage, thegasoline enginewasn't very efficient, and other major methods oftransportationsuch as the steam engine fared poorly as well. Onlyabout 10percent of the fuel used in these types of engines actuallymoved avehicle. The rest of the fuel simply produced uselessheat.It’s no secret that the majority of Americans are more accustomedtogasoline engines than diesels. Statistics gathered by R.L.Polkconfirm this, as just 2.8 percent of all registeredpassengervehicles (cars, SUV’s, pickup trucks, and vans) ran onnumber 2diesel fuel in 2013. To be sure, most folks in the U.S.expect tofind spark plugs or coil packs when they pop the hood,notturbochargers and injection pumps (two very key elements onnearlyevery diesel engine you’ll come across, hence thetermturbodiesel).Learn more about diesel engine using this free beginner’s guidetounderstanding diesel engines. Stroke it now !!
Football Tricks 1.0
Learn here your Soccer Tricks and Skills.Thisfootball tricks application is made for everyone who loves toplaysoccer and want to learn tricks! The best tricks, skillsandtutorials are placed here. On a lot of movies you can learnasoccer trick step by step, like a soccer trick tutorial. Alsothereis a collection of a lot of tricks of your favoritestarplayers.Master freestyle football tricks, fantasy football and amazeyourfriends. You can also learn football tricks to increase yourchanceto go to a college football.
Environmental Engineering 1.0
Mining, manufacturing and industry runoursociety - our lives wouldn't be the same without them. Buttheyunfortunately create a lot of pollution and waste.Environmentalengineers are experts who help minimize and managewaste andpollution, protecting the air, water, soil, and ourselvesfromharmful chemicals. They often coordinate these activities,makingsure the companies they work for are in compliance withallenvironmental regulations.Environmental engineering is the branch of engineering thatfocuseson protecting the environment by reducing waste andpollution. Thefield is also dedicated to improving environmentalconditionsthrough remediation. It deals with the design oftechnologies andprocesses that control pollution releases and cleanup existingcontamination.If you are interested by becoming an environmental engineeringgethundreds of free detailed courses.
Diabetic Diet 1.0
Nutrition is very important forhealthespecially when you are diabetic or suffer from othernutritionwellness.These 7-day diabetes meal plans are designed by EatingWellnutritionand culinary experts to offer delicious, nutritionallybalancedmeals for a diabetic diet at five different daily calorielevels:1,200, 1,400, 1,600, 1,800 and 2,000. These diabetic-dietmeal plansavoid refined grains and limit added sugars. Each mealand snack isplanned to help you keep your blood sugar in check.Snacks aregenerally 1 to 2 1/2 carbohydrate servings and meals are2 1/2 to 5carbohydrate servings, depending on the calorielevel.The diabetic diet application also features different ways tomaketasty meals from diabetes foods. You can use the diet asaprediabetes diet plan.
Tsunami 1.0
Tsunamis (pronounced soo-ná-mees), alsoknownas seismic sea waves (mistakenly called “tidal waves”), areaseries of enormous waves created by an underwater disturbancesuchas an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or meteorite.Atsunami can move hundreds of miles per hour in the open oceanandsmash into land with waves as high as 100 feet or more.From the area where the tsunami originates, waves travel outwardinall directions. Once the wave approaches the shore, it buildsinheight. The topography of the coastline and the ocean floorwillinfluence the size of the wave. There may be more than one waveandthe succeeding one may be larger than the one before. That iswhy asmall tsunami at one beach can be a giant wave a fewmilesaway.What is a tsunami?A tsunami is a series of ocean waves with very longwavelengths(typically hundreds of kilometres) caused bylarge-scaledisturbances of the ocean, such as:● earthquakes● landslide● volcanic eruptions● explosions● meteoritesThese disturbances can either be from below (e.g.underwaterearthquakes with large vertical displacements,submarinelandslides) or from above (e.g. meteorite impacts).Tsunami is a Japanese word with the English translation:"harbourwave". In the past, tsunamis have been referred to as"tidal waves"or "seismic sea waves". The term "tidal wave" ismisleading; eventhough a tsunami's impact upon a coastline isdependent upon thetidal level at the time a tsunami strikes,tsunamis are unrelatedto the tides. (Tides result from thegravitational influences ofthe moon, sun, and planets.) The term"seismic sea wave" is alsomisleading. "Seismic" implies anearthquake-related generationmechanism, but a tsunami can also becaused by a non-seismic event,such as a landslide or meteoriteimpact.Learn more about tsunamis.
