Webartisans Apps

GeenStijl Reader 0.5
Geenstijl Reader is een native android app dieis gebouwd naar eigen initiatief. De officiële Geenstijl app isslechts een wrapper om de mobiele website, daarom bied Webartisansdeze gebruiksvriendelijke app aan.Features:● Geïnspireerd door Google Now● Volgt Android-richtlijnen● Inloggen● Reaguursels bekijken● Reaguursels +1/-1en● Reaguursels plaatsen● Opent GeenStijl artikel links● Transparent navigatie/statusbar op Android KitKat● Android 2.3.3 supported. (ondanks gebruik van de nieuwste androidfeatures)● Pull to refresh● GeenStijl.TV supportLinksProject pagina: (pull requests welkom!)https://github.com/jariz/GeenStijl/GeenStijl:http://www.geenstijl.nl/DisclaimerDeze app is niet verbonden met GeenStijl/TMG.Klachten over de app kunnen worden verstuurd naar [email protected], en dus nietnaar GeenStijl/TMG.LicentieApache2 licenseGebruikte projecten● Actionbar Pull-to-Refreshhttps://github.com/chrisbanes/ActionBar-PullToRefreshApache2 license● Actionbarsherlockhttps://github.com/JakeWharton/ActionBarSherlockApache2 license● RobotoTextViewhttps://github.com/johnkil/Android-RobotoTextViewApache license● JSouphttp://jsoup.orgMIT License● SystemBarTinthttps://github.com/jgilfelt/SystemBarTintApache license● Croutonhttps://github.com/keyboardsurfer/CroutonApache licenseMade with <3 for GeenStijl & Android
OpenWiFi - Open AP Connector 1.0
Don't have a data connection or on vacationand tired of looking for open networks manually?OpenWiFi automatically connects to every open network it can find,then tests the connection and once it has a working internetconnection, will notify you!OpenWiFi continues searching even when your screen is turned off.** OpenWiFi is the must have app for when you're on vacation ordon't have a data connection on your phone ***OpenWiFi is a beautiful, free and opensource open WiFi networkscanner.It was build with design and functionality in mind, and makeslooking for open networks fun.Features● Scans for networks when turned onInterval can be changed, the higher the number, the faster OpenWiFidetects networks.● Automatically connects to networks● Tests internet connectionThis makes sure you have a working internet connection, and avoids'portals' - the login pages a lot of hotspots have.● Notifies you when OpenWiFi has found a working network.You can change whether OpenWiFi should use sounds/vibrations whenit does.● Continues to work even if screen is off● Use notification light to see OpenWiFi's statusWhen the screen is off, you can still see what OpenWiFi is doing,simply look at the notification light of your phone, the colors arethe same as the circular progressbar.● 4 different themesOpenWiFi includes 4 different themes:Dark, Transparent (your wallpaper), Light, Light w/dark barWARNINGKeep in mind that connecting to open networks is unsafe, they areknown for 'man in the middle' attacks, which means that the personhosting the access point will listen in on your connections andextract login data and other personal information from them.However this does not happen very often, I still recommend you tonot use it to log in on websites and services.SourceOpenWiFi is completely open source and licensed under the Apache2license.The source can be found on github:http://github.com/jariz/OpenWiFiResourcesHolo Circular Progressbar-libraryApache2http://github.com/passsy/android-HoloCircularProgressBar