US News 1.0
Access USA today news in one click and getthelatest headlines and breaking news. We relay the latestusnews.
Science News 1.0
Science news features the latestsciencediscoveries. If you love science get this free scienceapplicationand keep yourself updated. Get the science daily news.Universe,science knowledge, science facts and daily facts. Fillyourcuriosity and use learn new facts.Get science news now
Soccer Tricks 1.0
Cool soccer tricks play a major role insoccer.They add creativeness, style and amusement to the game. Butmoreimportant, they serve a purpose. A player that has masteredsoccertricks is able to get out of a lot more difficult situationthan´normal´ players. Players that use soccer tricks have a muchbetteroverall technique as well.Many players lose the game just because have not learnedenoughskills and fail to receive the ball in the field or even theycan’tpass the ball in a straight line. These are the basic skillsthatevery soccer player must know. You can practice on receivinghighpasses and lower ones through the kick back system. The kickbacksystem is costly and so you can build by yourself for cheap.Thereare some important tricks which would help you to beat therival inthe ground.The best way to learn is through practice and repetition. Whenyouare juggling a ball and performing tricks, focus intently onthesoccer ball. Have your weight on the balls of your feet andbeready to move side to side if necessary.Our free soccer tricks application is designed to help youimproveyour soccer skills and get the best out you trainings.
Self Empowerment 1.0
At a basic level, the term 'empowerment'simplymeans 'becoming powerful'. Building personal empowermentinvolvesreflecting on our personal values, skills and goals andbeingprepared to adjust our behavior in order to achieve ourgoals.Personal empowerment also means being aware that otherpeople havetheir own set of values and goals which may differentto ours.Many other, more detailed, definitions exist. These usuallycenteron the idea that personal empowerment gives an individualtheability to:● Take control of their circumstances and achieve their own goalsintheir personal and working life.● Become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses andthereforebe better equipped to deal with problems and achievegoals.● Enhance the contribution they make both as an individual and asamember of a team.● Take opportunities to enhance personal growth and a senseoffulfilment.Developing personal empowerment usually involves makingsomefundamental changes in life, which is not always an easyprocess.The degree of change required will differ from person toperson,depending on the individual starting point.Get self-empowerment application on your android device andstartlearning about life coaching and how you can empoweryourself.Learn tips that are a secret for many people and makedailyimprovement. Empower yourself to become the best person youcan be.This application will help you with that.
Chocolate Cake 1.0
Moist, delicious chocolate cake foranycelebration. Make the perfect cake with help from recipereviewsand videos.Very detailed directions to help you amaze yourself and yourlovedones with a tasty moist chocolate cake.Chocolate cake, butter cake, coconut cake… It might look easytomake but without the right recipe your chocolate cake will notbeas good as you foresee.Don’t eat chocolate reasonably !
Cholesterol Levels 1.0
It’s often made out to be the bad guyintoday’s medical world. But cholesterol is an important moleculeinthe body. With the right diet and exercise program, you can putthepower of cholesterol to work for you.Your doctor can diagnose high cholesterol with a simple bloodtestcalled a fasting lipid or lipoprotein profile.There are four numbers that you and your doctor should beconcernedabout when determining whether or not you havehighcholesterol.Learn more about triglycerides, cholesterol levels and more.
Sports News 1.0
Get Sports News in your device and enjoythefastest way to access the latest scores, stats, info on yourbestsport. You can read the sports highlight. Our application isnotlike bleacher report. We relate sports news from otherproviders.We do not have our own journalists.
Puppy Training 1.0
Training your dog will be a huge part ofyourinteraction with him for the first few months. Thisincludeshousetraining, leash training, obedience training,socialization,and problem solving. In addition to providing yourdog with neededskills, this time will also be a great opportunityfor you to bondwith him. Take the time to really get to know yourpet whiletraining him and a loving relationship will easilydevelop.Puppies learn very quickly with proper instruction. The firstfewdays at home are extremely important for puppies and theprecedentsyou set now will last a lifetime. All family members mustagreeupon responsibility and rules for the new pup.For successful Dog Training practice the following basictrainingsteps with your Dog every day. Our APP help you understandandbuild a routine to help with your puppy's potty trainingathome.Enjoy puppy training and share it with your friends whohavedogs.
Bodybuilding 1.0
For anyone who is looking to pack onsomeserious mass, one of their top priorities will be to determinewhatthe best training method is. Here are 5 workout set-ups to packonserious muscle. Learn more.Bodybuilding also offers you a sample nutrition programs forvegan.These nutrition programs are for an average 180-pound malelookingto maintain and build muscle, but the themes throughoutareconsistent for any gender, any size; just tailor your ownprogramsto your individual caloric needs.This programs are for even if you don’t use social repose,protein,testosterone, creatine, casein to become. The onlymandatory thingis working hard and repetition.
Soccer Skills 1.0
Are you dreaming of mastering freestylesoccer?If you want to have the same soccer skills as professionalfootballplayers get this free soccer skills application.Here you will find 50 of the most fundamental soccer skillsanddrills for youth and grassroots. Gaining comfort with thesoccerball at a young age is the quickest path to a successfulsoccercareer. Find the advice, tips and drills you need to possessgreattechnical soccer skills.Get our free soccer skills application now and start improvingyourskills.
Work From Home 1.0
Want to be your own boss? Earn thousandsofdollars a month from home? Ads promote many different worksfromhome jobs and businesses, but often the message is the same:theypromise you’ll earn a great living from home, even in yoursparetime.Don’t take their word for it — many of these “jobs” are scams,ordon’t deliver on the claims they make. So do some research,andlearn about common work from home scams.When money’s tight, a work from home opportunity might soundlikejust the thing to make ends meet. Some even promise a refund ifyoudon’t succeed.But the reality is many of these jobs are scams. You end uppayingfor starter kits or certifications that are useless, findyourcredit card is charged without your permission, or get caughtup ina fake check scam.Other work from home offers just doesn’t deliver on theirpromises.The ads don’t tell you that you may have to work a lot ofhourswithout pay, or don’t disclose all the costs up-front. Youmightspend money based on promises you’ll quickly earn it back —but youdon’t. People tricked by work from home ads have lostthousands ofdollars, not to mention their time and energy.
Breaking News 1.0
Get the latest news fast using yourmobilephone. Education, politics, opinion, weather, latest news,newvideo and other headlines. App news will keep you updatedbygetting you the latest breaking news. To get the latest newsandbreaking news headlines please make sure your mobile phoneisconnected to internet.All the news you will find in this press application areonlyrelated from other sources. We are not responsible foranyheadlines or breaking news.
Leadership Styles 1.0
Do you know what your leadership style is?Trythis quiz to get to know your leadership style.Defining leadership styles are like a lot of other things,whereit's pretty common to hear people say there are as manydifferentas there are people. It’s a cliche we all love.Well, the truth is, leadership is the same way. Everyone isunique,and there is no universal set of standards foreveryone.What we do have is a gradient scale that identifies how peoplereactto different leadership roles. People have different skillsandtools, and depending on which is their specialty, thatdetermineswhat type of leadership style they naturally fallinto.This leadership style application features the leadership stylequizand full description of the different styles.
Crossfit Workouts 1.0
CrossFit is big business these days, butyoudon’t have to have to be a constant presence at the box to reapthefitness benefits. Walking lunges, deadlifts, and burpees canbeused in any workout routine — not just CrossFit. Thesefourexercises force you to combine strength work, cardio,andendurance. We guarantee you’ll get a good workout!crossfit workouts will help you get fit. crossfit workouts freetobuild muscles and lose belly fat.
Learn Box 1.0
Boxing gyms have a reputation ofbeingintimidating, plus starting anything new can seem hard andyoumight not know where to start, or where to go. Usingonlineresources is a great way to start learning about boxinganddifferent techniques. Learning boxing online makes it easier togetstarted and learn the basics, before moving onto the moretechnicalaspects of boxing. Watching boxing videos is a great wayto findout about the boxing stance, parrying, and throwing punches,aswell as giving you an idea of the level of fitness you wanttoachieve.Having just that little bit of information can boost yourconfidencegreatly, and help you to learn what kinds of punches youneed toemploy, and when you need to throw them. In addition, justknowingthe names of certain moves is a great help as you start tolearnyour boxing skills. The more you watch, read and train, themore youwill understand and enjoy each boxing video.The joy ofsuch onlineresources is that they are available whenever you havethe time tolook at them, daytimes, weekends, evenings, up to 24hours a day ifyou so desire! You can stop and start each session,dip in and outand work to your max, or just enjoy theentertainment value whilstmaking a mental note of the skills youare watching. As well asbeing interesting to watch, online videosoften include referencesto further information sources, such aswith our Sneakpunch videoswhere we often include references tosections of our website, whereyou can read or watch more about theskills being shown.If you like martial arts like box, jiu jitsu, taekwondo,karate,self defense check out our other applications.
Box 1.0
Learn Boxing OnlineIs it really possible to learn boxing online? Yes,absolutely.Boxing gyms have a reputation of being intimidating, plusstartinganything new can seem hard and you might not know where tostart,or where to go. Using online resources is a great way tostartlearning about boxing and different techniques. Learningboxingonline makes it easier to get started and learn the basics,beforemoving onto the more technical aspects of boxing. Watchingboxingvideos is a great way to find out about the boxingstance,parrying, and throwing punches, as well as giving you anidea ofthe level of fitness you want to achieve.Learn boxing today and use it for self defense.
Keto Diet 1.0
A keto, or ketogenic, diet is a strictlow-carbhigh-fat way of eating with a protein restriction. Usuallyit meanseating about 60-80% fat, 10-30% protein and under 10%carbohydrates.Many people like to add intermittent fasting formaximumeffectiveness.The goal of a keto diet could be weight loss, health benefits oritcould be increased mental and physical performance.In this application you’ll find a wide range of delicious recipestohelp you get started on a keto lifestyle or to give younewinspiration if you’re already doing it.Below you’ll find a wide range of delicious recipes to help yougetstarted on a keto lifestyle or to give you new inspirationifyou’re already doing it.If you want to start ketosis start making your ketogenicdietplan.
Boxing Workout 1.0
Boxing workout is very special anddifferentfrom other workouts. You need to work your speed, strengthandboxing technique.In the real world, boxers are some of the world's leanest,mostwell-trained athletes. Champs such as Vladimir Klitschko,ShaneMosley and Mike Tyson were all human wrecking balls in theirprimeand had the builds to show for it.Boxing workout includes abs workout, fitness, stance exerciseandmore…Get boxing workout for free and start training at home or atthegym. Once you start mastering the techniques and becoming arealboxer find a partner to box with.Notice: Boxing a very dangerous sport, learn boxing forself-defenseonly.
Personality Development 1.0
Though everyone is born unique, we allpossesscertain traits that set us apart from the rest. These traitsdefinewho we are and how we respond to situations. Often, we endupclinging onto the ones that do more harm than good and endupundervaluing ourselves. The fact however remains that we areallunique in our own ways and only need to ignite that dormantpassionand give a boost to our persona. This is wherepersonalitydevelopment comes in.Personality development is nothing but the act of moving fromaninert and disinterested state of existence to a zealous,motivatedand joyous living one. It’s is the act of celebratingyouruniqueness without hesitations and boundaries, but only withmoreenthusiasm and liveliness.There are people who constantly grow, develop and learn newthings.People who are sure that knowledge, skills and newexperiencesenrich their lives and make them better. People, whohave goals anddo things in order to reach them.There are also others…Learn how personality development will change your mind andchangeyour lifestyle. Find out what are the best tips and steps tobe abetter person on work on your personality development.
Tongue Twisters for Kids 1.0
A tongue-twister is a phrase that isdesignedto be difficult to articulate properly.Do you like practising your English pronunciation? Have funsayingtongue twisters in English. Saying tongue twisters can bedifficultat first, so don't worry if you can't do it very well tobeginwith. Just keep practising and have fun!22 Funny Tongue Twisters for Kids (And Why Tongue TwistersAreTerrific for Language Development)The most valuable gift is the ability to speak beautifully.Ifpractice tongue twisters, then it becomes smooth and clear.Thedevelopment of speech can help you. tongue twisters is a goodwayto develop in the oratory.
Computer Hardware 1.0
Building a computer from scratch gives youtheperfect machine for your needs, but it can be daunting thefirsttime around. In this edition of Lifehacker Night School, we’llbetaking you through the buying, building, and installationprocessstep-by-step. Today, we’re going to start with a littlecomputerhardware basics.Find computer hardwares you browse by finding the device bythebeginning letters of the hardware device you are looking for,orscroll down to see complete listing.While you could just go to the store and buy a Dell, you mightfindthat you’re happier with a custom-built machine. Building a PCfromthe ground up means it’s perfectly crafted to fit yourneeds,whether you’re a hardcore gamer, video editor extraordinaire,oryou’re just trying to build a low- or high-powered home theaterPC.In some instances, you may save some money, but in allinstancesyou’ll have accomplished a project that you’ll benefitfrom foryears—a pretty great feeling in and of itself. That said,buildingis much more time consuming than buying, and your firsttimethrough, it can be daunting. This week’s Night School serieswillwalk you through building your first (or second, or third)computerfrom start to finish.
Dog training 1.0
Crate Training, House Training, LeashTraining,Obedience Training, Overcoming Thunder Phobias, AdvancedTraining,Training Tips. For successful Dog Training practice thefollowingbasic training steps with your Dog every day (Whistle,trainer andother techniques).This puppy training is totally free.
How to Draw a Car 1.0
Have you always wanted to draw good cars,butthey always end up badly? If so, try this step by step articleandyou will be drawing cars like a pro.Sports cars usually have an attractive sleek design withsuperdynamic engineering. In this lesson we will learn the stepstodrawing a sports car Lamborghini Aventador.The sports car's body. First, you need to draw the outline ofthesports car. To do this, draw a short line, which will serve astheboundary of the bumper. Put two small vertical bars at the endofthe line. Then from the upper ends of these lines draw twoslantedlines to the right. Try to recreate the slope from thedrawinghere. Connect the ends of these lines by another horizontalline.Add another one for glass right below this line. Then drawthetouchline, with squares for wheels. Connect the roof to the sideofthe vehicle. Add the following line to the side window.Learn more tips, advices, steps to draw a car like a pro.
Artist 1.0
Developing into a professional artisttakestalent, discipline, effort, and willingness tosacrifice. You will need to develop skills and disciplineindrawing, conceptualizing, anddirect observation.Learn about artist statement guidelines and findsubmissionpolicies, examples of artiststatements, and writing tips.Learn how you can become a professional artist and make moneyusingyour pen andpaper.